114 research outputs found


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    One important challenge is managing an organization in which members conduct their business in an ethical manner. In our paper are two aspects important. One aspect of this challenge is having knowledge of environmental and organizational conditions that increase the likelihood of unethical behaviour. A second aspect for top managers is providing ethical leadership to the rest of the organizations through such methods as hiring the right people setting standards more than rules, not letting them selves get isolated, and making sure that their ethical example is impeccable et all times.managerial ethics, moral issues in management

    Modelling and optimizing multiple attribute decisions by using fuzzy sets

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    The purpose of this paper is to present a coherent perspective of modeling and optimizing multiple attribute decisions by using fuzzy sets. In management practice we face most of the time the situation in which a problem have several possible solutions and each solution can be analyzed using multiple criteria models. In the same time, in real life decision making process there is a given level of uncertainty which makes difficult a clear cut analytical analysis. The object of this article is to build a model approach for making multiple criteria decision using fuzzy sets of objects. Elaborating multiple attribute decisions involves performing an assessment and selecting from a given and finite set of possible alternative courses of action in the presence of a given and finite, and usually conflicting set of attributes and criteria.decision making, fuzzy sets, modeling, multiple criteria optimization.

    Some Aspects about the Relationship between Productivity and Work Humanization

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    It is widely recognized that job dissatisfaction leads to a protest movement, directed generally towards technology and management. Job dissatisfaction was and still is determined mostly by dehumanizing the nature of work; work should be as natural as any other human activity. Starting with these modern concepts regarding the work’s nature, our study is aimed to be a historic and thorough analysis of the causes leading to work dehumanization, and as well a study of the main factors which lead to work humanization, following a slightly comparative perspective regarding the Japanese and American management, emphasizing the main developments in both management philosophies.work humanization, motivators, American management, Japanese management

    Mission and Social Responsibility of Business Organization

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    Our paper focuses on corporate social responsibility. The socially responsible corporation is a good corporation. Although capitalism, at the end of twentieth century is emerging as the preferred way to organize an economy, considerable disagreement exists concerning the fundamental purpose or goal of capitalist business organizations. This paper presents arguments for and against Friedmanite view that purpose of a corporation is to maximize stockholder profits. Also the paper rejects the view that consumer preferences should be taken as given and that business should simply give consumers what they want. In our view, contributing to the good of society is part of the mission of business.responsibility, mission, moral, law, profit, marker, freedom.

    Employment and the New Challenges

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    We considered some of the debate around a changing psychological contract, per-ceived breach of contract and the potential deterioration of trust levels within the employment relationship. Also it is a very important question, whether such a shift should be taken for granted and examine the evidence of these being a fundamental change in the employment relationship or not - where possible an a longitudinal basis. Why is this important? We headlined some of the published literature on future of work and pointed towards some of the new career competencies that this literature assumes are emerging. It would be easy - but also a mistake -to equate this future with the "end of jobs". A variety of factors have true nature of change in the employment relationship.just-in-time worker; low-skill; tasks; attachments; temporary employment; competence.


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    Characterized by eclectism and depth of scientific rigor, Professor Virgil Madgearu performed a remarkable activity in the economic sciences. Analyzing the efforts, the teaching and scientific work of the Romanian professor, his areas of expertise come off: economics, management, finance, sociology, cooperative work and study. We also found a major contribution to shaping a new discipline for those times, namely, the management of commercial and industrial companies. Realizing the importance of developing modern managerial skills among Romanian economists and leaders, Virgil Madgearu was the first who wrote, taught university courses and published the first technical and business theory, laying the foundations of science management.economic sciences, management of commercial and industrial companies, Virgil Madgearu.

    Maintaining positive

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    Maintaining positive work-force relationships includes in effective labor-management relations and making appropriate responses to current employee issues. Among the major current employee issues are protection from arbitrary dismissal, drug and alcohol abuse, privacy rights and family maters and they impact work. In our paper we discus two problems: first, the meanings of industrial democracy; second, the three principal operational concepts of industrial democracy (1) industrial democracy through collective bargaining, (2) integrative representative industrial democracy, (3) industrial democracy through direct “shop-floor participation”. Also we discus about workers’ ownership of the enterprise and some general landmarks towards industrial democracy.general management, industrial democracy


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    The gender and enterprise research field is perhaps more accurately portrayed as under-developed. Despite a growing enthusiasm among researchers and policy makers to focus an issues relating to gender and enterprise, and a marked increase in the number o