1 research outputs found
Evolution of within-colony distribution patterns of birds in response to habitat structure
- Author
- A Barbosa
- A Uzun
- A Uzun
- A Velando
- A Velando
- AO Mooers
- AP Møller
- AP Møller
- BH Pugasek
- BJ Ens
- C LĂ©ger
- C Rolland
- CG Sibley
- CL Hull
- CL Nunn
- CR Brown
- CR Brown
- D Oro
- D Serrano
- D Siegel-Causey
- D Siegel-Causey
- D Siegel-Causey
- DC Duffy
- DH Brunton
- DJ Andrews
- E Frere
- E MĂnguez
- EB Spurr
- EC Murphy
- F CĂ©zilly
- F Dubois
- F Dubois
- F Grieco
- F Samraoui
- FH Sheldon
- FH Sheldon
- G Roberts
- GH Thomas
- GS Ranglack
- GT Haymes
- H Andrén
- HM Gibbs
- HM Regehr
- IJ Patterson
- IP Forster
- J Bried
- J Burger
- J Vessem Van
- JA Ramos
- JC Coulson
- JC Coulson
- JL Tella
- JM Hagan
- JP Ludwig
- JP Ryder
- K Ashbrook
- L Staverees
- LJ Blus
- LJ Petit
- LS Davis
- LZ Garamszegi
- M Antolos
- M Dexheimer
- M Gochfeld
- M Kennedy
- M Pagel
- M Pagel
- M Pagel
- MA RendĂłn
- ND Smith
- NJ Aebischer
- P Minias
- P Minias
- P Minias
- P Minias
- P Minias
- P Shaw
- P Vergara
- PA Buckley
- PH Becker
- Piotr Minias
- PL Ryder
- R Jovani
- R Tenaza
- RB Childress
- RD Elliot
- RD Wooller
- RH Taylor
- S Bertelli
- S Decamps
- S Olmos
- S Si Bachir
- SAM Varela
- SD Côté
- SD Fretwell
- SD Fretwell
- TM Pyk
- VA Olson
- W Post
- WA Montevecchi
- WF Siegfried
- WS Svagelj
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study