175 research outputs found
Questa tesi è concepita come Compendio Multidisciplinare, essendo inerente alla Water Politics un approccio integrato. Scopo della tesi è disegnare un ampio quadro di supporto ad attori pubblici e privati delle economie politiche dei paesi nella riflessione sulle eventuali distorsioni di dinamiche democratiche nella gestione delle risorse idriche e ambientali. La domanda sottesa, al Capitolo Primo è: quali condizioni Culturali hanno permesso, nella storia e nella geografia dell'Ambiente, l'impostazione di un discorso regolatorio legato all'acqua e quali condizioni sono state identificate, all'interno di varie società ed economie, perchè si arrivasse storicamente ad un pattern di regole che ponessero le condizioni per una politica idrica sostenibile ? Viene fornita una presentazione delle principali teorie di sostenibilità applicate all’acqua, conseguentemente, attraverso l’approccio della Storia dell’ Ambiente si illustrano i casi della progressive era statunitense e della battaglia per la difesa di due laghi nel Lake District, diversi per ambiente culturale e periodo storico, interpretati nell'ottica dell’indagine sulle origini della consapevolezza del valore dell’acqua e dell’ambiente, cui, in entrambi i paesi, conseguono delle riforme regolatorie e politiche; l’attenzione è stata posta alle condizioni culturali che hanno posto le basi del processo di riforma politica. L’approccio del Capitolo Secondo è più tecnicamente ascrivibile alla regolazione economica. Sul tema della regolazione, la mente tecnica scivola spesso nelle complicate teorie che, nel corso del XX secolo hanno dato spiegazione dei giochi che i vari attori mettono in scena allo scopo di assicurarsi il vantaggio competitivo. Si affronta qui in sintesi la storia del Public Management in USA settori Idrico ed Elettrico, nel XIX e XX sec., e più recentemente la storia della regolazione economica del settore idrico in Gran Bretagna, seguita alla privatizzazione thatcheriana, e l’avvento delle varie Agenzie di Regolazione, che negli Stati Uniti e Gran Bretagna, hanno rappresentato tra i modelli di regolazione delle utilities maggiormente replicati al mondo. La storia e il design di alcune delle principali Agenzie di Regolazione vengono qui proposti come suggestione comparativa per lo sviluppo di un analogo sistema di regolazione, benchè quelli proposti non siano gli unici modelli possibili, essendo il nostro paese caratterizzato da una differente tradizione di gestione pubblica. In tal senso, la conoscenza dei sistemi di Regolazione delle Utilities presenti altrove nel mondo, con i loro conseguenti risultati, ha lo scopo di fornire al legislatore, all’amministratore pubblico e privato, e al singolo cittadino utili elementi per future decisioni sulla regolazione democratica del sistema delle utilities; nella parte finale si esplorano alcuni casi di Gestione Sostenibile e Corporate Social Responsibility delle Utilities in Paesi in via di Sviluppo. Gli ultimi due Capitoli della tesi sono orientati a fornire al lettore un’introduzione al pensiero ecologico-politico, passando in rassegna le visioni di alcune tra le più autorevoli voci del settore, tra i quali Eric Swingedouw, Karen Bakker e Tony Allan, allo scopo di fornire i fondamenti teorici per affrontare nuovi temi scottanti e dibattuti come il mercato dell’acqua, la privatizzazione e l’ambientalismo di mercato ( i servizi ecosistemici i.e., adottati entusiasticamente dall'Europa ). In particolare, alle geniali intuizioni idropolitiche del Prof. J A Allan, vincitore dello Stockholm World Water Prize e supervisore di questa tesi, ed al suo concetto di Acqua Virtuale è dedicato l’ultimo Capitolo, in ringraziamento e come tributo alla Sua vita totalmente dedicata agli studi nel settore della geografia idrico-economica. Un riconoscimento particolare va al Prof. John Briscoe, della Harvard University, che ha confermato l'interesse per questa tesi
CompatibilitĂ ambientale dell'ampliamento del teleriscaldamento di Torino correlato al sistema di cogenerazione
The goal of making the city more and more "green" by adopting more environmental friendly tools aimed at reducing CO2 and other climate-altering pollutants emitted, sees the service management of urban heating at the forefront. In particular the district heating network (DHN), combined with cogeneration plants, belongs to those strategies aimed at minimizing the impact. The district heating, consisting in the distribution of hot water by means of underground networks for the buildings heating and water for sanitary purposes, is an ever-expanding technology that allows the optimization of energy resources, with positive consequences in terms of both economic savings and environmental impacts. The aim of this work is to analyze the existing DH system built in Turin (Piedmont, North Italy). In this work, we evaluate in particular, the energetic recovery system. We analyze the existing cogeneration system designed to supplying DH: from one side a recovery of electric energy (fed into the national grid) and on the other side a recovery of thermal energy (heat input into the local DH system). These two different kinds of energy recovery are analyzed from an environmental and economic standpoint. For environmental analysis, we used mass and energy balance as a tool to implementation of pollutant dispersion models in order to obtain results concerning the air quality
The aim of this work is to analyze the origin and the dispersion of the particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) in a
mountainous region: the Aosta Valley. To meet this goal, different simulations were performed, using the flexible air quality
regional model (FARM), to study two scenarios: winter and summer situations. To evaluate the performance of the FARM model in
order to simulate the air quality situation of the selected periods, a comparison of modelled results against observed air quality data
was carried out for both primary pollutants and particulate matter next to the measurement stations . Farm performed well in
simulating especially ozone (O3) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations, showing a good reproduction of both daily peaks and
their daytime variations. PM model results revealed the tendency to under-predict the observed values, so we tried to use a different
emission factor for the road traffic (Lohmeyer factor). The new results were good for the urban and suburban areas, but they give
over-predictions close to highways. The PM characterisation provided by the model gives good results: in some different points of
the analysis domain (mountain, plain and urban points) we found PM profiles wich reproduce expected values
Idiopathic and acquired pedophilia as two distinct disorders: an insight from neuroimaging
Pedophilia is a disorder of public concern because of its association with child sexual offense and recidivism. Previous neuroimaging studies of potential brain abnormalities underlying pedophilic behavior, either in idiopathic or acquired (i.e., emerging following brain damages) pedophilia, led to inconsistent results. This study sought to explore the neural underpinnings of pedophilic behavior and to determine the extent to which brain alterations may be related to distinct psychopathological features in pedophilia. To this aim, we run a coordinate based meta-analysis on previously published papers reporting whole brain analysis and a lesion network analysis, using brain lesions as seeds in a resting state connectivity analysis. The behavioral profiling approach was applied to link identified regions with the corresponding psychological processes. While no consistent neuroanatomical alterations were identified in idiopathic pedophilia, the current results support that all the lesions causing acquired pedophilia are localized within a shared resting state network that included posterior midlines structures, right inferior temporal gyrus and bilateral orbitofrontal cortex. These regions are associated with action inhibition and social cognition, abilities that are consistently and severely impaired in acquired pedophiles. This study suggests that idiopathic and acquired pedophilia may be two distinct disorders, in line with their distinctive clinical features, including age of onset, reversibility and modus operandi. Understanding the neurobiological underpinnings of pedophilic behavior may contribute to a more comprehensive
characterization of these individuals on a clinical ground, a pivotal step forward for the development of more efficient therapeutic rehabilitation strategies
Simple scoring system to predict in-hospital mortality after surgery for infective endocarditis
Aspecific scoring systems are used to predict the risk of death postsurgery in patients with infective endocarditis (IE). The purpose of the present study was both to analyze the risk factors for in-hospital death, which complicates surgery for IE, and to create a mortality risk score based on the results of this analysis.
Outcomes of 361 consecutive patients (mean age, 59.1\ub115.4 years) who had undergone surgery for IE in 8 European centers of cardiac surgery were recorded prospectively, and a risk factor analysis (multivariable logistic regression) for in-hospital death was performed. The discriminatory power of a new predictive scoring system was assessed with the receiver operating characteristic curve analysis. Score validation procedures were carried out. Fifty-six (15.5%) patients died postsurgery. BMI >27 kg/m2 (odds ratio [OR], 1.79; P=0.049), estimated glomerular filtration rate 55 mm Hg (OR, 1.78; P=0.032), and critical state (OR, 2.37; P=0.017) were independent predictors of in-hospital death. A scoring system was devised to predict in-hospital death postsurgery for IE (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, 0.780; 95% CI, 0.734-0.822). The score performed better than 5 of 6 scoring systems for in-hospital death after cardiac surgery that were considered.
A simple scoring system based on risk factors for in-hospital death was specifically created to predict mortality risk postsurgery in patients with IE
Environmental survey on the potential extension of the district heating network in the urban area of Turin, Italy
Among the solutions for the achievement of the environmental sustainability in the energy sector, district heating with cogeneration is increasingly being used to meet the demand for thermal energy in urban areas. In this context, the city of Turin and its metropolitan area are in a leading position, having one of the largest networks in Europe. This study aims to evaluate the environmental consequences of the expansion of the district heating network in the urban area of Turin, in terms of impacts on air pollution, both at a global and local scale. The present document reports the preliminary results for the local analysis of NOx dispersion. The extension work is considered to involve a living volume of about 20 million m3, providing for the removal of the centrlized heat generators currently in operation. Emissions on a local scale are evaluated by calculating the ground level concentration of the nitrogen oxides (NOx), using the dispersion model CALPUFF. Meteorological data input to the dispersion model are processed and formatted starting from surface measurements and wind fields provided by Piedmont’s Environmental Protection Agency (Arpa Piemonte). The time resolution is hourly. The forecasting scenario is created from one part by simulating the energy production of the main cogeneration plants in response to the predictable heat demand; from the other part, by calculating the amount and the dispersion of pollutants removed through the elimination of the centralized residential heaters. The results are represented by means of hourly iso-concentration maps, and reveal a substantial future reduction in the pollutant load of NOx with respect to the current situation. Consideration is then provided on the future possible steps for lowering the uncertainty on the simulation scenarios. This study provides important information on the effects on air quality of a modification of the energy configuration, both in the Turin area and globally. The proposed approach is effective in providing environmental information at different levels of interest and represents a basis for any subsequent technical and economic in-depths
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