32 research outputs found

    La storia antica e la cultura classica

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    Cet essai se présente comme une réflexion sur le déroulement des études d’histoire ancienne en Italie, en prêtant une attention particulière à la situation politique et culturelle de l’Italie et de l’Europe. On prend surtout en considération la contribution importante de personnalités marquantes de l’historiographie italienne du xxe siècle, comme Gaetano De Sanctis, Plinio Fraccaro, Arnaldo Momigliano et Santo Mazzarino, ainsi que leurs écoles, en rapport avec les perspectives de recherche actuelles.This essay is meant as a reflection on the enfolding of studies in the history of Antiquity in Italy, focussing in particular on the political and cultural situation of Italy and Europe. Are chiefly taken into consideration the important contribution of such outstanding personalities of Italian historiography as Gaetano De Sanctis, Plinio Fraccaro, Arnaldo Momigliano and Santo Mazzarino, together with their schools in connection with the present perspectives of research.Il saggio vuole essere una riflessione sullo svolgimento degli studi di storia antica in Italia, con un’attenzione particolare alla situazione politico-culturale italiana ed europea. E’ considerato soprattutto il contributo di personalità rivelanti della storiografia italiana del xx secolo quali Gaetano De Sanctis, Plinio Fraccaro, Arnaldo Momigliano e Santo Mazzarino e quello delle rispettive scuole anche in riferimento alle prospettive attuali

    El pro y el contra en la cuestión de la pena de muerte : consideraciones críticas

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Cultura. Dirección General del Libro, Archivos y Bibliotecas, 2010Datos del editor: Posible editor Carlos Bailly-Ballièr

    Reliability assessment of ultrasound muscle echogenicity in patients with rheumatic diseases: Results of a multicenter international web-based study

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    ObjectivesTo investigate the inter/intra-reliability of ultrasound (US) muscle echogenicity in patients with rheumatic diseases.MethodsForty-two rheumatologists and 2 radiologists from 13 countries were asked to assess US muscle echogenicity of quadriceps muscle in 80 static images and 20 clips from 64 patients with different rheumatic diseases and 8 healthy subjects. Two visual scales were evaluated, a visual semi-quantitative scale (0–3) and a continuous quantitative measurement (“VAS echogenicity,” 0–100). The same assessment was repeated to calculate intra-observer reliability. US muscle echogenicity was also calculated by an independent research assistant using a software for the analysis of scientific images (ImageJ). Inter and intra reliabilities were assessed by means of prevalence-adjusted bias-adjusted Kappa (PABAK), intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and correlations through Kendall’s Tau and Pearson’s Rho coefficients.ResultsThe semi-quantitative scale showed a moderate inter-reliability [PABAK = 0.58 (0.57–0.59)] and a substantial intra-reliability [PABAK = 0.71 (0.68–0.73)]. The lowest inter and intra-reliability results were obtained for the intermediate grades (i.e., grade 1 and 2) of the semi-quantitative scale. “VAS echogenicity” showed a high reliability both in the inter-observer [ICC = 0.80 (0.75–0.85)] and intra-observer [ICC = 0.88 (0.88–0.89)] evaluations. A substantial association was found between the participants assessment of the semi-quantitative scale and “VAS echogenicity” [ICC = 0.52 (0.50–0.54)]. The correlation between these two visual scales and ImageJ analysis was high (tau = 0.76 and rho = 0.89, respectively).ConclusionThe results of this large, multicenter study highlighted the overall good inter and intra-reliability of the US assessment of muscle echogenicity in patients with different rheumatic diseases

    La Chute de la République romaine (Colloque de Dijon)

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    Gabba Emilio. La Chute de la République romaine (Colloque de Dijon). In: Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé, n°2, juin 1990. pp. 145-148

    Claude Nicolet, Rome et la conquête du monde méditerranéen, I : Les structures de l'Italie romaine

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    Gabba Emilio. Claude Nicolet, Rome et la conquête du monde méditerranéen, I : Les structures de l'Italie romaine. In: Annales. Économies, Sociétés, Civilisations. 35ᵉ année, N. 5, 1980. pp. 943-948

    Relazione conclusiva

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    Gabba Emilio. Relazione conclusiva. In: Le Ravitaillement en blé de Rome et des centres urbains des débuts de la République jusqu'au Haut-Empire. Actes du colloque international de Naples, 14-16 Février 1991. Rome : École Française de Rome, 1994. pp. 329-335. (Publications de l'École française de Rome, 196

    Considerazioni sulla decadenza della piccola proprietà contadina nell’Italia centro-meridionale del II sec. A.C

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    Gabba Emilio. Considerazioni sulla decadenza della piccola proprietà contadina nell’Italia centro-meridionale del II sec. A.C. In: Ktèma : civilisations de l'Orient, de la Grèce et de Rome antiques, N°2, 1977. pp. 269-284

    L'arruolamento degli schiavi dopo Canne (216 A.C.)

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    The purchase and the enrouement of slaves after the defeat of Cannae are remembered with some embarrassement by the ancient sources, maybe because of the memory of similar cases during the civil wars.L'épisode de l'achat et de la levée des esclaves après la défaite de Cannes est rappelé avec embarras par les sources anciennes, peut-être en raison du dramatique souvenir des guerres civiles.Gabba Emilio. L'arruolamento degli schiavi dopo Canne (216 A.C.). In: Revue des Études Anciennes. Tome 100, 1998, n°3-4. Centenaire de la revue. pp. 477-479

    Claude Nicolet, Rome et la conquête du monde méditerranéen, I : Les structures de l'Italie romaine

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    Gabba Emilio. Claude Nicolet, Rome et la conquête du monde méditerranéen, I : Les structures de l'Italie romaine. In: Annales. Économies, Sociétés, Civilisations. 35ᵉ année, N. 5, 1980. pp. 943-948

    Aspetti economici e monetari del soldo militare dal II sec. a.C. al II sec. d.C

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    Gabba Emilio. Aspetti economici e monetari del soldo militare dal II sec. a.C. al II sec. d.C. In: Les « dévaluations » à Rome. Epoque républicaine et impériale. Volume 1. Actes du Colloque de Rome (13-15 novembre 1975) Rome : École Française de Rome, 1978. pp. 217-225. (Publications de l'École française de Rome, 37-1