9 research outputs found
Energy requirements for the maintenance and growth of Dorper-Jinzhong crossbred ram lambs
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Effect of mass medication with antibiotics at feedlot entry on the health and growth rate of cattle destined for the Australian domestic market
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Evaluation of the ability of orally administered aspirin to mitigate effects of 3-methylindole in feedlot cattle
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Energy and protein requirements of young Holstein calves in tropical condition
- Author
- A Arieli
- DB Smuts
- DE Johnson
- E Labussiere
- GP Lofgreen
- H Berends
- JC MacRae
- Jessika Carolina Moutinho Lima
- JN Tikofsky
- João Paulo Pacheco Rodrigues
- JW Schrama
- KL Blaxter
- KS Bartlett
- Marcelo Messias Duarte Castro
- Marcos Inácio Marcondes
- Mariana Magalhães Campos
- Mário Luiz Chizzotti
- N Quiniou
- PV Rattray
- Q Liu
- S a Bascom
- S Tamminga
- Sebastião de Campos Valadares Filho
- SJ Ainslie
- V a Wilkerson
- WH Close
- WJJ Gerrits
- XB Chen
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Macromineral and trace element requirements for Santa Ines sheep
- Author
- A Frøslie
- Agricultural Research Council
- Association of Official Analytical Chemist
- Association of Official Analytical Chemist
- CB Ammerman
- Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
- E Detmann
- E Underwood
- ES Pereira
- ES Pereira
- GP Lofgreen
- H Sano
- IAMA Teixeira
- Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
- Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
- JM Summer
- LC Geraseev
- LR Gentry
- MJ Herring
- MMD Castro
- MMM Ahmed
- National Research Council
- National Research Council
- NF Suttle
- S Brody
- SC Valadares Filho
- T Lawrence
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Welfare and Productivity
- Author
- A Grauvogl
- A Kivimae
- A Madsen
- A Madsen
- AE Sefton
- AH Jensen
- AMS Schoen
- B Graf
- B Gunster
- BG Diggs
- BO Hughes
- BO Hughes
- BO Hughes
- BW Moss
- C Augustini
- C Burckhardt
- CJ Allison
- CT Whittemore
- CW Arave
- D Deutschmann
- D Fraser
- D Marx
- D Marx
- DA Zito
- DB Stephens
- DB Stephens
- DGM Wood-Gush
- DGM Wood-Gush
- DGM Wood-Gush
- DGM Wood-Gush
- DW Folsch
- E Hofsten von
- E Rokicki
- E Simensen
- EK Nielsen
- EK Nielsen
- ESE Hafez
- F Ehinger
- FF Gilbert
- FM Loew
- G Alexander
- G Caola
- G Flitz-Pries
- G Lengerken von
- G Putten van
- G Puttern van
- G Strangby
- GB Taylor
- GD Gelbach
- GD Hutson
- GP Corstiaensen
- GP Lofgreen
- H Heitman
- H Heuser
- H Prange
- H Prange
- H Reebs
- H Russi
- H Schutz
- H Steinel
- HB Simonsen
- HC Stanton
- HH Sambraus
- HS Siegel
- I Ekesbo
- I Zabolotnyi
- IJH Duncan
- IJH Duncan
- J Czako
- J Lien
- JD Leaver
- JFG Klingbiel
- JL Albright
- JL Albright
- K Gey
- K Hildebrandt
- K Koning de
- L Noyes
- LL Hansen
- M Kittner
- M Prip
- M Schmidt
- M Staub
- M Steinhardt
- M Steinhardt
- MJ Broom
- MJ Bryant
- MJ Bryant
- MJ Bryant
- MJ Bryant
- MJ Bryant
- N Standal
- NJ Hojgaard-Olsen
- O Svendgaard
- OG Rasmussen
- P Minguy
- PL Russzier
- R Ewbank
- R Kenworthy
- R Kilgour
- R Kilgour
- RHC Penny
- RK Ringer
- SH Baxter
- T Grandin
- WT Jackson
- YR Kovalenko
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1981
- Field of study
Effect of thermal stress on physiological parameters, feed intake and plasma thyroid hormones concentration in Alentejana, Mertolenga, Frisian and Limousine cattle breeds
- Author
- A Alnaimy
- A Berman
- A Berman
- A Boissy
- A Magdub
- AA Aganga
- AA Degen
- AH Gilani
- Alfredo M. F. Pereira
- B Burns
- BR Pratt
- C Blincoe
- CJC Muller
- D Randall
- DE Spiers
- DK Beede
- EAL Titto
- Evaldo A. L. Titto
- F Baccari Jr
- FD El-Nouty
- Flávio Baccari
- GP Lofgreen
- H Roman-Ponce
- J Bligh
- J de Alba
- J. A. Afonso Almeida
- JA Thompson
- JC O’Kelly
- JE Frisch
- JK Blackshaw
- JM Faure
- JM Forbes
- K Singh
- M Cabanac
- MB Alvarez
- ME Wise
- MK Yousef
- MK Yousef
- MK Yousef
- N Silanikove
- P Berbigier
- PJ Colditz
- PM Riis
- RE McDowell
- RG Silva
- RH Ingraham
- RJ Christopherson
- RJ Collier
- SF Amakiri
- SP Singh
- T Grandin
- TH Kamal
- TH Kamal
- TLJ Lawrence
- VA Finch
- VA Finch
- VA Finch
- W Bianca
- WJ Fulkerson
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Identification of Gene Networks for Residual Feed Intake in Angus Cattle Using Genomic Prediction and RNA-seq
- Author
- A Batra
- A Canovas
- A Conesa
- A Mortazavi
- A Reverter
- A Reverter
- A Reverter
- AK Kelly
- AK Kelly
- Alison L. Van Eenennaam
- Amy E. Young
- AN Loyd
- Antonio Reverter
- BJ Hayes
- BJ Hayes
- BN Ametaj
- Bryan T. Welly
- DN Do
- EA Lee
- EP Zorrilla
- F Paradis
- FC Schmalstieg
- FD Mujibi
- FN Owens
- G Sahana
- GM Bingham
- GN Gozho
- Gonzalo Rincon
- GP Lofgreen
- HF Kraybill
- HM Zhang
- I Cassar-Malek
- J-H Chu
- JA Basarab
- JD Nkrumah
- JE Pryce
- K Wynne
- Kristina L. Weber
- Laercio R. Porto-Neto
- M McGee
- MSA Bhuiyan
- N Grarup
- N Yamamoto
- N Zhou
- P Boddhireddy
- P Shannon
- PA Alexandre
- PC Tizioto
- R Ramsey
- Ramona Natacha PENA i SUBIRÀ
- RM Herd
- RM Herd
- RM Koch
- S Bolormaa
- S Bolormaa
- S Bolormaa
- S Lkhagvadorj
- S-J Park
- SN Hart
- T Alam
- T Kamada
- TH Meuwissen
- V Mani
- WM Snelling
- Y Chen
- Y Zhang
- Publication venue
- 'Public Library of Science (PLoS)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Mineral Metabolism
- Author
- A Charton
- A Charton
- A Dobson
- A Macpherson
- A Macpherson
- A Slebodzinski
- AA Papasteriadis
- AA Wilson
- AC Asbury
- AC Field
- AC Field
- AC Field
- AC Field
- AC Field
- AC Field
- AC Field
- AC Field
- AD Care
- AD Care
- AD Care
- AD Care
- AD Care
- AD Care
- AD Care
- AD Care
- AD Perris
- AG Spais
- AG Spais
- Agricultural Research Council
- AI Littlejohn
- AK Lascelles
- AR Sykes
- AR Sykes
- AR Twardock
- AT Phillipson
- B Starcher
- BD Stacy
- BR Stillings
- BSW Smith
- BSW Smith
- CA Hjerpe
- CB Bailey
- CF Chicco
- CF Mills
- CF Mills
- CF Mills
- CH Long
- D Benzie
- D Benzie
- D Scott
- D Timet
- DA Egan
- DA Egan
- DA Egan
- DB Ross
- DC Blood
- DC Macdonald
- DE Becker
- DE Gardner
- DF Eveleth
- DI Nisbet
- DM Mcaleese
- DM Mcaleese
- DN Baron
- DP Alexander
- DP Alexander
- DT Michael
- DT Michael
- DWP Bythell
- E Pfeffer
- EA Ott
- ED Andrews
- EI Mcdougall
- EJ Butler
- EJ Underwood
- EJ Underwood
- EK Inskeep
- EW Moodie
- EW Moodie
- EW Moodie
- EW Moodie
- EW Moodie
- EW Moodie
- FB Cousins
- FF Vincenzi
- FG Smith
- FG Smith
- FG Smith
- FH Hoskins
- FJ Salt
- G Jonson
- G Jonson
- G Lunde
- G Matrone
- G Moseley
- G Simon
- G Wiener
- G Wiener
- G Wiener
- G Wiener
- GC Taneja
- GD Braithwaite
- GD Braithwaite
- GD Braithwaite
- GD Braithwaite
- GD Braithwaite
- GD Paulson
- GK Kiesel
- GL Newton
- GP Lofgreen
- H Marsh
- H Meyer
- H Meyer
- H Meyer
- H Meyer
- H Meyer
- H Meyer
- HR Marston
- HR Marston
- HW Symonds
- I Ron
- IH Kaiser
- J Duckworth
- J Duckworth
- J Luthman
- J Stewart
- J Stewart
- J-P Barlet
- J-P Barlet
- J-P Barlet
- J-P Collin
- JB Bingley
- JE Storry
- JE Storry
- JJ Koopman
- JM Gawthorne
- JM Payne
- JR Todd
- JR Todd
- JSS Inglis
- JW Bawden
- JW Ryley
- KB Sinclair
- KB Srivastava
- KG Hogan
- KL Blaxter
- KL Blaxter
- KR Christian
- L Vrzgula
- L Wade
- L Wade
- LA Davey
- LHP Jones
- M Hidiroglou
- M Hidiroglou
- M Phillipo
- M Phillipo
- M Somers
- Marci
- MC Franklin
- MG Robson
- MH Weeks
- MK Lloyd
- MR Gardiner
- NA Marcilese
- ND Grace
- ND Grace
- NF Suttle
- NF Suttle
- NF Suttle
- NF Suttle
- NF Suttle
- NF Suttle
- NF Suttle
- NF Suttle
- NH Schuster
- NJ Siemon
- NS Ritchie
- NS Ritchie
- NS Ritchie
- NS Ritchie
- P Larvor
- P Lindberg
- PC Belonje
- PE Vipperman
- PJ Dutoit
- PJ Mccosker
- PJ Smyth
- PL Lopez
- R Allcroft
- R Lippmann
- R Scarisbrick
- RC Clark
- RC Clark
- RC Clark
- RD Kline
- RF Shumard
- RG Gunn
- RG Hemingway
- RG Hemingway
- RG Hemingway
- RG Hemingway
- RG Hemingway
- RG Hemingway
- RH Wasserman
- RH Watson
- RH Watson
- RHC Penny
- RJ Scothorne
- RM Buckle
- RM Buckle
- RM Smith
- RNB Kay
- RP Dowdy
- RP Herd
- RP Herd
- RP Herd
- RR White
- S Hayter
- T Lode
- TE Nelson
- TE Nelson
- TP Whitehead
- US Seal
- VR Young
- WA House
- WM Beeson
- WM Beeson
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1975
- Field of study