2 research outputs found
The inherent safety of cadmium pigments
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Some Hazards in the Manufacture and Use of Plastics
- Author
- b
- Barnes J.M.
- Bing J.
- Bingold A.C.
- Bingold A.C.
- Brieger H.
- Burrows H.
- Butterworth London
- Cagianut B.
- Carpenter C.P.
- Clinton M.
- Coppock J.B.M.
- Council Medical Research
- D. K. Harris
- Deichmann W.
- Dodds E.C.
- Dudley H.C.
- Dudley H.C.
- Eastcott H.H.G.
- Evans S.
- Fairhall L.T.
- Gabby J.L.
- Goss A.E.
- Grau H.R.
- Harris D.K.
- Harris D.K.
- Harris R.S.
- Harvey W.P.
- Hine C.H.
- Hough G.V.
- Hufnagel C.A.
- Hunter D.
- Hyg
- industr
- industr
- Ingraham F.D.
- Johnstone R.T.
- Judet J.
- Knap J.E.
- Lehman A.J.
- Lehman A.J.
- LeVeen H.H.
- Lloyd N.
- Mallette F.S.
- Manufacturing Chemists Association Inc
- Moloney G.E.
- Newman P.H.
- Oettel H.
- of Agriculture Ministry
- Parmeggiani L.
- Potter A.
- Pridie K.H.
- Pridie K.H.
- Scales J.T.
- Scales J.T.
- Scales J.T.
- Scales J.T.
- Schwartz L.
- Seddon H.J.
- Sherwood R.J.
- Smith C.C.
- Smith S.
- Spencer H.C.
- Stoner H.B.
- Susser M.
- Tulipan L.
- Wilson R.H.
- Wilson R.H.
- Zapp J.A.
- Publication venue
- 'BMJ'
- Publication date
- Field of study