272 research outputs found

    Effects of L-histidine on hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA damage and cytotoxicity in cultured mammalian cells.

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    L-Histidine markedly increased the growth- and DNA synthesis-inhibitory effects elicited by hydrogen peroxide in cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells. DNA single-strand breakage was also higher in the presence of the amino acid and, in addition, these breaks were characterized by a slower rate of repair, compared with that of the breaks generated by the oxidant alone. In the presence of L-histidine, hydrogen peroxide also produced DNA double-strand breakage, a lesion that cannot be detected in cells treated with even exceedingly high concentrations of the oxidant alone. Data reported herein suggest that the L-histidine-mediated increase of the cytotoxic response of cultured Chinese hamster ovary cells to hydrogen peroxide may be at least partially dependent on the formation of DNA double-strand break

    Teachers' emotional well-being during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic with long school closures: a large-scale cross-sectional survey in Northern Italy

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    Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the magnitude of emotional burden on teaching staff during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in a significantly impacted region. In addition, the correlates of emotional burden were analysed to enable the design of targeted interventions. Study design: This study was a cross-sectional survey. Methods: An electronic survey was administered to the teaching staff at public schools and kindergartens in a specific geographical area. Cross-sectional assessments of pandemic-specific variables were performed using the Pandemic Fatigue Scale, the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS)-21, the Satisfaction with Life Scale, and the Resilient Coping Scale. DASS-21 results were compared with results from a parallel survey that was representative of the local general population. Results: In total, 3251 teaching staff members participated in the survey. Teachers showed a higher emotional burden for depression, anxiety and stress than the general population during the pandemic. According to a linear regression model, this burden is correlated with the language in which the questionnaires were answered, mistrust towards institutions, specific SARS-CoV-2 anxiety, past infection with SARS-CoV-2, avoidance of information about the pandemic and pandemic fatigue; emotional burden was negatively correlated with measures for life satisfaction, resilience and team atmosphere. Some independent variables were shown to contribute differentially to the variance of depression, anxiety or stress. Conclusions: Emotional distress during the pandemic among teachers is higher than in the general population and correlates with variables that could, at least in principle, be targeted for specific interventions

    The alkaline lamprophyres of the Dolomitic Area (Southern Alps, Italy): markers of the Late Triassic change from orogenic-like to anorogenic magmatism

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    We present the first complete petrological, geochemical and geochronological characterization of the oldest lamprophyric rocks in Italy, which crop out around Predazzo (Dolomitic Area), with the aim of deciphering their relationship with Triassic magmatic events across the whole of the Southern Alps. Their Mg# of between 37 and 70, together with their trace element contents, suggests that fractional crystallization was the main process responsible for their differentiation, together with small-scale mixing, as evidenced by some complex amphibole textures. Moreover, the occurrence of primary carbonate ocelli suggests an intimate association between the alkaline lamprophyric magmas and a carbonatitic melt. 40Ar/39Ar data show that the lamprophyres were emplaced at 219·22 ± 0·73 Ma (2σ; full systematic uncertainties), around 20 Myr after the high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic, short-lived, Ladinian (237–238 Ma) magmatic event of the Dolomitic Area. Their trace element and Sr–Nd isotopic signatures (87Sr/86Sri = 0·7033–0·7040; 143Nd/144Ndi = 0·51260–0·51265) are probably related to a garnet–amphibole-bearing lithosphere interacting with an asthenospheric component, significantly more depleted than the mantle source of the high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic magmas. These features suggest that the Predazzo lamprophyres belong to the same alkaline–carbonatitic magmatic event that intruded the mantle beneath the Southern Alps (e.g. Finero peridotite) between 190 and 225 Ma. In this scenario, the Predazzo lamprophyres cannot be considered as a late-stage pulse of the orogenic-like Ladinian magmatism of the Dolomitic Area, but most probably represent a petrological bridge to the opening of the Alpine Tethys

    Mobilidade e a rastreabilidade da ferrugem asiática da soja no Brasil.

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    A ferrugem asiática da soja, causada pelo fungo Phakopsora pachyrhizi possui fácil disseminação e pode causar perdas de 30% à 75% na produção. O monitoramento da ferrugem e sua identificação nos estádios iniciais são essenciais para um controle eficiente (YORINORI, 2005). Afim de permitir uma rápida visualização sobre a dispersão desta doença no Brasil, foi desenvolvida uma versão móvel para a plataforma iOS do sistema Web do Consórcio Antiferrugem. O usuário, com o uso do aplicativo em um iPhone, iPod Touch ou iPad, pode ter acesso às informações sobre a dispersão da doença diretamente no seu dispositivo, a qualquer hora e lugar, podendo perceber a aproximação dos focos da doença na sua região e adiantar-se na procura por sinais de infecção na sua lavoura, evitando grandes perdas na produção. O aplicativo traz como diferencial, além da sua mobilidade, a possibilidade de apresentação de informações completas sobre as ocorrências da doença, registradas por laboratórios conveniados ao consórcio. Permite, também, a rastreabilidade sobre a evolução da doença no decorrer das safras, apresentando pontos geolocalizados para os focos da doença. O aplicativo foi desenvolvido sob uma arquitetura de serviços disponíveis na plataforma Web do Consórcio Antiferrugem. Desde que foi disponibilizado, o aplicativo já foi baixado centenas de vezes por usuários do mundo todo, deixando claro o interesse pelas informações não só por produtores e técnicos brasileiros, mas também pelo mercado comprador de soja. Objetivando proporcionar maior agilidade na disseminação das informações, suporte a tecnologia push, para notificações automáticas, está sendo implementado e disponibilizado na loja de aplicativos da Apple (APPLE, 2011).SBIAGRO
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