11 research outputs found

    Where Wolves Kill Moose: The Influence of Prey Life History Dynamics on the Landscape Ecology of Predation

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    The landscape ecology of predation is well studied and known to be influenced by habitat heterogeneity. Little attention has been given to how the influence of habitat heterogeneity on the landscape ecology of predation might be modulated by life history dynamics of prey in mammalian systems. We demonstrate how life history dynamics of moose (Alces alces) contribute to landscape patterns in predation by wolves (Canis lupus) in Isle Royale National Park, Lake Superior, USA. We use pattern analysis and kernel density estimates of moose kill sites to demonstrate that moose in senescent condition and moose in prime condition tend to be wolf-killed in different regions of Isle Royale in winter. Predation on senescent moose was clustered in one kill zone in the northeast portion of the island, whereas predation on prime moose was clustered in 13 separate kill zones distributed throughout the full extent of the island. Moreover, the probability of kill occurrence for senescent moose, in comparison to prime moose, increased in high elevation habitat with patches of dense coniferous trees. These differences can be attributed, at least in part, to senescent moose being more vulnerable to predation and making different risk-sensitive habitat decisions than prime moose. Landscape patterns emerging from prey life history dynamics and habitat heterogeneity have been observed in the predation ecology of fish and insects, but this is the first mammalian system for which such observations have been made

    Insect – Tree Interactions in Thaumetopoea pityocampa

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    The pine processionary moth is, by far, the most important insect defoliator of pine forests in Southern Europe and North Africa, both in terms of its temporal occurrence, geographic range and socioeconomic impact. Monitoring and pest management actions are therefore required on a regular basis, to ensure the detection, evaluation and mitigation of potential risks to forest and public health. However, we still lack some of the basic knowledge required for relevant analyses of the risk posed by the pine processionary moth. Pest risk is defined as a combination of three components: (1) pest occurrence, which depends on the spatiotemporal dynamics of populations; (2) plant vulnerability to the pest, resulting in a certain amount of damage; and (3) the socioeconomic impact of damage, depending on the potential value of the plants damaged (Jactel et al. 2012). The population dynamics of the processionary moth has been extensively studied, in particular within the context of climate change (see Battisti et al. 2014, Chap. 2, this volume). Several studies have recently addressed the question of tree and forest vulnerability to pine processionary attacks but a comprehensive review of evidence was missing. This is the first objective of this chapter. In particular we were interested in a better understanding of the ecological mechanisms responsible for the host tree selection, at both the species and individual tree levels. In a second part we show that pine susceptibility to the pine processionary moth could be reduced by improving forest diversity at different spatial scales. In the last part of this chapter we provide quantitative estimate of the growth losses caused by defoliations of the pine processionary moth. Altogether this information paves the way for quantitative risk analyses on pine processionary moth infestations based on forest growth models