46 research outputs found

    Bargaining Power Choices with Moral Hazard in a Supply Chain

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    A supply chain contract is established using a dynamic, Nash bargaining game which determines the optimal bargaining power allocation for the manufacturer, retailer, and society in an environment affected by moral hazard and irreversible investment. The results found that the manufacturer’s choice was to hold all bargaining power; however, due to the remaining information problem, the retailer still had a profit; in contrast, the retailer was only willing to give up bargaining power if the manufacturer’s profit was reserved. The optimal bargaining power allocation was found to be strongly related to the ability to convert and monitor technology, with the bargaining power gradually shifting to the manufacturer as the technology improved. A numerical simulation is given to examine the theoretical results

    On influences of cultivated media and nutrient concentrations on growth of leucobryum glaucum

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    Screening by Leucobryum glaucum growth optimal substrate and nutrient solution,to a large number of purebred breeding leucobryum.The flask culture conditions of the gametophyte of Leucobryum glaucum inoculated with peat,vermiculite and perlite matrix at different proportions,and adding knop′s nutrition liquid at different concentrations.After a 60-day cultivation,the chlorophyll content,length,total fresh weight and branch number of the gametophytes of L.glaucum were measured.The results showed that L.glaucum could grow well on the medium with a proportion of peat,vermiculite and perlite at 2∶2∶1,together with 20% Knop′s nutrition liquid

    Studies on diversity and biogeography of island bryophytes:significances, progress and dircetion

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    There are few studies on bryophytes diversity and biogeography of bryophytes in coastal islands.Our reviews on bryophyte diversity and biogeography of bryophytes on islands showed disputes existing on breeding characteristics,spreading ability of bryophytes and applicability of island biogeography theory on bryophytes.China has a large number of coastal islands,but most of them lack any bryophytes information.Therefore,studies on bryophytes in Chinese coastal islands are of theoretical and practical significances.Zhoushan archipelago of Zhejiang province is an ideal region for us to conduct bryophyte diversity and biogeographical study,especially for us to understand the influences of habitat fragmentation on the genetic diversity of bryophytes.The 4607 islands along the coast of Zhejiang and Fujiang,accounting for 62.5% of that of China,are suitable for us to study the gradient distribution of bryophyte diversity and its relationship with climate

    Influences of image resolution on herbaceous root morphological parameters

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    Root images of four herbaceous species (including Plantago virginica,Solidago canadensis,Conyza canadensis and Erigeron philadelphicus) were obtained by using EPSON V7000 scanner with different resolutions.Root morphological parameters including root length,diameter,volume and area were determined by using a WinRhizo root analyzing software.The results show a distinct influence of image resolution on root morphological parameter.For different herbaceous species,the optimal resolutions of root images,which would produce an acceptable precision with relative short time,vary with different species.For example,a resolution of 200 dpi was recommended for the root images of Plantago virginica and S.Canadensis, while 400 dpi for Conyza canadensis and Erigeron philadelphicus

    Comparative study on morphological differences between weedy rice and cultivated rice in Shanghai area

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    In recent years,with the promotion of direct seeding paddy technology,weedy rice is becoming more and more harmful to the cultivated rice.Comparing the morphological differences between the weedy rice and the cultivated rice is valuable for us to identify weedy rice from cultivated rice.A total of 98 samples including weedy rice and cultivated rice was collected from the paddy fields of the suburb of Shanghai.The data including individual height,grain length and width,and their ratio,spikelet length,awn length,and grain colors were determined.Based on the above data,clustering analysis,Principal Component Analysis,and Non-matric Multidimentional Scaling (Non-matric MDS) were applied to quantitatively analyze the phonetic similarity among the 98 samples.The results showed that these samples could be divided into three groups,including 57 and 33 and 8 samples,respectively.Based on seed shattering trait,spike shape,seed coat colors and the data of their maturity,Group 1 and Group 2 were identified as weedy rice and cultivated rice,respectively,while Group 3 as the samples with transitional characteristics between the weedy rice and cultivated rice.Analysis of variance on the phonetic data between Group 1 and Group 2 showed that the grain length,grain width,grain length/width,and the spikelet length of the weedy rice are significantly greater than those of the cultivated rice,while individual height and awn length had no significant difference between them

    Research on Supply Chain Coordination and Profit Allocation Based on Altruistic Principal under Bilateral Asymmetric Information

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    To ensure supply chain coordination and equitable profit allocation when there is bilateral asymmetric information, a supply chain consisting of one manufacturer with private manufacturing cost information and one retailer with private selling cost information is considered. A bilateral adverse selection model is established with a virtual altruistic principal as the coordination subject, for which the supply chain coordination conditions and an allocation rule for the supply chain surplus are then given. It was found that contract coordination depended on the costs and risk rates of both parties and market demand; that is, the lower the costs and the risk rate, the easier the supply chain coordination. Second, the trading volume distortion degree was positively correlated with production cost, sales cost, and price sensitivity and negatively correlated with the market environment parameter. Third, the allocation proportion for the supply chain surplus was determined. Finally, under a specific cost distribution assumption, a numerical example was given to simulate the contract execution and analyze the relationships between costs and profit

    Research on plant functional diversity and its application in bryophytes

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    The functional diversity of plants is a key factor influencing biodiversity and ecosystem functions.How to quantify the functional diversity of plants in different ecosystems is crucial to study the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functions.In the present paper,the concepts,the calculation methods of relevant indices of functional diversity,and the current situation about their studies in vascular plants and bryophytes were summarized.Finally,how to further conduct studies on bryophyte functional diversity were analyzed.The paper provided comparatively systematic documents concerning bryophyte functional diversity for ecologists

    Trois nouveaux synonymes de <i>Macromitrium japonicum</i> Dozy & Molk. (Bryophyta, Orthotrichaceae) sur la base de preuves morphologiques et moléculaires

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    Macromitrium japonicum Dozy &amp; Molk. est une mousse épiphyte principalement observée en Asie de l’Est. Afin de clarifier ses variations morphologiques et leur base génétique potentielle, nous avons comparé morphologiquement quatorze échantillons attribués à M. japonicum, et construit un arbre phylogénétique incluant ces échantillons sur la base trnL-F, trnG et ITS2. Sur l’arbre phylogénétique, ces quatorze échantillons formaient un seul clade, caractérisé par les particularités typiques de M. japonicum. En comparant les types de M. japonicum var. makinoi (Broth.) Nog., M. dickasonii Bartr. et M. polygonostomum Dixon &amp; P. de la Varde avec ces échantillons, et les types de M. japonicum et ses anciens synonymes dont Dasymitrium incurvum Lind. et M. bathyodontum Cardot, nous avons trouvé que les variations des trois premières espèces se situent dans la gamme de variation morphologique des quatorze échantillons ci-dessus et des types de M. japonicum, D. incurvum et M. bathyodontum. Par conséquent, nous avons traité M. japonicum var. makinoi, M. dickasonii et M. polygonostomum comme trois nouveaux synonymes de M. japonicum. Macromitrium giraldii Müll.Hal. est exclu des synonymes de M. japonicum et constitue probablement un nom d’espèce acceptable. En outre, M. japonicum est nouvellement signalé pour le Myanmar.Macromitrium japonicum Dozy &amp; Molk. is an epiphytic moss mainly recorded from East Asia. To clarify its morphological variations and their potential genetic basis, we morphologically compared fourteen samples assigned to M. japonicum, and constructed a phylogenetic tree including these samples based on trnL-F, trnG and ITS2. On the phylogenetic tree, these fourteen samples formed a single clade, being characterized by the typical features of M. japonicum. Comparing the types of M. japonicum var. makinoi (Broth.) Nog., M. dickasonii Bartr. and M. polygonostomum Dixon &amp; P. de la Varde with these samples, and the types of M. japonicum and its former synonyms including Dasymitrium incurvum Lind. and M. bathyodontum Cardot, we found that the variations of the former three species fall within the morphological variation range of the above fourteen samples and the types of M. japonicum, D. incurvum and M. bathyodontum. Therefore, we treated M. japonicum var. makinoi, M. dickasonii and M. polygonostomum as three new synonyms of M. japonicum. Macromitrium giraldii Müll.Hal. is excluded from the synonyms of M. japoncium and likely an acceptable species name. Additionally, M. japonicum is newly recorded for Myanmar.</p

    Latitudinal variation patterns of nuclear DNA contents in monocotyledons on a global scale and their climatic adaptation significance

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    We conducted a research on the relationships of nuclear DNA with latitudes and climatic factors based on data of monocotyledons.Firstly,we obtained the data of nuclear DNA contents of 2 852 species of monocotyledons from the Plant DNA C-value database.And we selected ten global longitudinal transects,and evenly divided each transect into 19 blocks.We obtained geographical records of the 2 852 species from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility,together with nineteen bio-climatic factors within these blocks from the Worldclim (Global Climate Database).We calculated the average DNA 1C-values and genome sizes of each species in each block.Further,we analysed the influences of temperature of the coldest quarter and rainfall of driest quarter on nuclear DNA contents of monocotyledon species.And the results showed that the latitudinal variation patterns of monocotyledon nuclear DNA contents on a global scale were nonlinear on the transect 1 to 10 over the world,which is influenced by the temperature of the coldest quarter and rainfall of driest quarter,and these relationships can be described nonlinear.The results showed that:on the global scale plant nuclear DNA contents varied nonlinearly with latitude;the values were affected by climatic factors,which were highest in the regions with moderate temperature and rainfall,and decreased in the environment of extreme temperature and rainfall,the relationships between plant nuclear DNA values and climatic factors also being nonlinear,following "unimodal" functions;the groups with lower nuclear DNA values distributed widely on the global scale

    Evaluation on the landscape values of bryophytes in urban area using analytic hierarchy process:A case study of Shanghai

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    A model to evaluate the bryophyte landscapes values was built based on mdicators, which are community area, growth period, degree of colourful and bright, community purity, frequency of distribution, and geographic location by using analytic hierarchy process. According to their weights, seven factors were ranked as community purity (0.261), degree of colourful and bright (0.184), habitat (0.176), community area (0.130), distribution frequency (0.111), growth period (0.092) and geographic location (0.050). The landscape values of forty bryophyte communities in Shanghai city were evaluated by using the model. According to their scores, the forty communities were divided into four grades, which are Grade I (32.5%), Grade Ⅱ (35.0%), Grade Ⅲ (15.0%) and Grade IV (17.5%). The bryophyte communities with high landscape values were characterized by their large area, high dominance, long growth period, soil substrate (with easily modification and simulation). The strategies to utilize these communities of high landscape values were also proposed