15 research outputs found

    Cryo-electron microscopy reveals a novel DNA-binding site on the MCM helicase

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    The eukaryotic MCM2–7 complex is recruited at origins of replication during the G1 phase and acts as the main helicase at the replication fork during the S phase of the cell cycle. To characterize the interplay between the MCM helicase and DNA prior to the melting of the double helix, we determined the structure of an archaeal MCM orthologue bound to a 5.6-kb double-stranded DNA segment, using cryo-electron microscopy. DNA wraps around the N-terminal face of a single hexameric ring. This interaction requires a conformational change within the outer belt of the MCM N-terminal domain, exposing a previously unrecognized helix-turn-helix DNA-binding motif. Our findings provide novel insights into the role of the MCM complex during the initiation step of DNA replication

    DNA damage emergency: cellular garbage disposal to the rescue?

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    The proteasome is a cellular machine found in the cytosol, nucleus and on chromatin that performs much of the proteolysis in eukaryotic cells. Recent reports show it is enriched at sites of double-stranded DNA breaks (DSBs) in mammalian cells. What is it doing there? This review will address three possibilities suggested by recent reports: in degrading proteins after their ubiquitination at and eviction from chromatin; as a deubiquitinase, specific to the antagonism of ubiquitin conjugates generated as part of the signalling of a DSB; and as a functional component of DNA repair mechanism itself. These findings add complexity to the proteasome as a potential therapeutic target in cancer treatment