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7 research outputs found
System-level network analysis of nitrogen starvation and recovery in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii reveals potential new targets for increased lipid accumulation
A Grossman
A Kolbe
+98 more
A Zaltsman
AC Paoletti
AP Singh
B Antonny
C Bolling
C Robaglia
D Gonzalez-Ballester
D Lopez
D Rumeau
D Walther
DM Riano-Pachon
DY Lee
E Baena-González
E Fernandez
E Futai
E Galinski
EH Harris
ER Moellering
F Wolschin
G Peltier
GF Plumley
GJ Patti
GO James
GW Owttrim
H Doerfler
H Fujii
H Iijima
H-Q Zheng
HM Nguyen
J Hanson
J Hummel
J Kropat
J Msanne
J Schindelin
J Toepel
J Yuan
K Weyer
L Gouveia
L Valledor
L Valledor
L Valledor
L Valledor
L Valledor
L Valledor
L Valledor
Luis Recuenco-Muñoz
Luis Valledor
M Glinski
M Hippler
M Lodha
M Siaut
M Vítová
N Rolland
N Sato
N Wase
NC Martin
NR Boyle
NR Boyle
O Thimm
P May
P May
P Pérez-Rodríguez
P Schenk
PJ Nixon
Q Hu
R Hema
R Miller
RA Ynalvez
S Kempa
S Wienkoop
SG Ball
SS Gampala
SS Merchant
SS Merchant
Stefanie Wienkoop
T Furuhashi
T Martin
T Nägele
T Ogura
T Zhao
Takeshi Furuhashi
TM Mata
W Hoehenwarter
W Majeran
W Sakamoto
W Weckwerth
W Weckwerth
W Weckwerth
Wolfram Weckwerth
X Sun
X Sun
X Yu
Y Kamisaka
Y Munekage
Y Zhang
Z-Y Wang
ZT Wang
Ž Ramšak
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
Reconstitution of LHCP-Pigment Complexes with Mutant LHCP and Chlorophyll Analogs
B Green
FG Plumley
+3 more
GF Peter
H Paulsen
PS Parkes-Loach
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Carotenoid distribution and deepoxidation in thylakoid pigment-protein complexes from cotton leaves and bundle-sheath cells of maize
A Agostino
A Hager
+17 more
AM Gilmore
B Demmig-Adams
D Siefermann
D Siefermann-Harms
D Siefermann-Harms
DA Johnson
FG Plumley
GF Peter
GF Peter
I Damm
J Knoetzel
JP Thornber
LEA Henry
O Björkman
R Bassi
SS Thayer
W Bilger
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Pigment and protein composition of reconstituted light-harvesting complexes and effects of some protein modifications
A Mattoo
B Andersson
+66 more
B Demmig-Adams
BD Kohorn
BD Kohorn
BD Kohorn
BR Green
BR Green
D Siefermann-Harms
D Siefermann-Harms
DR Fulson
DS Gorman
E Pichersky
E Pichersky
FG Plumely
FG Plumley
FG Plumley
FG Plumley
G Bellemare
G Coruzzi
GA Karlin-Neumann
GE Means
GF Peter
GK Lamppa
GW Francis
GW Schmidt
GW Schmidt
H Aviv
H Paulsen
H Paulsen
HY Yamamoto
I Ikegami
J Heukeshoven
J Maroc
JE Mullet
JF Allen
JM Anderson
JM Anderson
JP Ide
K Cline
K Keegstra
KD Allen
KV Cammarata
KV Cammarata
MA Maloney
MCW Evans
N-H Chua
P Dainese
P Delepelaire
P Horton
P Imbault
PJG Butler
PR Chitnis
PR Chitnis
PR Sibbald
PV Viitanen
R Bassi
R Bürgi
RA Laskey
RL Metter Van
S Yalovsky
SC Darr
SE Clark
SG Sprague
Th Braumann
TW Goodwin
UG Hinz
W Kühlbrandt
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Crystal structure of spinach major light-harvesting complex at 2.72 Å resolution
A Nilsson
AD Hieber
+40 more
AM Gilmore
AT Brünger
AV Ruban
B Demmig-Adams
CC Gradinaru
CC Gradinaru
CCP4 Collaborative Computational Project
CM Weeks
D Elrad
D Frishman
EA Merritt
FG Plumley
GF Peter
GS Beddard
H Michel
H Paulsen
HA Frank
I Moya
JG Mason
K McLuskey
L Tong
MG Rossmann
P Horton
P Jordan
PJ Kraulis
R Bassi
R Bassi
R Croce
R Croce
R Croce
R Remelli
RA Laskowski
S Hobe
S Lou
S Nußberger
TA Jones
TA Jones
W Kühlbrandt
Z Otwinowski
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Light-harvesting proteins of diatoms: Their relationship to the chlorophyll a/b binding proteins of higher plants and their mode of transport into plastids
A Manodori
AL Friedman
+67 more
AL Friedman
AL Friedman
AN Glazer
AN Glazer
AP Feinberg
AR Cashmere
AR Grossman
B Green
BA Boczar
BB Prézelin
BB Prézelin
C Berkaloff
D Siefermann-Harms
DJ Murphy
E Gantt
E Pichersky
E Tobin
F Sanger
FG Plumley
FG Plumley
G Heijne von
G Heijne von
G Hiller
G Houlne
GA Karlin-Neuman
GA Karlin-Neumann
GF Peter
GW Schmidt
H Zuber
IJ Ryrie
J Barrett
J Barrett
J Deisenhofer
J Garnier
JC Goedheer
JC Goedheer
JM Short
JP Thornber
JP Thornber
JR Coleman
JTO Kirk
K Keegstra
K-H Suss
L Caron
L Caron
LA Guggliemelli
LM Gierasch
M Peyriere
ML Mishkind
MW Fawley
MW Fawley
NE Hoffman
P Argos
PB Conley
PJ Harrison
PR Chitnis
RS Alberte
SP Gibbs
SP Gibbs
SP Gibbs
SP Gibbs
T Kolubayev
T Maniatis
TG Owens
TG Owens
W Kuhlbrandt
Z Long
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Textural features and transportation mode of Nile Delta coastal lagoon surficial sediments (Lake Burullus, Ramsar Site)
A El-Adawy
A Morton
+59 more
AK Ray
AK Srivastava
B Marcinkowski
B Woronko
BK Sahu
BK Sahu
BR Rust
BW Flemming
DB Duane
DL Inman
E Kalińska-Nartiša
E Kalińska-Nartiša
E Kalińska-Nartiša
E Mycielska-Dowgiao
E Mycielska-Dowgiałło
FJ Pettijohn
FJ Pettijohn
G Nichols
GF El-Said
GM Friedman
GM Friedman
GS Visher
HG Reading
IH Farhat
J Baruah
JC Griffith
JR Thompson
JS Russell
KF Nordstrom
KH Shaltout
KS Maity
L Wachecka-Kotkowska
LN McCave
M Ludwikowska-Kędzia
M Pisarska-Jamroży
M Shahin
MA Okbah
MH Ahmed
P McLaren
P McLaren
P Parthasarathy
PA Rao
R Passega
R Passega
R Passega
RE Carver
RJ Flower
RJ Moiola
RL Folk
RL Folk
RL Folk
RL Folk
S Boggs Jr
S Bollina
S Venkatesan
U Natesan
W Zhang
WJ Plumley
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text