6 research outputs found

    Can we use young people’s knowledge to develop teachers and HIV-related education?

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    Despite recent progress in meeting the goals of the Education for All agenda, certain groups of young people are particularly vulnerable to exclusion and underachievement, including children with HIV/AIDS, children living in poverty, and children with disabilities. HIV/AIDS has reduced many young people’s rights to access education, to live a full and healthy life, and to have a life as a child. This article focuses on attempts to continue to empower young people to protect themselves from HIV by exploring the dynamics around HIV-related education in schools, in particular by examining the role that young people’s knowledge can play in improving curricula and thus reducing HIV/AIDS rates. The authors draw on qualitative research in a total of eight schools in Kenya, Tanzania, and South Africa. Preliminary findings suggest that pupil consultation and dialogue can be used to inform thinking on the curriculum for HIV education

    Trail and teritorial communication in social insects

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    The social properties of insect colonies are sometimes described in seemingly contradictory terms. As pinnacles of biological complexity they are superorganisms and their emergent, colony-level characteristics are often referred to in terms of their elaborate and sophisticated nature. Yet the mechanisms that mediate social interactions and group phenomena, after empirical or theoretical analysis, are simple and parsimonious. This complexity-mediated-by-simplicity paradigm provides a heuristic approach to the analysis of the basic behavioral characteristics of the individual members of an insect society and the regulatory mechanisms of cooperative response, which are the fundamental elements from which colony level behavior is derived. Inevitably, the dissection and reconstruction of insect social organization involves semiochemicals, because the principal sensory modality of integration, social coordination, and assembly of colony-level patternsis olfaction