222 research outputs found

    A Wii-controlled safety device for electric chainsaws

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    A Wii-controlled safety device for electric chainsaws

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    Characterization of biomass emissions and potential reduction insmall-scale pellet boiler

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    6noIn recent years it has been proved that residential biomass combustion has a direct influence on ambient air quality, especially in the case of cereals. The aim of this study is the characterization of the emissions in small-scale fixed-bed pellet boiler (heat output of 25 kW) of beech and corn, and of its potential reduction to an addition of calcium dihydroxide. In the biomass combustion test 7 fuel mixtures were investigated with regard to the particulate content (PM10), gaseous emissions and combustion chamber deposit. The corn kernels tanned with calcium dihydroxide determined a decrease in particulate emissions (54±13 mg MJ− 1) in comparison to corn, whereas in the combustion of corn pellet with 1% calcium dihydroxide high emissions were observed (193±21 mg MJ− 1). With regard to SO2 emissions, the combustion of corn with the additives make a reduction in comparison to additive-free corn.openopenDELL'ANTONIA D.;Pergher G;Cividino SRS;Gubiani R;Cecchini M;Marucci ADell'Antonia, D.; Pergher, G; Cividino, Srs; Gubiani, R; Cecchini, M; Marucci,

    Neck injury patterns resulting from the use of petrol and electric chainsaws in suicides. Report on two cases.

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    Suicides due to neck injuries caused by chainsaws are uncommon events. The cutting elements of petrol and electric chainsaws produce different features in lethal neck injuries. The accurate evaluation of the death scene, of the power and mechanical characteristics of the chainsaw and of wound morphology are all essential in distinguishing a case of suicide. \ua9 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Risk analysis of agricultural, forestry and green maintenance working sites

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    This work is focused on serious and fatal accidents which occur at forestry, agricultural and green maintenance working sites. In these sites are performed operations related to tree cutting or felling with continuous use of chainsaws. During this study we investigated 123 professional as well as non-professional working sites. We considered all characteristics necessary to determine the operating conditions and to identify possible steps for an effective protection. The work highlights a very serious situation in both investigated working environments where all measures of job safety are systematically ignored. In conclusion, we recommend that for a significant reduction of serious and fatal accidents, a mandatory training should be extended to all chainsaws users. Passive and active safety systems which interrupt the operation of the saw when it does not comply with all obligatory safety rules (i.e. human vicinity to cutting chain, falling down of the operator and others) should be define

    Acúmulo de nitrogênio e fósforo no tecido de plantas anuais de inverno manejadas sob sistema plantio direto e sistema de cultivo convencional

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    O sistema de manejo pode afetar a disponibilidade de nutrientes para as plantas, em decorrência do sistema de rotação de culturas e da quantidade de resíduo vegetal presente na superfície do solo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a quantidade de nitrogênio (N) e fósforo (P) acumulados no tecido vegetal de aveia preta, trigo, centeio, ervilhaca, nabo e tremoço azul, além de verificar seu estado nutricional de N e P. O experimento esta instalado no Instituto Agronômico do Paraná (IAPAR) em Pato Branco, Paraná, em um Latossolo Vermelho aluminoférrico. Em maio de 2011 os tratamentos foram semeados, sendo seis plantas de cobertura: trigo, aveia preta, centeio, ervilhaca, nabo forrageiro e tremoço azul cultivados sob Sistema Plantio Direto (SPD) e Sistema de Cultivo Convencional (SCC). Em setembro de 2011efetuou-se a coleta do material verde da parte aérea, o qual foi seco a 65ºC e posteriormente digerido com uma mistura de H2SO4 e H2O2, onde foram determinados os teores de nitrogênio total (Ntotal) e fósforo total (Ptotal), também foi quantificado o teor de carbono das amostras, e por fim calculou-se o índice de nutrição de fósforo (P índex) e de nitrogênio (N índex). Realizou-se a comparação das médias das plantas anuais de inverno e dos sistemas de manejo de solo por meio do teste de SCOTT-KNOTT. O sistema de cultivo influencia no acúmulo de N e P, consequentemente no índice de nutrição dos mesmos, sendo maior no SPD. A ervilhaca e centeio possuem grande capacidade de reciclar P