306 research outputs found

    GLSMs for non-Kahler Geometries

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    We identify a simple mechanism by which H-flux satisfying the modified Bianchi identity arises in garden-variety (0,2) gauged linear sigma models. Taking suitable limits leads to effective gauged linear sigma models with Green-Schwarz anomaly cancellation. We test the quantum-consistency of a class of such effective theories by constructing an off-shell superconformal algebra, providing evidence that these models run to good CFTs in the deep IR.Comment: 37 pages, Minor updates for v

    Maintaining real-time precise point positioning during outages of orbit and clock corrections

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    The precise point positioning (PPP) is a popular positioning technique that is dependent on the use of precise orbits and clock corrections. One serious problem for real-time PPP applications such as natural hazard early warning systems and hydrographic surveying is when a sudden communication break takes place resulting in a discontinuity in receiving these orbit and clock corrections for a period that may extend from a few minutes to hours. A method is presented to maintain real-time PPP with 3D accuracy less than a decimeter when such a break takes place. We focus on the open-access International GNSS Service (IGS) real-time service (RTS) products and propose predicting the precise orbit and clock corrections as time series. For a short corrections outage of a few minutes, we predict the IGS-RTS orbits using a high-order polynomial, and for longer outages up to 3 h, the most recent IGS ultra-rapid orbits are used. The IGS-RTS clock corrections are predicted using a second-order polynomial and sinusoidal terms. The model parameters are estimated sequentially using a sliding time window such that they are available when needed. The prediction model of the clock correction is built based on the analysis of their properties, including their temporal behavior and stability. Evaluation of the proposed method in static and kinematic testing shows that positioning precision of less than 10 cm can be maintained for up to 2 h after the break. When PPP re-initialization is needed during the break, the solution convergence time increases; however, positioning precision remains less than a decimeter after convergence

    Regulatory T Cells in the Pathogenesis and Healing of Chronic Human Dermal Leishmaniasis Caused by Leishmania (Viannia) Species

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    The immune inflammatory response is a double edged sword. During infectious diseases, regulatory T cells can prevent eradication of the pathogen but can also limit inflammation and tissue damage. We investigated the role of regulatory T cells in chronic dermal leishmaniasis caused by species of the parasite Leishmania that are endemic in South and Central America. We found that although individuals with chronic lesions have increased regulatory T cells in their blood and at skin sites where immune responses to Leishmania were taking place compared to infected individuals who do not develop disease, their capacity to control the inflammatory response to Leishmania was inferior. However, healing of chronic lesions at the end of treatment was accompanied by an increase in the number and capacity of regulatory T cells to inhibit the function of effector T cells that mediate the inflammatory response. Different subsets of regulatory T cells, defined by the expression of molecular markers, were identified during chronic disease and healing, supporting the participation of distinct regulatory T cells in the development of disease and the control of inflammation during the healing response. Immunotherapeutic strategies may allow these regulatory T cell subsets to be mobilized or mitigated to achieve healing

    Childbearing and Economic Work: The Health Balance of Women in Accra, Ghana

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    Objectives: This study aims to investigate (1) whether the health of working women with young children differs from that of working women without young children, and (2) which social factors mediate the relationship between economic and maternal role performance and health among mothers with young children. Methods: The analyses uses panel data from 697 women present in both waves of the Women's Health Study for Accra (WHSA-I and WHSA-II); a community based study of women aged 18 years and older in the Accra Metropolitan Area of Ghana conducted in 2003 and 2008-2009. Change in physical and mental health between the survey waves is compared between women with a biological child alive at WHSA-II and born since WHSA-I and women without a living biological child at WHSA-II born in the interval. To account for attrition between the two survey waves selection models were used with unconditional change score models being used as the outcome model. Results: We found in our sample of working women that those who had a child born between WHSA-I and WHSA-II who was still alive at WHSA-II did not experience a change in mental or physical health different from other women. Among working women with young children, educational status, relationship to the household head and household demography were associated with change in mental health at the 5 % level, whilst migration status and household demography was associated with change in physical health scores. Conclusion: The results suggest there are no health penalties of combining work and childbearing among women with young children in Accra, Ghana

    The global aerosol synthesis and science project (GASSP): Measurements and modeling to reduce uncertainty

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from American Meteorological Society via the DOI in this record.The largest uncertainty in the historical radiative forcing of climate is caused by changes in aerosol particles due to anthropogenic activity. Sophisticated aerosol microphysics processes have been included in many climate models in an effort to reduce the uncertainty. However, the models are very challenging to evaluate and constrain because they require extensive in situ measurements of the particle size distribution, number concentration, and chemical composition that are not available from global satellite observations. The Global Aerosol Synthesis and Science Project (GASSP) aims to improve the robustness of global aerosol models by combining new methodologies for quantifying model uncertainty, to create an extensive global dataset of aerosol in situ microphysical and chemical measurements, and to develop new ways to assess the uncertainty associated with comparing sparse point measurements with low-resolution models. GASSP has assembled over 45,000 hours of measurements from ships and aircraft as well as data from over 350 ground stations. The measurements have been harmonized into a standardized format that is easily used by modelers and nonspecialist users. Available measurements are extensive, but they are biased to polluted regions of the Northern Hemisphere, leaving large pristine regions and many continental areas poorly sampled. The aerosol radiative forcing uncertainty can be reduced using a rigorous model–data synthesis approach. Nevertheless, our research highlights significant remaining challenges because of the difficulty of constraining many interwoven model uncertainties simultaneously. Although the physical realism of global aerosol models still needs to be improved, the uncertainty in aerosol radiative forcing will be reduced most effectively by systematically and rigorously constraining the models using extensive syntheses of measurements.GASSP was funded by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) under Grants NE/J024252/1, NE/J022624/1, and NE/J023515/1; ACID-PRUF under Grants NE/I020059/1 and NE/I020148/1; the European Union BACCHUS project under Grant 603445-BACCHUS; ACTRIS under Grants 262254 and 654109; and by the UK–China Research and Innovation Partnership Fund through the Met Office Climate Science for Service Partnership (CSSP) China as part of the Newton Fund. We made use of the N8 HPC facility funded from the N8 consortium and an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council Grant to use ARCHER (EP/K000225/1) and the JASMIN facility (www.jasmin.ac.uk/) via the Centre for Environmental Data Analysis funded by NERC and the UK Space Agency and delivered by the Science and Technology Facilities Council. We acknowledge the following additional funding: the Royal Society Wolfson Merit Award (Carslaw); a doctoral training grant from the Natural Environment Research Council and a CASE studentship with the Met Office Hadley Centre (Regayre); the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)/ERC Grant Agreement FP7-280025 (Stier); the Department of Energy under DE-SC0007178 (Zhang); the U.S. National Science Foundation under ATM-745986 (Snider); the NOAA Global Change Program (Nenes); NASA Global Tropospheric Experiment Program, the NASA Tropospheric Composition Program, the NASA Radiation Sciences Program, and the NASA Earth Venture Suborbital Project (Anderson); the NOAA Climate Program Office (Quinn); NSF Atmospheric Chemistry Program, the NASA Global Tropospheric Experiment, and NASA Earth Science Project Office (Clarke); German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) CLOUD12 project Grant 01LK1222B (Kristensen); Swedish Research Council (VR), the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation and the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat (SPRS) for access to the icebreaker Oden and logistical support (Leck); the Department of Energy (DE-SC0007178) and the Max Planck Society (Andreae, Poeschl); the global environment research fund of the Ministry of the Environment in Japan (2-1403), the Arctic Challenge for Sustainability (ArCS) project of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) in Japan, and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) KAKENHI (Grants JP16H01770, JP26701004, and JP26241003) (Kondo, Oshima); Lufthansa for enabling CARIBIC and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) for financing the CARIBIC instruments operation as part of the Joint Project IAGOS-D (Hermann); the Collaborative Innovation Center of Climate Change supported by the Jiangsu provincial government and the JirLATEST supported by the Ministry of Education, China (Ding and Chi); the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany (Schmale); the NOAA Atmospheric Composition and Climate Program, the NASA Radiation Sciences Program, and the NASA Upper Atmosphere Research Program supporting the NOAA SP2 BC data acquisition and analysis (Schwarz); DOE (BER/ASR) DE-SC0016559 and EPA STAR 83587701-0 (the EPA has not reviewed this manuscript and no endorsement should be inferred) (Jimenez); and Environment and Climate Change Canada (Leaitch)

    Metagenomic Analysis of RNA Viruses in a Fresh Water Lake

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    Freshwater lakes and ponds present an ecological interface between humans and a variety of host organisms. They are a habitat for the larval stage of many insects and may serve as a medium for intraspecies and interspecies transmission of viruses such as avian influenza A virus. Furthermore, freshwater bodies are already known repositories for disease-causing viruses such as Norwalk Virus, Coxsackievirus, Echovirus, and Adenovirus. While RNA virus populations have been studied in marine environments, to this date there has been very limited analysis of the viral community in freshwater. Here we present a survey of RNA viruses in Lake Needwood, a freshwater lake in Maryland, USA. Our results indicate that just as in studies of other aquatic environments, the majority of nucleic acid sequences recovered did not show any significant similarity to known sequences. The remaining sequences are mainly from viral types with significant similarity to approximately 30 viral families. We speculate that these novel viruses may infect a variety of hosts including plants, insects, fish, domestic animals and humans. Among these viruses we have discovered a previously unknown dsRNA virus closely related to Banna Virus which is responsible for a febrile illness and is endemic to Southeast Asia. Moreover we found multiple viral sequences distantly related to Israeli Acute Paralysis virus which has been implicated in honeybee colony collapse disorder. Our data suggests that due to their direct contact with humans, domestic and wild animals, freshwater ecosystems might serve as repositories of a wide range of viruses (both pathogenic and non-pathogenic) and possibly be involved in the spread of emerging and pandemic diseases

    Increased autophagy in EphrinB2-deficient osteocytes is associated with elevated secondary mineralization and brittle bone

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    Mineralized bone forms when collagen-containing osteoid accrues mineral crystals. This is initiated rapidly (primary mineralization), and continues slowly (secondary mineralization) until bone is remodeled. The interconnected osteocyte network within the bone matrix differentiates from bone-forming osteoblasts; although osteoblast differentiation requires EphrinB2, osteocytes retain its expression. Here we report brittle bones in mice with osteocyte-targeted EphrinB2 deletion. This is not caused by low bone mass, but by defective bone material. While osteoid mineralization is initiated at normal rate, mineral accrual is accelerated, indicating that EphrinB2 in osteocytes limits mineral accumulation. No known regulators of mineralization are modified in the brittle cortical bone but a cluster of autophagy-associated genes are dysregulated. EphrinB2-deficient osteocytes displayed more autophagosomes in vivo and in vitro, and EphrinB2-Fc treatment suppresses autophagy in a RhoA-ROCK dependent manner. We conclude that secondary mineralization involves EphrinB2-RhoA-limited autophagy in osteocytes, and disruption leads to a bone fragility independent of bone mass

    Short-term acclimation in adults does not predict offspring acclimation potential to hypoxia

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    Abstract The prevalence of hypoxic areas in coastal waters is predicted to increase and lead to reduced biodiversity. While the adult stages of many estuarine invertebrates can cope with short periods of hypoxia, it remains unclear whether that ability is present if animals are bred and reared under chronic hypoxia. We firstly investigated the effect of moderate, short-term environmental hypoxia (40% air saturation for one week) on metabolic performance in adults of an estuarine amphipod, and the fitness consequences of prolonged exposure. We then reared the offspring of hypoxia-exposed parents under hypoxia, and assessed their oxyregulatory ability under declining oxygen tensions as juveniles and adults. Adults from the parental generation were able to acclimate their metabolism to hypoxia after one week, employing mechanisms typically associated with prolonged exposure. Their progeny, however, did not develop the adult pattern of respiratory regulation when reared under chronic hypoxia, but instead exhibited a poorer oxyregulatory ability than their parents. We conclude that species apparently hypoxia-tolerant when tested in short-term experiments, could be physiologically compromised as adults if they develop under hypoxia. Consequently, we propose that the increased prevalence of hypoxia in coastal regions will have marked effects in some species currently considered hypoxia tolerant
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