13 research outputs found

    Experimental investigation of the bed joint influence on mechanical properties of hollow calcium silicate block masonry

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    The article discusses the influence of the bed joint thickness and mortar strength on properties of calcium silicate (CS) block behavior under short-term static load. The investigation of masonry samples made of hollow CS blocks is presented in this paper. The specimens were made of two types of hollow CS blocks, combined with general purpose mortar of three different strengths and thin layer mortar of two different strengths. During the analysis of masonry with thin layer mortar the moisture influence on mechanical properties of masonry was also investigated. The experimental investigation has shown that the height of mortar bed joints has a larger influence on the mechanical properties of masonry when mortar of lower strength is used. Moistening CS blocks with thin layer mortar did not have a significant influence on the mechanical properties of masonry.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio