2 research outputs found
Antiplatelet Drugs
- Author
- A Kaegi
- AC Arntzenius
- AGG Turpie
- AJ Tector
- BG Brown
- BW Lytle
- CM Grodin
- CW Pumphrey
- CW White
- D McTavish
- DH Blankenhorn
- DJ Crutchley
- DM Cosgrove
- DY Graham
- F Balsano
- F Markwardt
- F Markwardt
- F Markwardt
- FC Spencer
- FD Loop
- FH Sims
- FJ Brensike
- G Brown
- G Defreyn
- G Sanz
- GA FitzGerald
- GA Pantely
- GL Roth
- GM Glore
- GVRK Sharma
- H Gohlke
- H Haruyama
- HB Barner
- HD Lewis
- HR Baumgartner
- HR Baur
- ISIS-2 Second International Study of Infarct Survival) Collaborative Group
- J Meer van der
- JA Cairns
- JE Mayer
- JH Chesebro
- JH Chesebro
- JH Chesebro
- JH Chesebro
- JH Chesebro
- JH Chesebro
- JI Weitz
- JR O’Brien
- JV Donadio
- JYT Lam
- KH Teoh
- KK Uni
- LS Nuutinen
- M Cohen
- M Cohen
- M Heras
- M Heras
- M Josa
- M Pfisterer
- ME Bertrand
- MG Gruetter
- MP Metke
- MT McEnany
- N Brooks
- P Steele
- P Theroux
- P Théroux
- P Zoldhelyi
- P Zoldhelyi
- PA Kyrie
- PP Steele
- R Limet
- Report from the Anturane Reinfarction Italian Study
- RJ Clarke
- RL Lorenz
- RM Becker
- S Goldman
- S Goldman
- S Goldman
- S Moncada
- S Roux
- SA Ekeström
- SM Rajah
- SR Hanson
- SR Stone
- TB Tschoop
- The Anturane Reinfarction Trial Research Group
- The GUSTO Angiographic Investigators
- The Persantine-Aspirin Reinfarction Study Group
- TJ Rydel
- TP Gavaghan
- UK-TIA Study Group
- United States Pharmacopeial Convention
- V Fuster
- V Fuster
- V Fuster
- WS Grundfest
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1994
- Field of study
Soyfoods: Their Role in Disease Prevention and Treatment
- Author
- A Cassidy
- A Cassidy
- A Constantinou
- A Dalu
- A Okura
- A Verrillo
- A Wachman
- A Wu
- AH Corbett
- AL Murkies
- American Cancer Society
- Anonymous
- AR Kennedy
- BAJ Evans
- BF Harland
- BH Arjmandi
- BM Brenner
- BY Tang
- C Cooper
- C Geynet
- C Guijarro
- C Harding
- C Irvine
- C Linassier
- C Muir
- CA Lamartiniere
- CM Weaver
- CR Sirtori
- CR Sirtori
- CT Murphy
- DB Thompson
- DC Wheeler
- DD Baird
- DE Fenwick
- DF McMichael-Phillips
- Diet and Health
- DP Burkitt
- DR Friend
- DT Zava
- E Graf
- EB Rimm
- EK Honoré
- EM Bickoff
- EM Kurowaska
- F Spinozzi
- Federal Register
- FS Dalais
- G D’amico
- G Peterson
- G Peterson
- G Peterson
- G Sarwar
- G Wilcox
- GE Kelly
- GL Burke
- GM Green
- H Adlercreutz
- H Adlercreutz
- H Adlercreutz
- H Adlercreutz
- H Meinertz
- H Ogawara
- H Olsson
- H Wei
- H-J Wang
- H-J Wang
- HC Blair
- Heart and Stroke Facts
- HP Lee
- HR Naik
- HW Bennetts
- IE Liener
- IE Liener
- IR Record
- J Clark
- J Eden
- J Erdman Jr.
- J Folkman
- J Fujimoto
- J Geller
- J Green
- J Markowits
- J Thorburn
- J-M Yuan
- J-M Yuan
- JD Biggers
- JJ Rackis
- JJB Anderson
- JL Witztum
- JP Brown
- JR Korzenik
- JW Anderson
- JW Erdman Jr.
- K Hayakawa
- K Hirose
- K Kiguchi
- K Konda
- K Nilausen
- KA Steinmetz
- KDR Setchell
- KJ Pienta
- KJ Severson
- KK Carroll
- L Coward
- L Coward
- L Hallberg
- L Ishaaya
- L Markiewicz
- L Schweigerer
- M Koo
- M Lock
- M Lonkovaara
- M Messina
- M Valente
- M-K Sung
- MD Hollenberg
- MGL Hertog
- MJ Messina
- ML Brandi
- MN Woods
- MR Law
- MS Anthony
- MS Anthony
- MS Brown
- MT Siddiqui
- MW Huff
- N Tsutsumi
- National Cholesterol Education Program National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health
- National Live Stock and Meat Board
- NE Davidson
- NL Petrakis
- Osteoporosis Consensus Panel
- P Fanti
- P Kontessis
- P Kontessis
- P Nair
- PCH Hollman
- PM Martin
- R Schleicher
- R Silverstone
- R Yatani
- RB Bradbury
- RE Hodges
- RJ Jariwalla
- RL Anderson
- RP Heaney
- RP Heany
- S Barnes
- S Barnes
- S Klahr
- S Kobayashi
- Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study Group
- SI Mäkelä
- SM Potter
- SM Potter
- SM Potter
- Soyfoods Association of America
- SR Glore
- Surgeon General’s Report on Nutrition and Health The
- T Akiyama
- T Akiyama
- T Fotsis
- T Hunter
- T Kanazawa
- T Remer
- T Watanabe
- T Watanabe
- TM Kuo
- U Mayr
- VA Breslau
- VR Young
- WB Kannel
- WE Farnsworth
- X Xu
- X Xu
- Y Azuma
- Y Folman
- Y Jing
- Y Kanatani
- Y Matsukawa
- Y Takeda
- Yankelovich Skelly, and White/Clancy, Shulman, Inc.
- Z Nitsan
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1997
- Field of study