66 research outputs found

    From the boundaries of management to the management of boundaries: business processes, capabilities and negotiations

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    Purpose – This paper examines some of the new capabilities that are required for the facilitation of business processes management (BPM) in the current political and technological landscape. Specifically, the goal is to investigate the role of firm boundaries, from a business processes perspective, in new contexts in which the affirmation of digitalization requires more integration across a complex network of partners. Design/methodology/approach – The paper is based on a review of relevant literature on BPM, firm boundaries and negotiation. By critically integrating this literature, a framework is developed with the objective of supporting the management of boundaries. Findings – BPM, new competitive contexts, and the technological landscape require the development and management of boundary capabilities. Among these capabilities, “boundary management” – how managers coordinate resources, activities and business processes on the boundaries of the firm - should play a key role. Moreover, as managers must continuously interact with multiple partners in digital supply chains, the organizational model of negotiation serves as a means of effectively managing firm boundaries. Practical implications – Our framework offers insights and guidelines that can help practitioners manage the boundaries of business processes. We encourage a focus on business processes occurring at firm boundaries. Furthermore, we encourage the development of new capabilities in response to the needs of practitioners to ensure best practices of negotiation. Originality/value – This study shifts the emphasis of BPM from the boundaries of management to the management of boundaries. By shedding light on new capabilities required, this paper enriches the BPM literature and can assist, on the one hand, in reconfiguring business processes in the new political and technological landscape and, on the other hand, in facilitating effective negotiation

    Il sistema d’azienda e la valorizzazione delle “potenzialità inespresse”. Una “visione” strategica per il risanamento

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    La possibilità di sfruttare il risanamento come occasione per predisporre le basi di rinnovate posizioni di vantaggio competitivo costituisce l'essenza della strategia di risanamento. Si tratta di spostare la prospettiva di osservazione dalla domanda "perché oggi siamo in crisi?" alla domanda "come potremo avere successo in futuro?" Ciò scaturisce dalla consapevolezza che, in molti casi, non è sufficiente rimuovere semplicemente le cause che hanno originato le squilibrio dell'azienda per assicurarne il rilancio. L'origine delle strategie di risanamento risiede nella possibilità e nelle modalità per individuare alcune risorse critiche e potenzialità, non adeguatamente sfruttate, ma in grado, se opportunamente "attivate" e gestite, di generare situazioni di vantaggio competitivo. Lo schema di analisi si sviluppa lungo tre principali direttrici di osservazione strettamente interconnesse: - il sistema competitivo; - i processi organizzativi; - il mercato dei capitali
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