39 research outputs found

    The SMAD pathway is required for hepcidin response during endoplasmic reticulum stress

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    Hepcidin, the iron hormone, is regulated by a number of stimulatory and inhibitory signals. The cAMP responsive element binding protein 3-like 3, CREB3L3, mediates hepcidin response to endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. In this study we asked whether hepcidin response to ER stress also requires the SMAD1/5/8 pathway that has a major role in hepcidin regulation in response to iron and other stimuli. We analyzed hepcidin mRNA expression and promoter activity in response to ER stressors in HepG2 cells in the presence of the BMP type I receptor inhibitor LDN-193189, mutated hepcidin promoter or siRNA against different SMAD proteins. We then used a similar approach in vivo in wild-type, Smad1/5 or Creb3l3 -/- animals undergoing ER stress. In vitro, LDN-193189 prevented hepcidin mRNA induction by different ER stressors. Seemingly, mutation of a BMP-responsive element in the hepcidin promoter prevented ER stress-mediated upregulation. Moreover, in vitro silencing of SMAD proteins by siRNA, in particular SMAD5, blunted hepcidin response to ER stress. On the contrary, hepcidin induction by ER stress was maintained when using antibodies against canonical BMP receptor ligands. In vivo, hepcidin was induced by ER stress and prevented by LDN-193189. In addition, in Smad1/5 knock-out mice, ER stress was unable to induce hepcidin expression. Finally, in Creb3l3 knock-out mice, in response to ER stress, SMAD1/5 were correctly phosphorylated and hepcidin induction was still appreciable, although to a lesser extent as compared to control mice. In conclusion, our study indicates that hepcidin induction by ER stress involves the central regulatory SMAD1/5 pathway

    Gluconeogenic Signals Regulate Iron Homeostasis via Hepcidin in Mice.

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    Hepatic gluconeogenesis provides fuel during starvation, and is abnormally induced in obese individuals or those with diabetes. Common metabolic disorders associated with active gluconeogenesis and insulin resistance (obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease) have been associated with alterations in iron homeostasis that disrupt insulin sensitivity and promote disease progression. We investigated whether gluconeogenic signals directly control Hepcidin, an important regulator of iron homeostasis, in starving mice (a model of persistently activated gluconeogenesis and insulin resistance).|We investigated hepatic regulation of Hepcidin expression in C57BL/6Crl, 129S2/SvPas, BALB/c, and wild-type and Creb3l3-/- null mice. Mice were fed a standard, iron-balanced chow diet or an iron-deficient diet for 9 days before death, or for 7 days before a 24- to 48-hour starvation period; liver and spleen tissues then were collected and analyzed by quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction and immunoblot analyses. Serum levels of iron, hemoglobin, Hepcidin, and glucose also were measured. We analyzed human hepatoma (HepG2) cells and mouse primary hepatocytes to study transcriptional control of Hamp (the gene that encodes Hepcidin) in response to gluconeogenic stimuli using small interfering RNA, luciferase promoter, and chromatin immunoprecipitation analyses.|Starvation led to increased transcription of encodes phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase 1 (a protein involved in gluconeogenesis) in livers of mice, increased levels of Hepcidin, and degradation of Ferroportin, compared with nonstarved mice. These changes resulted in hypoferremia and iron retention in liver tissue. Livers of starved mice also had increased levels of Ppargc1a messenger RNA and Creb3l3 messenger RNA, which encode a transcriptional co-activator involved in energy metabolism and a liverspecific transcription factor, respectively. Glucagon and a cyclic adenosine monophosphate analog increased promoter activity and transcription of Hamp in cultured liver cells; levels of Hamp were reduced after administration of small interfering RNAs against Ppargc1a and Creb3l3. PPARGC1A and CREB3L3 bound the Hamp promoter to activate its transcription in response to a cyclic adenosine monophosphate analog. Creb3l3-/- mice did not up-regulate Hamp or become hypoferremic during starvation.|We identified a link between glucose and iron homeostasis, showing that Hepcidin is a gluconeogenic sensor in mice during starvation. This response is involved in hepatic metabolic adaptation to increased energy demands; it preserves tissue iron for vital activities during food withdrawal, but can cause excessive iron retention and hypoferremia in disorders with persistently activated gluconeogenesis and insulin resistance

    Hepatic stellate cells are not subjected to oxidant stress during iron-induced fibrogenesis in rodents

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    Oxidant stress plays a key role in hepatic fibrogenesis. This study was undertaken to assess whether, during iron overload-associated liver fibrosis in vivo, oxidant stress occurs in hepatic stellate cells (HSC) during active fibrogenesis. Gerbils were treated with iron-dextran, and, after hepatic fibrosis developed, livers were subjected to various combination of in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry analyses. In iron-treated animals, no specific accumulation of ferritin protein was found in collagen mRNA-expressing cells. Moreover, the activity of the iron regulatory protein, the main sensor of cellular iron status, was unchanged in HSC from iron-treated animals. Although a significant amount of malondialdehyde-protein adducts was detected in gerbil liver during fibrogenesis, accumulation of these lipid peroxidation by-products was restricted to iron-laden cells adjacent to activated HSC. In cultured gerbil HSC, iron, aldehydes, and other pro-oxidants were able to enhance the expression of an oxidant stress-responsive gene, heme oxygenase (HO), with no change in collagen mRNA accumulation. In keeping with these findings, we found that, in vivo, activation of HO gene was present in iron-filled nonparenchymal cell aggregates, but absent in HSC. In conclusion, the data indicate that during iron overload-associated fibrogenesis, HSC are not directly subjected to oxidant stress, but are likely to be activated by paracrine signals arising in neighboring cells

    Diacerhein blocks iron regulatory protein activation in inflamed human monocytes

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    Iron Regulatory Proteins (IRPs), by modulating expression of ferritin, which stores excess iron in a non toxic form, and transferrin receptor, which controls iron uptake, are the main controller of cellular iron metabolism. During inflammation, modification of IRP activity may affect iron availability, free radical generation and cytokine gene response in inflammatory cells. In the present study we tested the effect of inflammatory stimuli on IRP function in a human monocytic-macrophagic cell line and the possibility of interfering with these pathways by using an antiinflammatory compound, diacerhein (DAR). IRP activity was enhanced by interferon gamma/lipopolysaccarhide (IFN/LPS), and this effect was consistently counteracted by increasing concentrations of DAR. No direct effect of DAR on IRP activity was found in vitro. However, in vivo, similar IRP activation was achieved by exposing cells to nitric oxide (NO) donors and the LPS/IFN-induced activation of IRP was reversed by NO inhibitors. Interestingly, NO-induced IRP activation was efficiently blocked by DAR. These data show for the first time that a clinically useful antiinflammatory compound, DAR, interferes with IRP activation by NO in inflammed human cells