45 research outputs found

    Virusne infekcije sporog toka malih preživara u Grčkoj

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    The slow viral infections are from the most important problems of sheep and goat production in Greece. Diseases as enzootic nasal tumor, Maedi-Visna, caprine arthritis-encephalitis, pulmonary adenomatosis and Scrapie can cause significant losses in sheep and goat flocks. They can be transmitted during grazing or with animal sales. Here are described the clinicopathological findings of the aforementioned diseases, as well as their diagnosis and control.Bирусне инфекције спорог тока су врло значајан проблем код оваца и коза у Грчкој. Обољења као што су Maedi-Visna, артритис и енцефалитис код коза (CAEV), аденоматоза и скрепи могу да узрокују значајне губитке у запатима оваца и коза. Могу да се пренесу у току испаше или продајом животиња. У овом раду je описан клиничко-патолошки налаз наведених болести, као и њихова дијагностика и контрола


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    The slow viral infections are from the most important problems of sheep and goatproduction in Greece. Diseases as enzootic nasal tumor, Maedi-Visna, caprinearthritis-encephalitis, pulmonary adenomatosis and Scrapie can cause significantlosses in sheep and goat flocks. They can be transmitted during grazing or with animalsales. Here are described the clinicopathological findings of the aforementioneddiseases, as well as their diagnosis and control

    The Monitoring of Some Anthelmintic Results in Control of Fasciolosis in Extensive System Dairy Sheep in Albania

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    The infestation from Fasciola hepatica in Albania was prescribed at a very high level in extensive system dairy sheep herd of flat area. To compare the efficacy and results of some anthelmintics-active drugs in F. hepatica control we organized a trial during the year 2012 in a dairy sheep farm in central Albania. We established 5 experimental groups with 50 sheep on each. All faeces from all sheep were controlled on different dates according to the methodology with fast flotation and sedimentation method for fasciola eggs and the PCV level (Hematocrit). Laboratory tests before treatment, reported an average of 115-130 eggs of Fasciola, per gram of faeces, which represented a serious invasion and hemotocrit or PCV was 26,4%-27,1%. The first and second group were treated with 10mg/kg.b.w of Triclabendazol per os (PO), one of the benzimidazolics that were introduced with the delay in Albania. The third group was administered a combination of 10 mg/kg of Triclabendazole + 7.5 mg/kg.b.w PO of Levamisole. The fourth group was administered 10 mg /kg/b.w PO of albendazole. The fifth group was not treated (control group). Three weeks later from the treatment, the trial was repeated under the same methodology. In autumn a coprology control was organized for all groups before and after treatment. The same treatment was repeated as in spring except the first and fifth group which was not treated. The conclusion from the experimental results is that the combined treatment of Triclabendazole + Levamisole, twice a year, in spring and autumn, shows a better effect against F. Hepatica than the treatment with Triclabendazole or Albendazole only.Keywords: anthelminthic, fasciola, triclabendasole, albendasole, coprology

    Procena orf vakcine na terenu kod stada ovaca i koza sa visokom neonatalnom smrtnošću

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    A high percent of annual neonatal mortality attributed to orf infection was observed between 2001 and 2004 in 2 sheep and 2 mixed (sheep and goat) flocks of Northern Greece. In order to protect the neonatal lambs and kids from orf infection a commercially available live orf vaccine was used. Pregnant sheep and goats were vaccinated subcutaneously a month before parturition, while 10 sheep and 10 goats in each flock remained unvaccinated and were used as negative controls. The vaccine was significantly effective (P lt 0.05) in reducing the orf lesions and the mortality rate in lambs and kids of the 4 flocks. During the next year 3 of the 4 flocks were revaccinated. A significantly low percentage of orf lesions and neonatal mortality continued to occur in revaccinated flocks, while a significant percentage (P lt 0.05) of orf lesions and neonatal mortality reappeared in the nonrevaccinated flock. The antibody titres in vaccinated sheep and goats were increased significantly on days 60 and 105 post-vaccination, while the titres in the controls remained low (P lt 0.05).Visok stepen godišnje smrtnosti neonatalnih životinja doprineo je orf infekcijama uočenim izmedju 2001 i 2004 kod dva stada ovaca i dva mešovita stada ovaca i koza u severnoj Grčkoj. Komercijalno dostupna živa orf vakcina je upotrebljena da bi se zaštitila neonatalna jagnjad i jarad od orf infekcije. Bređe ovce i koze su vakcinisane subkutano mesec dana pre partusa, dok je 10 ovaca i 10 koza u svakom stadu ostalo nevakcinisano i posluž ile su kao negativne kontrole. Vakcina je bila značajno efikasna (P lt 0,05) u smanjenju orf lezija i stope smrtnosti kod jagnjadi i jaradi sva četiri stada. Tokom sledeće godine, 3 od 4 stada su revakcinisana. Nastavljena je pojava značajno niskog procenta orf lezija i smrtnosti neonatalnih životinja u revakcinisanim stadima, dok se ponovo pojavio značajan procenat (P lt 0,05) orf lezija i smrtnosti neonatalnih životinja kod stada koja nisu revakcionisana. Titri antitela kod vakcinisanih ovaca i koza su bili znacajno poviseni 60 i 105 dana posle vakcinacije, dok su titri kod kontrola ostali niski (P lt 0,05)

    Moxidectin Efficacy in a Goat Herd with Chronic and Generalized Sarcoptic Mange

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    A case of sarcoptic mange affecting almost all the animals of a dairy goat herd is described. This pruritic skin disease led progressively to high mortality and dramatic drop of milk yield. The lesions of the affected goats were typical of a chronic and generalized-diffuse sarcoptic mange. Diagnosis was confirmed by skin scrapings and histopathology in which many mites were demonstrated. All surviving goats were treated with injectable moxidectin solution 1% (CYDECTIN-Fort Dodge) at the dose of 0.2 mg/kg, applied every 15 days for four times, subcutaneously. Although pruritus had decreased soon after the first treatment, a satisfactory healing of cutaneous lesions was witnessed 6 weeks after the beginning of moxidectin trial. Parasitological cure was achieved in all affected animals by the end of the trial. In the four monthly followups, no evidence of sarcoptic mange could be found

    Mycoplasma agalactiae ST35: a new sequence type with a minimal accessory genome primarily affecting goats

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    Background: Mycoplasma agalactiae, causing agent of contagious agalactia, infects domestic small ruminants such as sheep and goats but also wild Caprinae. M. agalactiae is highly contagious and transmitted through oral, respiratory, and mammary routes spreading rapidly in an infected herd. Results: In an outbreak of contagious agalactia in a mixed herd of sheep and goats, 80% of the goats were affected displaying swollen udders and loss of milk production but no other symptom such as kerato-conjunctivitis, arthritis or pulmonary distress commonly associated to contagious agalactia. Surprisingly, none of the sheep grazing on a common pasture and belonging to the same farm as the goats were affected. Whole genome sequencing and analysis of M. agalactiae strain GrTh01 isolated from the outbreak, revealed a previously unknown sequence type, ST35, and a particularly small, genome size of 841′635 bp when compared to others available in public databases. Overall, GrTh01 displayed a reduced accessory genome, with repertoires of gene families encoding variable surface proteins involved in host-adhesion and variable antigenicity being scaled down. GrTh01 was also deprived of Integrative Conjugative Element or prophage, and had a single IS element, suggesting that GrTh01 has a limited capacity to adapt and evolve. Conclusions: The lack of most of the variable antigens and the Integrative Conjugative Element, both major virulence- and host specificity factors of a M. agalactiae strain isolated from an outbreak affecting particularly goats, indicates the implication of these factors in host specificity. Whole genome sequencing and full assembly of bacterial pathogens provides a most valuable tool for epidemiological and virulence studies of M. agalactiae without experimental infections. Keywords: Mycoplasma agalactiae, Sequence type 35, Goats, Full genome, Contagious agalacti

    Prikaz kliničkih slučajeva trihoficije i papilomatoze kod visoko - mlečnih krava

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    Dermatomycosis is well known skin disease of cattle. Clinically manifested dermatomycosis diagnosed in period from october to november in high pregnant heifers Holstein Friesian race in tied housing, and in dairy cows on the farm with extensive breeding.. Characterized by lesions on the skin of the head in patients with head, in the form of round hairless mass covered with white flakes from 0.5 to 1.0 cm thick. Papillomatosis is a viral disease caused by DNA virus of the family Papovaviridae. Cause disease in all ruminants, and is considered to have the character of zoonosis. Papillomatosis was found on the farm of high-producing dairy cows, and changes such as fibropapiloma the head and neck. The incidence and nature of these diseases highlight the importance of ensuring the conditions of growing cattle.Trihoficija je dobro poznato oboljenje kože goveda, koja je prisutna na našim farmama visoko-mlečnih krava. Klinički manifestna trihoficija dijagnostikovana je u periodu oktobar-novembar kod visoko steonih junica holštajn-frizijske rase u vezanom sistemu držanja i kod mlečnih krava ekstenzivnog uzgoja. Karakterisale su je promene na koži glave kod obolelih grla, u vidu okrugle bezdlačne mase pokrivene belim ljuspicama debljine 0,5-1,0 cm. Papilomatoza je virusno oboljenje koju prouzrokuje DNK virus iz porodice Papovaviridae. Prouzrokuje oboljenje kod svih preživara, a smatra se da ima i karakter zoonoze. Papilomatoza je utvrđena na jednoj farmi visoko-mlečnih krava, sa promenama u vidu fibropapiloma na glavi i vratu. Učestalost pojave i karakter ovih oboljenja ukazuju na značaj obezbeđenja uslova gajenja goveda

    Illthrift in Suckling Lambs Secondary to Umbilical Infections and Possible Implication of Cryptosporidiosis as a Risk Factor

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    Illthrift was observed in 20/60 lambs aged 40–45 days in a dairy sheep flock in Greece. Cryptosporidiosis had been diagnosed and successfully treated with halofuginone lactate a month earlier. Parasitological examinations were negative for endoparasites while hematology and biochemistry were unremarkable. Necropsy of 5 lambs revealed lung and liver abscessation, presumably secondary to umbilical infections due to poor farm hygiene, though umbilical lesions were not observed. No new cases were observed following treatment of the umbilicus of newborn lambs with chlorexidine. Although umbilical infections are common, this is the first reported case of illthrift in lambs attributed to umbilical infection; illthrift may be the only clinical manifestation of such infections. The prior presence of cryptosporidiosis may have contributed to the severity of the infection through the reduction of local immunity. Recognition of this possibly underdiagnosed or underappreciated condition may improve medical, production, and welfare standards in the sheep industry

    Uticaj dodatka Saccharomyces cerevisiae u ishrani na zdravlje i proizvodnju krava tokom perioda tranzicije i početka laktacije

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    Data concerning the effect of probiotics supplementation on many parameters concurrently at the same cows are lacking. Therefore, the objective of this experiment was to investigate the effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae feeding on rumen, blood and milk parameters together in high- producing dairy cattle during the transition and early lactation period. Sixteen clinically healthy Holstein cows were divided into 2 groups: a control group of 6 cows and a probiotics-fed group of 10 cows. Rumen fluid and blood samples were collected 21 days before the expected calving as well as 7, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days- in-milk (DIM). Milk yield for each animal was recorded every 2 weeks. Individual milk samples were collected 15, 30, 45 and 60 DIM. Ruminal pH and rumen ammonia nitrogen were significantly lower, whereas total volatile fatty acids were significantly higher in yeast-fed animals compared with controls throughout the study. Serum concentrations of total proteins and globulins were higher, while albumins were lower in the yeast-treated group. Serum glucose levels were significantly higher in yeast-supplemented animals. Serum triglycerides, high density lipoproteins, and low density lipoproteins concentrations were lower, with cholesterol being significantly lower in the treated group. Milk production and milk fat percentage were higher, whereas milk protein percentage and somatic cell count were decreased in yeast-supplemented cows throughout the study. These results suggest that supplementation of S. cerevisiae to dairy cows rations during transition and early lactation period improve their health and milk production parameters.Podaci koji bi se odnosili na uticaj suplementacije probiotika na više parametara istovremeno na istim grlima nedostaju u literaturi. Stoga je cilj ovog eksperimenta bio da se ispita uticaj Saccharomices cerevisiae u obroku/hrani na parametre rumena, krvi i mleka zajedno u visoko-proizvodnim mlečnim govedima tokom tranzicije i početkom laktacije. Šesnaest klinički zdravih holštajn krava je podeljeno u 2 grupe: kontrolna grupa od 6 krava i grupa od 10 krava hranjenih probiotikom u obroku. Buražna tečnost i uzorci krvi su sakupljeni 21 dan pre očekivanog teljenja, kao i 7, 15, 30, 45 i 60 dana tokom laktacije (days in milk - DIM). Prinos mleka za svaku životinju zabeležen je svake 2 nedelje. Pojedinačni uzorci mleka su prikupljeni 15, 30, 45 i 60 DIM. pH buraga i buražni amonijačni azot su bili značajno niži, dok su ukupne isparljive masne kiseline bile značajno veće kod životinja hranjenih kvascem u poređenju sa kontrolama kroz celu studiju. Serumske koncentracije ukupnih proteina i globulina bile su više, dok su koncentracije albumina bile niže u grupi sa kvascem. Serumski nivoi glukoze bili su značajno viši kod životinja sa dodatkom kvasca. Trigliceridi u serumu, koncentracije lipoproteina visoke i niske gustine bile su niže, sa holesterolom koji je bio znatno niži u tretiranoj grupi. Proizvodnja mleka i procent mlečne masti bili su viši, dok je sadržaj proteina mleka i somatskih ćelija bio niži u krava hranjenih sa dodatkom kvasca kroz celu studiju. Ovi rezultati ukazuju na to da dodatak S. cerevisiae u obrocima muznih krava tokom tranzicije i rane laktacije poboljšava njihovo zdravlje i parametre proizvodnje mleka

    PRNP genetic variability and molecular typing of natural goat scrapie isolates in a high number of infected flocks

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    One hundred and four scrapie positive and 77 negative goats from 34 Greek mixed flocks were analysed by prion protein gene sequencing and 17 caprine scrapie isolates from 11 flocks were submitted to molecular isolate typing. For the first time, the protective S146 variant was reported in Greece, while the protective K222 variant was detected in negative but also in five scrapie positive goats from heavily infected flocks. By immunoblotting six isolates, including two goat flockmates carrying the K222 variant, showed molecular features slightly different from all other Greek and Italian isolates co-analysed, possibly suggesting the presence of different scrapie strains in Greece