14 research outputs found

    Transgenic tobacco expressing Vitreoscilla hemoglobin exhibits enhanced growth and altered metabolite production

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    The gene for Vitreoscilla hemoglobin (VHb) has been introduced and expressed in Nicotiana tabaccum (tobacco). Transgenic tobacco plants expressing VHb exhibited enhanced growth, on average 80-100% more dry weight after 35 days of growth compared to wild-type controls. Furthermore, germination time is reduced from 6-8 days for wild-type tobacco to 3-4 days and the growth phase from germination to flowering was 3-5 days shorter for the VHb-expressing transgenes. Transgenic plants contained, on average, 30-40% more chlorophyll and 34% more nicotine than controls. VHb expression also resulted in an altered distribution of secondary metabolites: In the trangenic tobacco plants anabasine content was decreased 80% relative to control plants

    Will focal therapy become a standard of care for men with localized prostate cancer?

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    The current treatment choice for men with localized prostate cancer lies between active surveillance and radical therapy. The difference between these two extremes of care is 5% in terms of cancer-related absolute mortality at 8 years. It is generally accepted that this small difference will decrease for men diagnosed in the prostate-specific-antigen era. Radical therapy is associated with considerable adverse effects (e.g. incontinence, impotence, rectal problems) because it treats the whole gland, and damages surrounding structures in up to half of men. Men are being diagnosed at a younger age with lower-risk disease, and many have unifocal or unilateral disease. We propose a new concept whereby only the tumor focus and a margin of normal tissue are treated. This paradigm might decrease adverse effects whilst, at the same time, retaining effective cancer control. The arguments for and against active surveillance and radical therapy are reviewed in this article, with focal therapy presented as a means for bridging these two approaches