4 research outputs found
Updated angiosperm family tree for analyzing phylogenetic diversity and community structure
- Author
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study
Leaf synchrony and insect herbivory among tropical tree habitat specialists
- Author
- A Pennec
- AA Agrawal
- BJ Macauley
- BM Bolker
- C Baraloto
- Christopher Baraloto
- CK Augspurger
- CP Schaik van
- D Bonal
- D Lieberman
- D McKey
- DA Herms
- DW Schemske
- F Wagner
- GPA Lamarre
- Greg P. A. Lamarre
- Irene Mendoza
- JX Becerra
- KA Mooney
- KP Burnham
- L Poorter
- M Asch van
- M Heil
- ME Hanley
- P Feeny
- P Legendre
- Paul V. A. Fine
- PD Coley
- PD Coley
- PD Coley
- PR Ehrlich
- PVA Fine
- PVA Fine
- PVA Fine
- RJ Bixenmann
- RJ Marquis
- TA Kursar
- TA Kursar
- TM Aide
- TM Aide
- TM Aide
- TM Aide
- V Novotny
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
The Effect of Symbiotic Ant Colonies on Plant Growth: A Test Using an Azteca-Cecropia System
- Author
- A Barrie
- A Dejean
- A Dejean
- AH Nishi
- AVL Freitas
- C L Sagers
- CA Silva
- CC Berg
- CFD Rocha
- DA Herms
- DC Close
- DH Janzen
- DH Janzen
- DK Letourneau
- DW Davidson
- DW Yu
- E Defossez
- E Del-Val
- EG Pringle
- EW Schupp
- FAM Santos
- FR Rickson
- G Machado
- GPA Lamarre
- H Wolda
- JT Longino
- JT Longino
- Karla N. Oliveira
- L Poorter
- Lucas A. Kaminski
- M Crawley
- M Heil
- M Heil
- Marcelo Z. Moreira
- MB Kalka
- MC Peel
- MD Trager
- MD Trager
- ME Frederickson
- ME Hanley
- N Huntly
- O Roux
- PD Coley
- PD Coley
- PD Coley
- PD Coley
- Phyllis D. Coley
- PJ Folgarait
- RC Fisher
- RD Silveira
- Ricardo I. Campos
- RJ Cole
- RJ Marquis
- RJ Marquis
- SA Chamberlain
- SB Faveri
- SC Moraes
- ST Trimble
- T Swain
- TC Sposito
- Thomas A. Kursar
- TJ Massad
- V Novotny
- WW Benson
- Publication venue
- 'Public Library of Science (PLoS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Diel behavior in moths and butterflies: a synthesis of data illuminates the evolution of temporal activity
- Author
- A Comeau
- A Kallies
- A Kelber
- A Kelber
- A Saldaitis
- A Stamatakis
- A Wells
- A Zwick
- AD Blest
- AD Warren
- Akito Y. Kawahara
- AY Kawahara
- AY Kawahara
- B Jost
- B Landry
- C Lemaire
- C Mitter
- Chris A. Hamilton
- D Berger
- David Plotkin
- DF Hardwick
- DL Wagner
- DR Davis
- E Ounap
- E Petersson
- ES Nielsen
- ES Nielsen
- GB Wiggins
- GB Wiggins
- GC Kite
- GPA Lamarre
- H Rajaei
- H Sato
- Hannah L. Owens
- Harlan Gough
- IJ Singh
- J Fasoranti
- J Lafontaine
- J Landry
- J Miller
- J Rota
- J Rydell
- J-C Sohn
- JA Powell
- JB Heppner
- JB Heppner
- JB Ward
- JC Regier
- JC Regier
- JD Lafontaine
- JD Lafontaine
- JD Lafontaine
- JE Yack
- JE Yack
- JE Yack
- JE Yack
- Jesse R. Barber
- JH Fullard
- JH Fullard
- JH Fullard
- JM Ratcliffe
- JM Zaspel
- JW Brown
- JY Miller
- KD Roeder
- KE Muma
- LJ Revell
- M Heikkilä
- M Kemal
- M Mutanen
- M Regier
- M Rhainds
- MF Braby
- MF Whiting
- MFF Michereff
- MJ Scoble
- MJ Scoble
- MJ Scoble
- MJ Scoble
- MV Kozlov
- N Sekita
- Nicholas T. Homziak
- NP Kristensen
- O Pellmyr
- O Pellmyr
- R Yakovlev
- R Zahiri
- RO Kendall
- RW Poole
- Ryan St Laurent
- S Goodwin
- S Monsalve
- S-H Yen
- S-H Yen
- SC Willemstein
- SH Yen
- T Cowan
- T Kakul
- T Merckx
- TH Langlois
- United_States_Naval_Oceanography_Portal
- WL Roelofs
- Z Laštůvka
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study