18 research outputs found

    Internal phosphorus load estimation during biomanipulation in a large polymictic and mesotrophic lake

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    We quantified internal phosphorus (P) load for 26 years in the polymictic, large (155 km(2)) and shallow (mean depth 5.5 m) Lake Sakylan Pyhajarvi, which was heavily biomanipulated by fish removal. Internal load was estimated as (1) partially net estimates from in situ P summer increases, (2) net estimates from P budgets (mass balance approach), and (3) gross estimates from predicted active sediment release area and sediment P release, dependent on August lake temperature. Long-term averages of these estimates were similar and large at about 60% of average external load (105 mg m(-2) yr(-1)) and were larger than external load in years with high water temperature and low water load. Regression analysis revealed that external load is decreasing but internal load is increasing over time. Internal load was negatively correlated with annual water load and positively correlated with lake water temperature. Long-term average annual or summer P concentrations are adequately predicted by a P mass balance model that includes external load, internal load (Method 3), and sedimentation as independently predicted retention. Predictability was poor for individual years, however, partially due to the poor correlation of observed lake and outflow P concentrations, the variable abundance of planktivorous fish, and reflecting the violation of the steady state assumption when individual years are modeled. Scenario modeling shows that biomanipulation cancels out the effects of internal load and forecasts a rapid increase of internal load and P concentration due to climate change; therefore, measures that further decrease external and internal P load and strengthen biomanipulation are recommended

    Nutrients and chlorophyll-a dynamics in a temperate reservoir influenced by Asian monsoon along with in situ nutrient enrichment bioassays

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    Long-term nutrients and chlorophyll-a dynamics during 1993-2000 were analyzed in a temperate reservoir influenced by the Asian monsoon. Nonparametric Mann-Kendall tests and seasonal trend analyses indicated that there were no long-term annual increasing or decreasing trends in major trophic parameters over 8 years, but the monsoon seasonality was evident. Seasonality in chlorophyll (CHL) and total phosphorus (TP) showed a mono-modal pattern, which was closely associated with the monsoon season of July-August, and the magnitude of the mono-modal peak was greater in the headwater zone than in the downlake zone. Such temporal patterns fluctuated interannually over the study period, and the magnitude of the variation was directly controlled by the intensity of the monsoon rain. Empirical models of annual mean CHL-TP were developed supporting the view that phytoplankton in lentic ecosystems responds to P enrichment and that annual mean TP may provide a reliable basis for predicting the average algal abundance. Ambient nutrient analyses, N:P ratios and in situ nutrient enrichment bioassay experiments (NEBs) in premonsoon and postmonsoon supported the P limitation for phytoplankton growth. Ambient nutrients and non-volatile suspended solid (NVSS) data on CHL in the intense monsoon year, however, showed the possibility of light limitation, even though the NEBs did not show the direct evidence. These findings were confirmed by two-dimensional graphic approaches of trophic state index deviations (TSIDs).