51 research outputs found

    Преемственность идей и поколений. Исторические факты о деятельности Шереметевской больницы (к 100-летию НИИ скорой помощи им. Н.В. Склифосовского)

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    BACKGROUND The activities of the Hospice House established by Count N.P. Sheremetev and opened on June 28, 1810, pursued a noble goal to help the suffering, sick and low-income people. However, this intention alone was not enough, and N.P. Sheremetev took care to really ensure the stable work of the Hospice House, providing for both its publicity and reliable state protection.MATERIAL AND RESEARCH METHODS Annual financial statements of the Hospice Board of Trustees for 1862–1866, 1868, 1871, 1872 and 1902 were introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. To prepare the article, archival material was used, including 6 sources, as well as rare publications dated 1859–1927. Research methods: historical-genetic, comparative-historical, problem-chronological and systemic.RESULTS The analysis of the activities of the Sheremetev hospital for 1810–1909 showed that funds were enlarged regularly with increasing amounts from its budget for the treatment of patients, which number was maximum in 1865 (1,798 people), and the lowest in 1814 (127 people).The personnel of the Sheremetev Hospital took an active part in all major military operations with the participation of Russia (the creation of sanitary detachments to provide assistance to the wounded and sick in combat areas, as well as additional beds located on the territory of the hospital itself).The Sheremetev Hospital played an important role in higher medical education in Russia, becoming the clinical base of the Moscow Medical and Surgical Academy, and later of the Faculty of Medicine of Moscow University; many of its employees were teachers of these educational institutions. The high level of teaching was also ensured by equipping the hospital with modern medical devices and the active introduction of the latest medical achievements into its work.On the initiative of chief doctor A.T. Tarasenkov, a department for incoming patients was organized as an independent structure for the first time in Russia. It provided assistance to 175–200 patients per day. The department became the prototype of a comprehensive outpatient network that was subsequently created in our country.The high prestige of the hospital was brought by the activities of its main doctors and operators, tirelessly working to improve the organizational and medical aspects of the provision of qualified medical care.The final period of the hospital’s activity (1910–1923) until the October Revolution was characterized by the greatest volume of medical work, which subsequently decreased dramatically due to financial difficulties. Since 1919, the hospital functioned as a state institution, and also became the base for the revival of the ambulance service in Moscow.CONCLUSION A review of the activities of the Sheremetev Hospital indicates that the organization of emergency medical care for the population of Moscow, pedagogic work, participation in the treatment of the wounded patients, high surgical activity and versatility were the foundation on which its work was widely developed. It is no coincidence that this particular hospital was reorganized in 1923 into the N.V. Sklifosovsky Institute of Acute Care (since 1944 — N.V. Sklifosovsky Research Institute for Emergency Medicine).Economic difficulties and political storms could not destroy what was created at the Sheremetev hospital and was the moral and material basis for the further 100 years of successful activity of the institute.ВВЕДЕНИЕ Деятельность Странноприимного дома, учрежденного графом Н.П. Шереметевым и открытого 28 июня 1810 года, преследовала благородную цель – помогать страждущим, среди которых были больные и малообеспеченные люди. Однако одного такого намерения было мало, и Н.П. Шереметев позаботился о том, чтобы реально обеспечить устойчивую работу Странноприимного дома, предусмотрев как ее гласность, так и надежное покровительство государства.МАТЕРИАЛ И МЕТОДЫ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ В научный оборот впервые введены ежегодные финансовые отчеты Попечительского совета Странноприимного дома за 1862–1866, 1868, 1871, 1872 и 1902 годы. Для подготовки статьи привлечен архивный материал, включающий 6 источников, а также раритетные публикации, датированные 1859–1927 годами. Методы исследования: историко-генетический, сравнительно-исторический, проблемно-хронологический и системный.РЕЗУЛЬТАТЫ Анализ деятельности Шереметевской больницы за 1810–1909 годы показал, что из его бюджета регулярно и в возрастающем объеме выделялись средства на лечение больных, число которых было максимальным в 1865 (1798 человек), а наименьшим — в 1814 году (127 человек).Персонал Шереметевской больницы принимал активное участие во всех крупных военных действиях с участием России (создание санитарных отрядов для оказания помощи раненым и больным в районах боевых действий, а также дополнительных коек, размещаемых на территории самой больницы).Шереметевская больница также сыграла важную роль в деле высшего медицинского образования в России, став клинической базой Московской медико-хирургической академии, а позже — медицинского факультета Московского университета; многие из ее сотрудников были преподавателями этих учебных заведений. Высокий уровень преподавания был обеспечен, кроме того, благодаря оснащению больницы современным медицинским оборудованием и активному внедрению в ее работу новейших достижений медицины.В больнице в одной из первых в России по инициативе ее главного доктора А.Т. Тарасенкова было организовано отделение для приходящих больных как самостоятельная структура. В нем оказывалась помощь 175–200 больным в день. Это стало прообразом всеобъемлющей амбулаторно-поликлинической сети, созданной в нашей стране в последующем.Высокий авторитет больнице принесла деятельность ее главных докторов и операторов, неустанно работающих над совершенствованием организационной и лечебной сторон оказания квалифицированной медицинской помощи.Заключительный период деятельности больницы (1910–1923) до Октябрьской революции характеризовался наибольшим объемом лечебной работы, который в дальнейшем резко уменьшился ввиду финансовых трудностей. С 1919 года больница функционировала как государственное учреждение, став также базой возрождения в Москве службы скорой медицинской помощи.ЗАКЛЮЧЕНИЕ Обзор деятельности Шереметевской больницы указывает на то, что организация экстренной и неотложной медицинской помощи населению Москвы, педагогическая работа, участие в лечении раненых, высокая хирургическая активность и многопрофильность явились тем фундаментом, на котором широко развернулась ее работа. Отнюдь не случайно именно эта больница была реорганизована в 1923 году в институт неотложной помощи имени Н.В. Склифосовского (с 1943 года — НИИ скорой помощи им. Н.В. Склифосовского).Экономические трудности и политические бури не смогли разрушить того, что было создано в Шереметевской больнице и явилось нравственной и материальной основой дальнейшей 100-летней успешной деятельности института

    Association between neighborhood safety and overweight status among urban adolescents

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Neighborhood safety may be an important social environmental determinant of overweight. We examined the relationship between perceived neighborhood safety and overweight status, and assessed the validity of reported neighborhood safety among a representative community sample of urban adolescents (who were racially and ethnically diverse).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data come from the 2006 Boston Youth Survey, a cross-sectional study in which public high school students in Boston, MA completed a pencil-and-paper survey. The study used a two-stage, stratified sampling design whereby schools and then 9<sup>th</sup>–12<sup>th </sup>grade classrooms within schools were selected (the analytic sample included 1,140 students). Students reported their perceptions of neighborhood safety and several associated dimensions. With self-reported height and weight data, we computed body mass index (BMI, kg/m<sup>2</sup>) for the adolescents based on CDC growth charts. Chi-square statistics and corresponding <it>p</it>-values were computed to compare perceived neighborhood safety by the several associated dimensions. Prevalence ratios (PRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated to examine the association between perceived neighborhood safety and the prevalence of overweight status controlling for relevant covariates and school site.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>More than one-third (35.6%) of students said they always felt safe in their neighborhood, 43.9% said they sometimes felt safe, 11.6% rarely felt safe, and 8.9% never felt safe. Those students who reported that they rarely or never feel safe in their neighborhoods were more likely than those who said they always or sometimes feel safe to believe that gang violence was a serious problem in their neighborhood or school (68.0% vs. 44.1%, <it>p </it>< 0.001), and to have seen someone in their neighborhood assaulted with a weapon (other than a firearm) in the past 12 months (17.8% vs. 11.3%, <it>p </it>= 0.025). In the fully adjusted model (including grade and school) stratified by race/ethnicity, we found a statistically significant association between feeling unsafe in one's own neighborhood and overweight status among those in the Other race/ethnicity group [(PR = 1.56, (95% CI: 1.02, 2.40)].</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Data suggest that perception of neighborhood safety may be associated with overweight status among urban adolescents in certain racial/ethnic groups. Policies and programs to address neighborhood safety may also be preventive for adolescent overweight.</p

    Theoretical and practical approaches to the formation of equity for the development of entrepreneurial activity

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    The article is devoted to the methodology of formation and optimization of the company's equity. In a market economy, the financial stability of the firm, depending on the financial condition, is one of the most important factors in the life of the firm and the development of entrepreneurial activity. A positive financial condition determines the competitiveness of the company in the market. It also helps in cooperation with creditors in the financial aspect. The financial condition demonstrates the ability of the organization to Finance activities with its own funds, as well as to manage them rationally in relations with other persons. Therefore, the goal of any company – to maintain a stable, stable financial condition and profit. The most important for the development of the company is the formation and increase of equity capital. The article deals with various methodological approaches to the formation of the company's equity. The traditional position of equity formation and its optimization is found in accounting, as well as in the special economic literature. However, in the study of different approaches to determining the final result of financial and economic activities of the company, such interpretation raises serious objections. The initial stage of capital formation management of the company is to determine the need for the required amount. Optimization of the total capital requirement of the company is achieved by various methods, which eventually allow to achieve a positive result of the company. The article focuses on the areas in the field of ensuring the adoption of operational management decisions on the choice of sources of financing of economic activities of firms from the position of ensuring a sufficient level of solvency and improving the efficiency of capital use. The main stages of the optimization process of the capital of the company


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    Aim. Of the study is to assess cervical mucus neutrophils functional status depend on dominant lactobacillus strain in I trimester of pregnancy women. Material and methods. We definded 40 lactobacillus strains obtained from the genital tract of the pregnant women. We used mass spectrometry analysis to identify vaginal lactobacilli and evaluated biofilm formation. Also, we studied cervical mucus neutrophils viability, lysosomal activity, spontaneous and induced NBT test (Nitroblue Tetrazolium test), ability to absorb the latex particles. Isolated strains were divided into 3 groups depending on presence or absence of vaginal or cervical channel infectious diseases. Results. We identified 5 lactobacilli types: L. jensenii, L. mspatus, L. аcidophilus, L. gasseri, L. delbrueckii among 40 definded strains. We determined different intensity of phagocytosis depending on dominant strain in normocenosis. With the L. crispatus prevalence demonstrated the least intensity of phagocytosis compared with L. acidophilus and L.jensenii. Lactobacilli able to intensively produce biomatrix in condition of genital infection. Thus blocking antigenic potential and result in absence of NBT-reducing power of neutrophilic granulocytes and reduction antimicrobial protection of pregnant women genital tract mucosa. Conclusion. The indicators of neutrophils functional status depend on dominant lactobacilli strain in I trimester of pregnancy women