21 research outputs found

    Comparative review of the risk assessment quantitative models for public open spaces lighting design optimisation

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    The key focus in the paper is on the presentation of the risk assessment model in the optimisation design process by establishing the link between the various phases that result in the successful project implementation. Through the comparative analysis of the quantitative risk assessment models a number of impacts on the design process are shown which occur in different project phases. This approach has proved the RAKA model (Risk Analysis by Key-factors Assessment) to be the most adequate mathematical model for the assessment of the risks on the project goals in the optimisation process of the development of the products for the accomplishing lighting of the open public spaces. The particularities of the model are best described by the predetermined criteria which contribute to the optimisation of the design process through the quantitative analysis of the project risks, according to the predetermined project goals sets. The influence of the risks on the project goals are shown by mathematical formulas in which the criteria of the design team are taken into account, leading to the efficiency improvement and enhancement in the implementation phases of the project

    Preview and analysis of significant elemental classification in global practice

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    For many years, in global practice, there are standards and procedures in design documentation, based on building elements, concerning their place and function on the object. Many countries have been developing the classification based on the elements of the building for several decades. This paper presents the most important classifications based on systems and elements in economically highly developed countries. Analyzing their advantages and disadvantages, the aim is to accept experiences and informations of relevant systems, as preparation for forming a classification applicable in domestic practice

    Economic Evaluation of the Energy Efficiency Improvement Projects

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    The process of adaptation of the buildings in architectural projects is codified by a set of energy efficiency regulations that are mandatory and which affect designers. To fulfil these requirements certain investments are necessary, which influence the economic performance of the project in construction phase, as well as in the long run over the building’s exploitation period. Therefore, an analysis of the economic effectiveness of the project is needed, which would also take into consideration the operation phase of the project, to include the whole life cycle. The methodology of the life cycle costs and savings analysis is presented in the following sections, which would be adjusted to the specific preconditions of the energy efficiency improvement projects, availability and possibility to gather relevant input data, as well as the perspective and understanding of architects as prospective analysis practitioners. The format of the proposed study is created to comprise several steps or phases, and their contents would be further elaborated. The methods that are applied include analytical procedure, comparisons, deduction and elaboration of the existing tools, and techniques and methods in the field of economic analyses in architecture and building construction. The resulting procedure allows for practical and theoretical implementation in actual projects. It is simple and straightforward to conduct, easy to understand, and open for expansion

    Principless of project management as a framework for design and construction process

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    Rad daje prikaz terminologije i integrisanih procesa planiranja i razvoja u cilju usklađivanja očekivanja investitora sa obimom projekta, budžetom i dinamikom realizacije. Takođe, daje određene smernice za upravljanje timom tokom faza planiranja, projektovanja, izgradnje i korišćenja objekta.Paper provides a view on terminology and integrated planning and development processes to establish an investor's expectations for project scope, budget and schedule. It also provides some guidance on managing the team during the planning, design, construction, and occupancy phases of a building

    Possibilities for the Improvement of the Access to MEP Systems in Apartment Buildings

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    This paper offers the possibilities for providing easier access to MEP systems in multi-storey apartment buildings from mass post-war developments, common for ex socialist countries. Insufficiently defined ownership relations and legal regulations in this area are the cause for inadequate access to and maintenance of MEP systems. The aim of the research was to indicate the need for establishing new technical and technological conditions and laws on building and maintenance of MEP in mixed ownership apartment buildings both in new market and in social conditions. The research included the analysis of buildings belonging to typical apartment blocks. Measures and recommendations for the improvement in the design stage as well as interventions in existing buildings and regulations are presented as the research outcome

    Preservation of the Ambience Values through Lighting: A Case Study of the Pedestrian Skadarlija Street in Belgrade

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    The phenomenon of lighting is one of the major elements which can promote sustainability of the urban ambience entities and the preservation of social, architectural and urban values. Its significance can be seen both in the functional qualities of safety and amenity for users, and the preservation of the mode in which the users experience the space. Public urban spaces are the core elements of the urban tissue and hence represent the places of interactions which envoy the zeitgeist to the space. The Skadarlija street is an authentic ambience in which a particular public life of Belgrade is featured. Therefore, it was officially acknowledged as the spatial cultural historical entity of the old town's centre. The primary goal of this paper is to provide an insight into the process of the creation of the space perception patterns in relation to the applied lighting model which has transformed over time. Various approaches to the lighting of this street are presented, starting with the traditional lanterns all the way to the advanced lighting sources which embody innovation and the contemporary methods in this field. Different concepts of lighting which were in the history used in Skadarlija street are analyzed and the conclusions are reached concerning the influence of lighting on the preservation of the ambience values and the patterns in which the notion of space and its atmosphere are created

    CAD Structural Optimization of Large Cantilever Girders on Cranes

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    The paper deals with the structural optimization of the cantilever girder. Standard CAD optimization tool is used for the model of the main girder on a large jib crane. The objective function is the minimum weight of the girder subjected to the given payload, while constraint functions are postulated according to the usual structural rules and regulations. The illustrative example shows an easy way of optimization which can be used in everyday CAD designing practice. It gives practical recommendations in the selection of variable parameters. The obtained results indicate that the algorithm is time-saving when compared to the analytical approach, especially when variability of the section needs to be included in the design

    Kinematics of the Truck Mounted Hydraulic Cranes

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    Truck mounted hydraulic cranes are widely used in the timber and in the waste disposal industry. They have a specific design, where dead weight, size in the folded position and the position of the gripper in the folded position are of particularly importance. Functionality of the crane is therefore expressed with load handling capabilities and also with the functionality during road transportation of the payload, when the crane is in the folded position on the truck. For handling of heavier loads, nowadays mainly two types of cranes are used - the K cranes and the Z cranes. The main advantage of the K cranes is higher load capacity in comparison with the Z cranes when cranes of approximately the same weight are compared. On the other hand the main advantage of the Z cranes is their capability of folding in position, transvers to truck length. In the paper the kinematics of the mechanisms of the characteristic size K and Z cranes are analysed and mutually compared. The main accent is on the discussion about their load capacity

    Contemporary lighting solutions in the historic urban landscape: Project-oriented approach

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    Integration of sustainable project management into small business practices is seldom examined in architectural lighting design. One of the major elements of the sustainability of urban ambience entities and preservation of social, architectural and urban values is lighting phenomenon. Its significance is reflected in the aesthetic, as well as the functional qualities of safety and amenity for users. Usually, keeping the traditional types of luminaries (i.e. lanterns) in order to preserve ambience values lies in contradiction with the contemporary requirements, mostly because of the obsolete structural support which normally yields the application of the obsolete lighting technology. On the other hand, the introduction of contemporary luminaries in the urban areas of cultural and historical significance is often undesirable. Thus, the issue of sustainability of the historical urban ambiance entities in the context of the application of the contemporary lighting technical solutions is presented in this paper from the point of view of a project-oriented small organization, which holds in core business the philosophy of the confirmation of the existing lighting fittings to the users' space. This paper proposes and confirms business model which assures preservation of architectural ambient, with added value of the energy efficiency, functionality, life cycle savings, safety and amenity for the users, through the case study of Park vojvode Bojovica in Belgrade, Serbia by experimental collecting of model inputs, whereas the obtained results are verified by means of numeric simulation. Results of this case study make contributions to the domain of management of sustainable projects in area of architectural lighting design while exploring broader social context

    Colletotrichum orbiculare on watermelon - identification and in vitro inhibition by antagonistic fungi

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    Anthracnose caused by the fungus Colletotrichum orbiculare is one of the most significant diseases of Cucurbitaceae. In Serbia watermelon fruits with typical anthracnose lesions were collected during the year of 2015. Affected fruits showed sunken, dark brown to black lesions with orange conidial masses produced in black acervuli. In an attempt to identify the causal organism, small pieces of necrotic tissue were surface sterilized and placed on potato dextrose agar (PDA). Macroscopic and microscopic morphologicaly characteristics of three isolates were observed after growth on PDA for 7 days at 25 ºC under a 12 h light/dark cycle. Fungal colonies developed white, grey to black dense aerial mycelium. Conidia were hyaline, aseptate, straight and cylindrical to clavate, 9–12.5 μm × 4–5.5 μm. Fungal isolates were also characterized by sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rDNA region using ITS1F/ITS4 primers and β-tubuline 2 gene using T1/Bt2b primers. The nucleotide sequences were deposited in GenBank (ITS Acc. No. KT454386, KT454387 and KT454388; β-tubuline 2 gene Acc. No. KT581236, KT581237 and KT581238). BLAST analysis of ITS and β-tubuline 2 gene sequences showed that our isolates were 100% identical to other C. orbiculare in NCBI GenBank. Pathogenicity test was conducted on symptomless, detached watermelon fruits. All tested isolates caused anthracnose lesions on watermelon fruits after 10 days of incubation. Trichoderma harzianum (DSM 63059) and Gliocladium roseum (DSM 62726) were evaluated in vitro for their antagonistic potential against C. orbiculare. The results of this study identify T. harzianum and G. roseum as promising biological control agents (BCAs) for further testing against anthracnose disease on watermelon fruits