795 research outputs found
Spin foam model from canonical quantization
We suggest a modification of the Barrett-Crane spin foam model of
4-dimensional Lorentzian general relativity motivated by the canonical
quantization. The starting point is Lorentz covariant loop quantum gravity. Its
kinematical Hilbert space is found as a space of the so-called projected spin
networks. These spin networks are identified with the boundary states of a spin
foam model and provide a generalization of the unique Barrette-Crane
intertwiner. We propose a way to modify the Barrett-Crane quantization
procedure to arrive at this generalization: the B field (bi-vectors) should be
promoted not to generators of the gauge algebra, but to their certain
projection. The modification is also justified by the canonical analysis of
Plebanski formulation. Finally, we compare our construction with other
proposals to modify the Barret-Crane model.Comment: 26 pages; presentation improved, important changes concerning the
closure constraint and the vertex amplitude; minor correctio
On the Universality of the Entropy-Area Relation
We present an argument that, for a large class of possible dynamics, a
canonical quantization of gravity will satisfy the Bekenstein-Hawking
entropy-area relation. This result holds for temperatures low compared to the
Planck temperature and for boundaries with areas large compared to Planck area.
We also relate our description, in terms of a grand canonical ensemble, to
previous geometric entropy calculations using area ensembles.Comment: 6 page
A generalized Hamiltonian Constraint Operator in Loop Quantum Gravity and its simplest Euclidean Matrix Elements
We study a generalized version of the Hamiltonian constraint operator in
nonperturbative loop quantum gravity. The generalization is based on admitting
arbitrary irreducible SU(2) representations in the regularization of the
operator, in contrast to the original definition where only the fundamental
representation is taken. This leads to a quantization ambiguity and to a family
of operators with the same classical limit. We calculate the action of the
Euclidean part of the generalized Hamiltonian constraint on trivalent states,
using the graphical notation of Temperley-Lieb recoupling theory. We discuss
the relation between this generalization of the Hamiltonian constraint and
crossing symmetry.Comment: 35 pp, 20 eps figures; minor corrections, references added; version
to appear in Class. Quant. Gra
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Femtosecond Pump-Probe Diagnostics Of Preformed Plasma Channels
We report on recent ultrafast pump-probe experiments 28 in He plasma waveguides using 800 nm, 80 fs pump pulses of 0.2 x 1018 W/cm2 peak guided intensity, and single orthogonally-polarized 800 nm probe pulses with similar to0.1% of pump intensity. The main results are: (1) We observe frequency-domain interference between the probe and a weak, depolarized component of the pump that differs substantially in mode shape from the injected pump pulse; (2) we observe spectral blue-shifts in the transmitted probe that are not evident in the transmitted pump. The evidence indicates that pump depolarization and probe blue-shifts both originate near the channel entrance.Physic
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Optimization of the neutron yield in fusion plasmas produced by Coulomb explosions of deuterium clusters irradiated by a petawatt laser
The kinetic energy of hot (multi-keV) ions from the laser-driven Coulomb explosion of deuterium clusters and the resulting fusion yield in plasmas formed from these exploding clusters has been investigated under a variety of conditions using the Texas Petawatt laser. An optimum laser intensity was found for producing neutrons in these cluster fusion plasmas with corresponding average ion energies of 14 keV. The substantial volume (1-10 mm(3)) of the laser-cluster interaction produced by the petawatt peak power laser pulse led to a fusion yield of 1.6x10(7) neutrons in a single shot with a 120 J, 170 fs laser pulse. Possible effects of prepulses are discussed. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.87.023106Glenn Focht Memorial FellowshipNNSA DE-FC52-08NA28512DOE Office of Basic Energy SciencesPhysic
Geometry of spin-field coupling on the worldline
We derive a geometric representation of couplings between spin degrees of
freedom and gauge fields within the worldline approach to quantum field theory.
We combine the string-inspired methods of the worldline formalism with elements
of the loop-space approach to gauge theory. In particular, we employ the loop
(or area) derivative operator on the space of all holonomies which can
immediately be applied to the worldline representation of the effective action.
This results in a spin factor that associates the information about spin with
"zigzag" motion of the fluctuating field. Concentrating on the case of quantum
electrodynamics in external fields, we obtain a purely geometric representation
of the Pauli term. To one-loop order, we confirm our formalism by rederiving
the Heisenberg-Euler effective action. Furthermore, we give closed-form
worldline representations for the all-loop order effective action to lowest
nontrivial order in a small-N_f expansion.Comment: 18 pages, v2: references added, minor changes, matches PRD versio
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