106 research outputs found

    Micronutrientes no solo sob floresta nativa e pastagens no Pantanal da Nhecolândia.

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    A substituição de fitofisionomias nativas do Pantanal por sistemas de pastagens cultivadas podem causar alterações da disponibilidade de micronutrientes do solo, pois esta relaciona-se ao teor de matéria orgânica, umidade, pH, condições de oxi-redução e interação entre nutrientes. Com isto, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da substituição da vegetação arbórea nativa por pastagem cultivada, bem como a submissão da pastagem nativa ao pastejo contínuo sobre o teor de micronutrientes no solo da Nhecolândia, Mato Grosso do Sul. The replacement of native vegetation types of the Pantanal by cultivated pasture systems can cause changes in the availability of soil micronutrients, as it relates to the organic matter content, moisture, pH, redox conditions and interaction between nutrients. With this, the objective was to evaluate the effect of the replacement of native trees for pasture, and the subjugation of native pasture to continuous grazing on the content of micronutrients in the soil of the Nhecolandia sub-region, Mato Grosso do Sul

    Sintomas visuais de deficiências nutricionais em grama-do-cerrado (Mesosetum chaseae).

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    Em experimento de casa de vegetação, cultivou-se Mesosetum chaseae Luces (grama-do-cerrado) em soluçãonutritiva, tendo como tratamentos a solução completa, as omissões individuais dos macronutrientes N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S e micronutrientes B, Zn, Fe e Mn. Fez-se o acompanhamento semanal da manifestação dos sintomas visuais de deficiência após o transplantio, além de medições biométricas tais como altura máxima, número de perfilhos e produção da matéria seca da parte aérea (MSPA) e da raiz (MSR) da grama-do-cerrado. A forrageira grama-do-cerrado mostrou-se mais exigente em N, P e Fe demonstrando sintomas de deficiência na fase inicial de crescimento. Para os índices biométricos e de produção analisados, todos apresentaram diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos. O Ca e o Mg foram os nutrientes menos limitantes para o crescimento e desenvolvimento da grama-do-cerrado.bitstream/item/157942/1/BP110.pd

    Drought tolerance phenotyping in crops under contrasting target environments: procedures and practices.

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    Introduction. Comparing target environment characteristics for drought tolerance phenotyping. Site selection criteria. Soil characteristics for establishment of a specific site area. Main steps for a specific site selection and establishment in the field. A specific site selection and establishment case study: Sete Lagoas (Minas Gerais), Janaúba (Minas Gerais) and Teresina (Piauí), Brazil. Procedures for monitoring and controlling water stress for drought tolerance phenotyping. Irrigation scheme selection. Conventional sprinkler system. Localised irrigation system. Linear moving system. Field calibration procedures for water application and distribution. Container setupe for conventional sprinkler and linear moving irrigation systems. Calculation of the uniformity of water distribution. Procedures for the evaluation of applied water depth and distribution. Irrigation water management. Soil moisture measurements on drought tolerance field trials. Crop water requirements in localised systems. Irrigation depth. Measurement of crop water stress. Pehnotyping cereals and legumes for drought tolerance. Structure, maintenance and management of a database and modelling for drought tolerance phenothyping.bitstream/item/177192/1/Separata-00859.pd

    Drought tolerance phenotyping in crops under contrasting target environments: procedures and practices.

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    Introduction. Comparing target environment characteristics for drought tolerance phenotyping. Site selection criteria. Soil characteristics for establishment of a specific site area. Main steps for a specific site selection and establishment in the field. A specific site selection and establishment case study: Sete Lagoas (Minas Gerais), Janaúba (Minas Gerais) and Teresina (Piauí), Brazil. Procedures for monitoring and controlling water stress for drought tolerance phenotyping. Irrigation scheme selection. Conventional sprinkler system. Localised irrigation system. Linear moving system. Field calibration procedures for water application and distribution. Container setupe for conventional sprinkler and linear moving irrigation systems. Calculation of the uniformity of water distribution. Procedures for the evaluation of applied water depth and distribution. Irrigation water management. Soil moisture measurements on drought tolerance field trials. Crop water requirements in localised systems. Irrigation depth. Measurement of crop water stress. Pehnotyping cereals and legumes for drought tolerance. Structure, maintenance and management of a database and modelling for drought tolerance phenothyping.bitstream/item/177192/1/Separata-00859.pd