2 research outputs found

    On the unipolarity of charge transport in methanofullerene diodes

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    Fullerenes are electron transporting organic semiconductors with a wide range of applications. In particular, methanofullereneshave been the preferred choice for solution-processed solar cells and photodiodes. The wide applicability of fullerenes as both ‘ntype’transport materials and electron acceptors is clear. However, what is still a matter of debate is whether the fullerenes can alsosupport efficient transport of holes, particularly in diode geometries. In this letter, we utilize a number of recently developedexperimental methods for selective electron and hole mobility measurements. We show for the two most widely used solutionprocessable fullerenes, PC70- and-PC60BM, that whilst both exhibit electron mobilities as high as 10−3 cm2/Vs, their hole mobilities