42 research outputs found

    Zum Hintergrund der Zivilisationstheorie von Norbert Elias: ihr Verhältnis zu Huizinga, Weber und Freud

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    Memórias da Infância e da Educação: abordagens eliasianas sobre as mulheres

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    Relações sociais entre indivíduos estão pautadas pela experiência de educação e formação que cada um traz consigo ao longo da vida, pelo modo como se constituem individual e coletivamente. A partir de Elias e da metodologia da história oral, o objetivo foi buscar nas memórias de infância de sete mulheres, professoras de crianças, nascidas entre 1950 e 1970, a formação e a educação que se constituiu na infância em espaços privados e domésticos. Apreendeu-se que a escolha profissional tem vínculos com a educação feminina, normatizada por regras de controle e civilidade

    The United Kingdom and British Empire: A Figurational Approach

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    Drawing upon the work of Norbert Elias and the process [figurational] sociology perspective, this article examines how state formation processes are related to, and, affected by, expanding and declining chains of international interdependence. In contrast to civic and ethnic conceptions, this approach focuses on the emergence of the nation/nation-state as grounded in broader processes of historical and social development. In doing so, state formation processes within the United Kingdom are related to the expansion and decline of the British Empire. That is, by focusing on the functional dynamics that are embedded in collective groups, one is able to consider how the UK’s ‘state’ and ‘imperial’ figurations were interdependently related to changes in both the UK and the former British Empire. Consequently, by locating contemporary UK relations in the historical context of former imperial relationships, nationalism studies can go ‘beyond’ the nation/nation-state in order to include broader processes of imperial expansion and decline. Here, the relationship between empire and nationalism can offer a valuable insight into contemporary political movements, especially within former imperial groups

    De verleiding van het teveel

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    Les grandes épidémies et la civilisation des mœurs

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    Die großen Epidemien und die Zivilisierung der Sitten. Gegen die landläufige Vorstellung einer «hygienischen» Determinierung des Wandels der Sitten seit dem Mittelalter zeigt die von Norbert Elias' Arbeiten inspirierte Untersuchung des Zusammenhangs von sozialen Strukturen und sozialer Behandlung der großen Epidemien die genuin sozialen, «Hygienisierung» ermöglichenden Determinierungen.Anhand der Untersuchung von vier epidemischen Krankheiten — Lepra, Pest, Syphilis und Cholera — lassen sich die sozialen Bedingungen der Vorstellung über Ansteckung sowie der davon induzierten Präventivmaßnahmen, insbesondere der Ausschluß der Kranken, rekonstruieren.The Great Epidemics and the Civilizing Process. Contrary to the now widespread idea of a «sanitary» determination of the changes in mores since the Middle Ages, analysis of the relationship between social structures and the social response to the great epidemies, inspired by the work of Norbert Elias, reveals the specifically social determinations which make «hygienieization» possible. A study of four epidemic diseases —leprosy, the plague, syphilis and cholera— makes it possible to reconstruct the social conditions of the representation of contagion and the preventive practices which they induce — in particular, methods of excluding the sick.Les grandes épidémies et la civilisation des moeurs. Contre l'idée, communément admise aujourd'hui, d'une détermination «hygiénique» des transformations des moeurs depuis le Moyen-Age, l'analyse des relations entre structures sociales et traitement social des grandes épidémies, inspirée par les recherches de Norbert Elias, fait apparaître les déterminations proprement sociales qui rendent l'«hygiénisation» possible. A travers l'étude de quatre maladies épidémiques —la lèpre, la peste, la syphilis et le choléra—, on peut reconstruire les conditions sociales de la représentation de la contagion et les pratiques préventives qu'elles induisent, notamment les procédures d'exclusion des malades.Las grandes epidemias y la civilización de las costumbres. Contra la idea, comunmente admitida hoy, de una determinación «higiénica» de las transformaciones de las costumbres después de la Edad Media, el analísis de las relaciones entre estructuras sociales y tratamiento social de las grandes epidemias, inspirado por las investigaciones de Norbert Elias, muestra las determinaciones propiamente sociales que hacen la «higienización» posible. A través del estudio de cuatro enfermedades epidémicas —la lepra, la peste, la sífilis y el cólera— se puede reconstruir las condiciones sociales de la representación del contagio y las prácticas preventivas que ellas inducen, especialmente los procedimientos de exclusión de los enfermos.Goudsblom Johan. Les grandes épidémies et la civilisation des mœurs. In: Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales. Vol. 68, juin 1987. Épidémies, malades, médecins. pp. 3-14

    Long-Term Processes in the History of Humanity

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    "Humanity" is no longer an ideal but a reality. Its history does not date back a few hundreds of generations, as was still believed in the 18th century; it encompasses many tens of thousands of generations. A synthesis of historical, sociological, anthropological, archaeological, and biological approaches is now possible. An attempt in this direction is made here in the form of a few simple overall "process models." The three major ecological transformations brought about by humans serve as benchmarks: the domestication of fire, the rise of agriculture, and the "industrial revolution." Each new stage in control over nature signalled a simultaneous increase in dependency on that which was being controlled. Against this background, secular trends of growth, concentration, specialisation, organisation, and stratification of human populations have been dominant over the last ten millennia

    Dutch society

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    Masyarakat Belanda, studi komprehensif pertama dalam bahasa apa pun oleh seorang sosiolog yang juga anggota masyarakat, adalah survei deskriptif yang menyajikan fitur umum yang dimiliki bersama dengan masyarakat Barat lainnya dan fitur khusus yang bertahan dari dampak modernisasi yang merata. Tema dasar interaksi antara "pribumi" dan modern" disajikan dalam perspektif sejarah yang ringkas dan diilustrasikan dengan banyak data, termasuk referensi bibliografi yang luas

    The Worm and the Clock: On the Genesis of a Global Time Regime.

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    The spread of a unitary time grid over the whole world is a remarkable aspect of globalisation. Time is not a natural given; as suggested by Norbert Elias, it is a means, devised by humans, for comparing processes of various speed and duration. As such, it is function of "timing" - an activity which is inherently place-bound. Four phases can be distinguished in the development leading up to universal global timing. In Phase 1 there are no instruments for dividing the day into clearcut intervals such as hours. Phase 2 brings various instruments such as sundials and waterclocks with which the day is divided into 24 hours of unequal length. In Phase 3 the mechanical clock makes standardisation of the hour possible. In Phase 4 the world is divided into 24 time zones, with a synchronised schedule of hours, minutes and seconds spread globally as an invisible net

    Het regime van de tijd

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    In deze bundel behandelt de Amsterdamse socioloog J. Goudsblom sociale 'regimes' waar mensen individueel en in groepsverband onder leven. Hiertoe behoren bijvoorbeeld de schaamte en de tijdrekening, maar ook het streven naar luxe en comfort. Hoewel al deze regimes door mensen aan elkaar worden opgelegd, kan het in onze beleving lijken alsof we er aan toegeven uit een spontane innerlijke drang. Uitgaande van de wisselwerking tussen sociale dwang en individuele ontplooiing richt Goudsblom in dit fascinerende boek zijn scherpzinnige blik op schijnbaar ver uiteen liggende onderwerpen, zoals vuurbeheersing, godsdienst, koningsschap, de verhouding tussen mannen en vrouwen, tafelmanieren, gehoorzaamheid en rationaliteit. Het regime van de tijd is een staalkaart van wetenschappelijke nieuwsgierigheid en essayistische durf