4,607 research outputs found

    Cosmic acceleration: Inhomogeneity versus vacuum energy

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    In this essay, I present an alternative explanation for the cosmic acceleration which appears as a consequence of recent high redshift Supernova data. In the usual interpretation, this cosmic acceleration is explained by the presence of a positive cosmological constant or vacuum energy, in the background of Friedmann models. Instead, I will consider a Local Rotational Symmetric (LRS) inhomogeneous spacetime, with a barotropic equation of state for the cosmic matter. Within this framework the kinematical acceleration of the cosmic fluid or, equivalently, the inhomogeneity of matter, is just the responsible of the SNe Ia measured cosmic acceleration. Although in our model the Cosmological Principle is relaxed, it maintains local isotropy about our worldline in agreement with the CBR experiments.Comment: LATEX, 7 pags, no figs, Honorable Mention in the 1999 Essay Competition of the Gravity Research Foundatio

    Non-stationary de Sitter cosmological models

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    In this note it is proposed a class of non-stationary de Sitter, rotating and non-rotating, solutions of Einstein's field equations with a cosmological term of variable function.Comment: 11 pages, Latex. International Journal of Modern Physics D (accepted for publication

    On the variable-charged black holes embedded into de Sitter space: Hawking's radiation

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    In this paper we study the Hawking evaporation of masses of variable-charged Reissner-Nordstrom and Kerr-Newman, black holes embedded into the de Sitter universe by considering the charge to be function of radial coordinate of the spherically symmetric metric.Comment: LaTex, p. 2

    The Functional Derivation of Master Equations

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    Master equations describe the quantum dynamics of open systems interacting with an environment. They play an increasingly important role in understanding the emergence of semiclassical behavior and the generation of entropy, both being related to quantum decoherence. Presently we derive the exact master equation for a homogeneous scalar Higgs or inflaton like field coupled to an environment field represented by an infinite set of harmonic oscillators. Our aim is to demonstrate a derivation directly from the path integral representation of the density matrix propagator. Applications and generalizations of this result are discussed.Comment: 10 pages; LaTex. - Contribution to the workshop Hadron Physics VI, March 1998, Florianopolis (Brazil); proceedings, E. Ferreira et al., eds. (World Scientific). Replaced by slightly modified published versio

    Colliding Bubble Worlds

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    We consider a cosmological model in which our Universe is a spherically symmetric bubble wall in 5-dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetime. We argue that the bubble on which we live will undergo collisions with other similar bubbles and estimate the spectrum of such collisions. The collision rate is found to be independent of the age of our Universe. Collisions with small bubbles provide an experimental signature of this scenario, while collisions with larger bubbles would be catastrophic.Comment: 7 pages, no figure

    Post-Newtonian expansion for Gauss-Bonnet Gravity

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    The Parametrized Post-Newtonian expansion of gravitational theories with a scalar field coupled to the Gauss-Bonnet invariant is performed and confrontation of such theories with Solar system experiments is discussed.Comment: 4 pages; typos corrected, published versio

    Bubble collisions and measures of the multiverse

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    To compute the spectrum of bubble collisions seen by an observer in an eternally-inflating multiverse, one must choose a measure over the diverging spacetime volume, including choosing an "initial" hypersurface below which there are no bubble nucleations. Previous calculations focused on the case where the initial hypersurface is pushed arbitrarily deep into the past. Interestingly, the observed spectrum depends on the orientation of the initial hypersurface, however one's ability observe the effect rapidly decreases with the ratio of inflationary Hubble rates inside and outside one's bubble. We investigate whether this conclusion might be avoided under more general circumstances, in particular placing the observer's bubble near the initial hypersurface. We find that it is not. As a point of reference, a substantial appendix reviews relevant aspects of the measure problem of eternal inflation.Comment: 24 pages, two figures, plus 16-page appendix with one figure; v2: minor improvements and clarifications, conclusions unchanged (version to appear in JCAP

    Spatial Curvature Falsifies Eternal Inflation

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    Inflation creates large-scale cosmological density perturbations that are characterized by an isotropic, homogeneous, and Gaussian random distribution about a locally flat background. Even in a flat universe, the spatial curvature measured within one Hubble volume receives contributions from long wavelength perturbations, and will not in general be zero. These same perturbations determine the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature fluctuations, which are O(10^-5). Consequently, the low-l multipole moments in the CMB temperature map predict the value of the measured spatial curvature \Omega_k. On this basis we argue that a measurement of |\Omega_k| > 10^-4 would rule out slow-roll eternal inflation in our past with high confidence, while a measurement of \Omega_k < -10^-4 (which is positive curvature, a locally closed universe) rules out false-vacuum eternal inflation as well, at the same confidence level. In other words, negative curvature (a locally open universe) is consistent with false-vacuum eternal inflation but not with slow-roll eternal inflation, and positive curvature falsifies both. Near-future experiments will dramatically extend the sensitivity of \Omega_k measurements and constitute a sharp test of these predictions.Comment: 16+2 pages, 2 figure

    Effect of strong magnetic field on the first-order electroweak phase transition

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    The broken-symmetry electroweak vacuum is destabilized in the presence of a magnetic field stronger than a critical value. Such magnetic field may be generated in the phase transition and restore the symmetry inside the bubbles. A numerical calculation indicates that the first-order phase transition is delayed but may be completed for a sufficient low value of the Higgs mass unless the magnetic field is extremely high.Comment: 7 pages including 2 figures, uses epsf.sty; discussion regarding cosmological consequences (e.g. on baryogenesis) enlarged, some references added and a few misprints correcte
