24 research outputs found

    After the flood: A multidisciplinary investigation of human remains found in a floodplain and first record of Raft Spiders colonizing a corpse

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    In the analysis of any forensic case, the estimation of time, cause and manner of death is affected by post-mortem changes. These are inextricably linked to both intrinsic characteristics of the body and a variety of external factors, mainly environmental, such as the presence and types of scavengers. While there are several research and case-studies on terrestrial environments, there is scant knowledge regarding aquatic environments, either stable or cyclical/seasonal. At present, no case studies have considered human remains discovered in the mud, following a flooding event. This case study describes a body discovered in a floodplain area in northern Italy. After a flood event, the water progressively drained out, leaving the body in the mud. Besides the unique conditions of the remains, of particular interest was the colonization by larvae of Calliphora vomitoria (L.) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and raft spiders, Dolomedes fimbriatus (Clerck) (Araneae: Pisauridae), for the first-time recorded colonizing a corpse. The multidisciplinary approach to such an investigation is described

    Preliminary taphonomical comparison of the decomposition process in simple burials, traditional tombs and aerated tombs in an urban cemetery in Northern Italy

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    In densely populated countries like Italy, cremation is promoted for the final disposition of the dead. However, many families still choose inhumation or entombment. In ordinary (traditional) tombs, bodies skeletonize slowly and partially, and often need a second disposal after the exhumation. The aim of this study was to experimentally test the functionality of a new type of tomb, defined as ā€œaeratedā€. Aerated tombs feature an aerating system, absorbing materials and a purifying filter, which collectively maintain ventilation, process putrefactive fluids and gases and neutralize odors. In an experimental cemetery area with pristine soil, limbs of piglets were wrapped in cotton sheets and were either inhumed, placed in ordinary tombs or placed in aerated tombs. Following exhumation after planned time intervals (1, 3, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24 months), all samples were macro- and microscopically examined. The inhumed samples were completely skeletonized by 9 months after burial, and after 12 months showed initial bioerosion in bone Haversian canals. The traditionally entombed samples developed progressive adipocere formation, whereas the samples disposed in aerated tombs became mummified. Despite this outcome, aerated tombs represent a more energy-effective, environmentally-friendly and economical choice when compared to ordinary tombs. A mummified body is lighter and drier than a body entombed traditionally and, as such, it is easier to exhume and quicker to cremate. Overall, in the absence of alternative burials, aerated tombs are more suitable than ordinary tombs for the final disposition of the dead in cemeteries with limited space. The results of this experiment add to the knowledge of taphonomical processes in temperate climates and urban environments, potentially benefitting the forensic and medico-legal community

    An unsolved case in a culturally diverse community in Italy

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    The number of foreign citizens resident in Italy is approximately 5 million, making them the 8.7% of the resident population of the country. However, over the past 20 years, foreign citizens accounted for 24% of the total number of defendants involved in homicides, especially associated with robbery, disputes and assaults, generally connected to prostitution. Investigations of cases in the context of culturally diverse or minority communities can be particularly complex. This is due to the education, the cultural background and the cohesiveness of the community, alongside a negative view of law enforcement. These factors determine a relatively low resolution rate of these violent crimes in these communities. The investigation of the suspicious death of an Indian citizen living in Italy is presented in this paper. The body was discovered in a cattle shed, and despite the initial assumption of an accidental death, the cranial lesions were not consistent with the view that the death was caused by a kick by a cow. The results of a multidisciplinary analysis, including imaging, pathology, toxicology and veterinary forensics, were directed towards a homicide, with the manner of death ultimately filed as undetermined. During the course of the investigation, the collaboration between law enforcement and the community was thwart with difficulty, and as a consequence this case is currently unsolved. In order for law enforcement to continue to play a constructive and supportive role, it is imperative that every country invest in civil education of local population and of any ethnic groups, minorities and culturally diverse people

    A taphonomic examination of inhumed and entombed remains in Parma cemeteries, Italy

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    People of different cultures bury their dead in different ways, based on religious beliefs, historical rituals, or public health requirements. In Italy, cremation is still a limited practice compared to entombment and inhumation. Accordingly with the law, a buried body can be moved to the cemetery ossuary only if skeletonized. Generally, complete skeletonization occurs within 40 years following burial, but sometimes the body may mummify, or it may turn into adipocere. Globally, today burial space is limited with cemeteries facing a growing need for both burials and entombments. The present study considered the thanatological, taphonomical, anthropological, microbiological and geochemical examination of 408 human bodies exhumed from grave pits and stone tombs located in two cemeteries in Parma, Italy. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors associated with the process of the decomposition of such bodies were documented in order to identify which factors promote or reduce the time needed for skeletonization. Overall, the aim of this study was to improve the management of the body turnover in cemeteries, providing recommendations for cemetery management and turnover planning, with the goal of avoiding extra costs that may be attributed to the family and the State. The results of this study show that inhumation in burial grounds and soils with a high percentage of sand and gravel promote decomposition and skeletonization, whereas entombments inside stone tombs and the presence of stone slabs on the ground covering burials, aid in the formation of adipocere, slowing down the decomposition process

    Dating Post Mortem Submersion Interval (PMSI) of mammal bone - initial findings by Micro-CT Scan

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    Twelve large mammal bones, associated with underwater archaeological excavations on four shipwrecks on the Western Australia coast, were analysed by Micro-CT Scan (Skyscan 1176). They all belong to the collections of the Shipwrecks Museum, a section of the Western Australian Museum in Fremantle, Western Australia. The aim is the investigation of any physical modifications linked to underwater taphonomy and diagenesis of bone

    Fatal insulin overdose: A case and a short overview

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    A case of suicide by insulin overdose is apparently simple to handle and file, but it triggers more than a few questions and reflections, both because it is rare and because the postmortem assessment can be quite complex. In this example the deceased person was not immediately identified, and the body was found in the open and close to a water source (creek). Critical information, such as clinical and psychiatric history, and/or a farewell letter, were missing, the body had been hastily moved from the death scene by rescue staff. An entomology expert was also needed for the estimation of the postmortem interval (PMI). The external examination and the autopsy ruled out external violence, but the decomposition stage prevented any reliable identification of injection marks. Postmortem biochemistry on blood was consistent with the hypothesis of hypoglycemic encephalopathy by insulin overdose with suicidal intent as cause, mode and manner of death. A short review of up to date literature on insulin overdoses is also outlined, with the aim of providing solid scientific references for similar cases

    When forensic pathology entomology and veterinary meet: a case of ā€˜unfitness to pleadā€™, neglect and animal cruelty

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    In late February 2016, in Parma, Italy, the medical examiner was called on a crime scene investigation: a 43 years-old man was found dead in his bedroom inside his apartment. The quilt and the curtains of the room were partially burnt and a great amount of garbage was overall present. During the crime scene examination, the carcasses of a dog, a cat and a turtle were also found. The corpse and the pets were in different stage of decomposition and several insect specimens were present. Subsequent external examination, CT-scans, autopsy and anthropological-odontological examinations were performed on the body. The cause of death was determined in septic shock secondary to extended burns (degrees 1-4) which had not been treated at the time of the occurrence, death occurring several days after the fact. A forensic entomology analysis was performed on photographic records, no living insects were found at the scene or on the body, whereas empty puparia were present on the bed, the carcasses and in the surrounding areas. A forensic veterinary analysis has also been performed on the 3 long-time deceased pets, their cause of death was, most likely, determined in neglect and starvation. The aim of this case report presentation is to analyse the versatility of disciplines and experts needed when humans and animals are involved in the same forensic case. Considering that animal cruelty has been only recently deemed as a felony in many developed countries, a brief survey of the legal overview in some of these countries will be explained, together with statistics. The present case went to court on allegations of abandonment of a mentally incompetent person from the parentsā€™ part, and suspicion of animal cruelty