1,320 research outputs found

    Time Evolution of Temperature and Entropy of Various Collapsing Domain Walls

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    We investigate the time evolution of the temperature and entropy of gravitationally collapsing domain walls as seen by an asymptotic observer. In particular, we seek to understand how topology and the addition of a cosmological constant affect the gravitational collapse. Previous work has shown that the entropy of a spherically symmetric collapsing domain approaches a constant. In this paper, we reproduce these results, using both a fully quantum and a semi-classical approach, then we repeat the process for a de Sitter Schwarzschild domain wall (spherical with cosmological constant) and a (3+1) BTZ domain wall (cylindrical). We do this by coupling a scalar field to the background of the domain wall and analyzing the spectrum of radiation as a function of time. We find that the spectrum is quasi-thermal, with the degree of thermality increasing as the domain wall approaches the horizon. The thermal distribution allows for the determination of the temperature as a function of time, and we find that the late time temperature is very close to the Hawking temperature and that it also exhibits the proper scaling with the mass. From the temperature we find the entropy. Since the collapsing domain wall is what forms a black hole, we can compare the results to those of the standard entropy-area relation. We find that the entropy does in fact approach a constant that is close to the Hawking entropy. However, both the de Sitter Schwarzschild domain wall and the (3+1) BTZ domain wall show periods of decreasing entropy, which suggests that spontaneous collapse may be prevented.Comment: This paper is a merging of two previously submitted papers: Time Evolution of Temperature and Entropy of a Gravitationally Collapsing Cylinder [arXiv:1106.2278]; Time Evolution of Temperature and Entropy of a Gravitationally Collapsing de Sitter Schwarzschild Domain Wal

    Partially ordered models

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    We provide a formal definition and study the basic properties of partially ordered chains (POC). These systems were proposed to model textures in image processing and to represent independence relations between random variables in statistics (in the later case they are known as Bayesian networks). Our chains are a generalization of probabilistic cellular automata (PCA) and their theory has features intermediate between that of discrete-time processes and the theory of statistical mechanical lattice fields. Its proper definition is based on the notion of partially ordered specification (POS), in close analogy to the theory of Gibbs measure. This paper contains two types of results. First, we present the basic elements of the general theory of POCs: basic geometrical issues, definition in terms of conditional probability kernels, extremal decomposition, extremality and triviality, reconstruction starting from single-site kernels, relations between POM and Gibbs fields. Second, we prove three uniqueness criteria that correspond to the criteria known as bounded uniformity, Dobrushin and disagreement percolation in the theory of Gibbs measures.Comment: 54 pages, 11 figures, 6 simulations. Submited to Journal of Stat. Phy

    Long-Term Safety of a Coordinated Delivery Tablet of Enteric-Coated Aspirin 325 mg and Immediate-Release Omeprazole 40 mg for Secondary Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Patients at GI Risk

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    Introduction: In two, 6-month, randomized, double-blind Phase 3 trials, PA32540 (enteric-coated aspirin 325 mg and immediate-release omeprazole 40 mg) compared to aspirin alone was associated with fewer endoscopic gastric and duodenal ulcers in patients requiring aspirin therapy for secondary cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention who were at risk for upper gastrointestinal (UGI) events. Aims: In this 12-month, open-label, multicenter Phase 3 study, we evaluated the long-term cardiovascular and gastrointestinal safety of PA32540 in subjects who were taking aspirin 325 mg daily for =3 months for secondary CVD prevention and were at risk for aspirin-associated UGI events. Enrolled subjects received PA32540 once daily for up to 12 months and were assessed at baseline, month 1, month 6, and month 12. Results: The overall safety population consisted of 379 subjects, and 290 subjects (76%) were on PA32540 for =348 days (12-month completers). Adverse events (AEs) caused study withdrawal in 13.5% of subjects, most commonly gastroesophageal reflux disease (1.1%). Treatment-emergent AEs occurred in 76% of the safety population (11% treatment-related) and 73% of 12-month completers (8% treatment-related). The most common treatment-related AE was dyspepsia (2%). One subject had a gastric ulcer observed on for-cause endoscopy. There were five cases of adjudicated nonfatal myocardial infarction, one nonfatal stroke, and one cardiovascular death, but none considered treatment-related. Conclusions: Long-term treatment with PA32540 once daily for up to 12 months in subjects at risk for aspirin-associated UGI events is not associated with any new or unexpected safety events

    Long-Time Behavior of Macroscopic Quantum Systems: Commentary Accompanying the English Translation of John von Neumann's 1929 Article on the Quantum Ergodic Theorem

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    The renewed interest in the foundations of quantum statistical mechanics in recent years has led us to study John von Neumann's 1929 article on the quantum ergodic theorem. We have found this almost forgotten article, which until now has been available only in German, to be a treasure chest, and to be much misunderstood. In it, von Neumann studied the long-time behavior of macroscopic quantum systems. While one of the two theorems announced in his title, the one he calls the "quantum H-theorem", is actually a much weaker statement than Boltzmann's classical H-theorem, the other theorem, which he calls the "quantum ergodic theorem", is a beautiful and very non-trivial result. It expresses a fact we call "normal typicality" and can be summarized as follows: For a "typical" finite family of commuting macroscopic observables, every initial wave function ψ0\psi_0 from a micro-canonical energy shell so evolves that for most times tt in the long run, the joint probability distribution of these observables obtained from ψt\psi_t is close to their micro-canonical distribution.Comment: 34 pages LaTeX, no figures; v2: minor improvements and additions. The English translation of von Neumann's article is available as arXiv:1003.213

    Some remarks on the isoperimetric problem for the higher eigenvalues of the Robin and Wentzell Laplacians

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    We consider the problem of minimising the kkth eigenvalue, k2k \geq 2, of the (pp-)Laplacian with Robin boundary conditions with respect to all domains in RN\mathbb{R}^N of given volume MM. When k=2k=2, we prove that the second eigenvalue of the pp-Laplacian is minimised by the domain consisting of the disjoint union of two balls of equal volume, and that this is the unique domain with this property. For p=2p=2 and k3k \geq 3, we prove that in many cases a minimiser cannot be independent of the value of the constant α\alpha in the boundary condition, or equivalently of the volume MM. We obtain similar results for the Laplacian with generalised Wentzell boundary conditions Δu+βuν+γu=0\Delta u + \beta \frac{\partial u}{\partial \nu} + \gamma u = 0.Comment: 16 page

    Higgs algebraic symmetry of screened system in a spherical geometry

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    The orbits and the dynamical symmetries for the screened Coulomb potentials and isotropic harmonic oscillators have been studied by Wu and Zeng [Z. B. Wu and J. Y. Zeng, Phys. Rev. A 62,032509 (2000)]. We find the similar properties in the responding systems in a spherical space, whose dynamical symmetries are described by Higgs Algebra. There exists a conserved aphelion and perihelion vector, which, together with angular momentum, constitute the generators of the geometrical symmetry group at the aphelia and perihelia points (r˙=0)(\dot{r}=0).Comment: 8 pages, 1 fi

    Density-Matrix approach to a Strongly Coupled Two-Component Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    The time evolution equations for average values of population and relative phase of a strongly coupled two component BEC is derived analytically. The two components are two hyper-fine states coupled by an external laser that drives fast Rabi oscillations between these states. Specifically, this derivation incorporates the two-mode model proposed in [1] for the strongly coupled hyper-fine states of Rb. The fast Rabi cycle is averaged out and rate equations are derived that represents the slow dynamics of the system. These include the collapse and revival of Rabi oscillations and their subsequent dependence on detuning and trap displacement as reported in experiments of [1]. A proposal to create stable vortices is also given.Comment: 11 Latex pages, 2 figures (Figure 3 was removed and the text chnaged accordingly

    Trajectory versus probability density entropy

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    We study the problem of entropy increase of the Bernoulli-shift map without recourse to the concept of trajectory and we discuss whether, and under which conditions if it does, the distribution density entropy coincides with the Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy, namely, with the trajectory entropy.Comment: 24 page

    Probing Yukawian gravitational potential by numerical simulations. I. Changing N-body codes

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    In the weak field limit general relativity reduces, as is well known, to the Newtonian gravitation. Alternative theories of gravity, however, do not necessarily reduce to Newtonian gravitation; some of them, for example, reduce to Yukawa-like potentials instead of the Newtonian potential. Since the Newtonian gravitation is largely used to model with success the structures of the universe, such as for example galaxies and clusters of galaxies, a way to probe and constrain alternative theories, in the weak field limit, is to apply them to model the structures of the universe. In the present study, we consider how to probe Yukawa-like potentials using N-body numerical simulations.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures. To appear in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Exact Analytic Solutions for the Rotation of an Axially Symmetric Rigid Body Subjected to a Constant Torque

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    New exact analytic solutions are introduced for the rotational motion of a rigid body having two equal principal moments of inertia and subjected to an external torque which is constant in magnitude. In particular, the solutions are obtained for the following cases: (1) Torque parallel to the symmetry axis and arbitrary initial angular velocity; (2) Torque perpendicular to the symmetry axis and such that the torque is rotating at a constant rate about the symmetry axis, and arbitrary initial angular velocity; (3) Torque and initial angular velocity perpendicular to the symmetry axis, with the torque being fixed with the body. In addition to the solutions for these three forced cases, an original solution is introduced for the case of torque-free motion, which is simpler than the classical solution as regards its derivation and uses the rotation matrix in order to describe the body orientation. This paper builds upon the recently discovered exact solution for the motion of a rigid body with a spherical ellipsoid of inertia. In particular, by following Hestenes' theory, the rotational motion of an axially symmetric rigid body is seen at any instant in time as the combination of the motion of a "virtual" spherical body with respect to the inertial frame and the motion of the axially symmetric body with respect to this "virtual" body. The kinematic solutions are presented in terms of the rotation matrix. The newly found exact analytic solutions are valid for any motion time length and rotation amplitude. The present paper adds further elements to the small set of special cases for which an exact solution of the rotational motion of a rigid body exists.Comment: "Errata Corridge Postprint" version of the journal paper. The following typos present in the Journal version are HERE corrected: 1) Definition of \beta, before Eq. 18; 2) sign in the statement of Theorem 3; 3) Sign in Eq. 53; 4)Item r_0 in Eq. 58; 5) Item R_{SN}(0) in Eq. 6