17 research outputs found

    Mogućnosti poboljšanja suradnje između dizajnera i stručnjaka za marketing u modnim poduzećima

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    Nesporazumi između dizajnera i stručnjaka za marketing u modnim poduzećima nastaju velikim dijelom iz razloga, što se vrijednosti dizajna nalaze u suprotnosti s vrijednostima marketinga. Te vrijednosti se temelje na postavkama kao što su: ciljano tržište, potrebe kupaca, integrirani marketing i profitabilnost. S druge strane, neke od tradicionalnih vrijednosti koje odlikuju dizajnere su: stvaralačka sloboda, mašta, volja da se uđe u rizik, inovativnost, itd. Smanjenju nesporazuma doprinosi, između ostalog, i bolje razumijevanje koncepta modnog marketinga koji se temelji na podjednakom uvažavanju dizajna, kupaca i profita modnih poduzeća za merketing. To su potvrdila i istraživanja provedena u Srbiji

    The Sports Offer - The Core Part of the Sport Organization's Marketing Program

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    The sports offer (product), as a central part of the sports organizations, i.e. clubs or athletes - individuals, as a marketing program, can be considered through five of its levels, depending on the hierarchy of value for interested parties (visitors, media, advertisers, sponsors, sports agents, and the like.). These five levels are: sport experience, sport events, sports scores, the image of sports organizations and sport individuals (sportsman) and sports brand. The sports offer must be of high quality in order to attract interested parties, and increasing the popularity of the sports offer is done through numerous marketing activities

    Marketing research for organizers of sports events

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    Marketing research, which provide the data and the information for the decision making process, are essential for organizers of sport events, especially to the organizers of the most significant ones. The mentioned marketing research involves: research of the local market, visitors satisfaction research, evaluation of sponsorship effectiveness, research of the sport events economic influence on the local community or host cities, event host attitudes examination-local population and so on. The marketing research process, for the sport event organizers of needs, involves several steps, such as: goal definition, choice of the research method, research instruments determination, interviewer education, information gathering, data processing, data report, conclusions

    Category management: Basic features and management challenges

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    Starting with evolution in sales management paper discuss the basic features and challenges of the well-known practice called category management. This term as well as business practice are incorporated in many companies as a well industries so sounds as a solid solution in many cases - but not only in FMCG sector only

    Personal sale process

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    Experience from prior successful sale of many companies from different business activities, tells us that it is necessary to create approach system, flexible to different buyers and environment. The base of this system is a belief that salesmen can stimulate big buyers to make buying decisions, if the selling process is done well. Emphasis is made on practical selling techniques which are used in the whole selling process

    Sport event marketing plan

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    A marketing plan details how an event organization will compete in the marketplace in terms of its service offerings, promotions and evaluation. During the first stage of the marketing plan process, a number of its consumers (current, former and prospective) and competitors. Marketing objectives are developed and implemented using an action plan. The marketing plan objectives are evaluated using an objective-discrepancy approach to determine the extent to which they were attained

    Management and ethical responsibility

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    Most authors believe that ethics is set of moral principles and values which leads a person or a group toward what is good or bad. Ethics sets the standards about what is good, and what is bad in behaving and decision making. Principles are the rules or the laws that create ethical codex

    Sport's offer as an instrument of sports marketing mix

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    Taking logical postulate that a product is all what can be offered on the market in order to satisfy needs, demands or wants of customer, regarding the core of sport's offer (product), marketing experts must give answers to three key questions: What can sports companies, teams or individuals offer to consumer? What needs can sports companies, teams or individuals satisfy? What instruments (techniques) and methods should use marketing experts in sports organizations in order to satisfy identified customer needs?

    Management and ethical responsibility

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    Most authors believe that ethics is set of moral principles and values which leads a person or a group toward what is good or bad. Ethics sets the standards about what is good, and what is bad in behaving and decision making. Principles are the rules or the laws that create ethical codex

    Integrated marketing communications in sport organizations

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    Integrated marketing communications represent the unification of organization's marketing and communication activities. Sports organizations have the emphasized need for effective communication with their environment (the public, the media, advertisers, sponsors, and other subjects interested in their offer). Elements of the integrated marketing communications are: advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, publicity, public relations, direct marketing, Internet communications etc. Each of these elements has some specifics which marketing specialists in sports organizations need to understand