1,172 research outputs found

    School autonomy in Basic Education (1982-2014): A state of the question from the supranational perspective

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    En este artículo presentamos un panorama general sobre los principales enfoques epistémicos en la investigación sobre política educativa en el mundo, centrado de modo específico en las contribuciones hacia la producción de conocimiento de la autonomía de gestión y su relación con la Agenda Globalmente Estructurada para la Educación (AGEE), con la intención de describir el posicionamiento de una política pública en su dimensión supranacional y nacional, para lo cual se adopta el enfoque metodológico para el análisis de la política educativa supranacional, propuesto por el comparatista español Javier M. Valle, en complemento con la teoría de los sistemas sociales autorreferenciales, desarrollada por el sociólogo alemán Niklas Luhmann. Con tal interés académico, el artículo se ha estructurado en cuatro apartados: 1) introducción a la temática (autonomía escolar), 2) implicaciones de la globalización para la educación comparada, 3) análisis para la construcción de un estado de la cuestión, y 4) conclusión a manera de cierre, donde se argumenta que los efectos que producen los modelos de autonomía en las escuelas públicas de educación básica, son inciertos; causa y efecto quedan relativizados, se transforman el uno en el otro, es decir, se crea lo improbableIn this article we present an overview of the main epistemic approaches in research on educational policy in the world, focusing specifically on the contributions and limitations of the production of knowledge of management autonomy school and its relationship to the Globally Structured Educational Agenda (GSEA), with the ultimate intention of describing the positioning of public policy in its supranational, national and sub-national dimension, for which the methodological approach for the analysis of supranational education policy is adopted, proposed by comparatist spanish Javier M. Valle, in complement with the theory of self-referential social systems, developed by the german sociologist Niklas Luhmann. With such academic interest, the development of this communication is structured into four sections, namely: introduction to the issue of school autonomy: 1) implications of globalization for comparative education, 2) analysis axes, 3) construction of a state of affairs, and 4) conclusion in closing, where it is argued that the effects of models of autonomy in public elementary schools, are uncertain. Cause and effect are relativized, are transformed into each othe

    An Alternative Internet-of-Things Solution Based on LoRa for PV Power Plants: Data Monitoring and Management

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    This paper proposes a wireless low-cost solution based on long-range (LoRa) technology able to communicate with remote PV power plants, covering long distances with minimum power consumption and maintenance. This solution includes a low-cost open-source technology at the sensor layer and a low-power wireless area network (LPWAN) at the communication layer, combining the advantages of long-range coverage and low power demand. Moreover, it offers an extensive monitoring system to exchange data in an Internet-of-Things (IoT) environment. A detailed description of the proposed system at the PV module level of integration is also included in the paper, as well as detailed information regarding LPWAN application to the PV power plant monitoring problem. In order to assess the suitability of the proposed solution, results collected in real PV installations connected to the grid are also included and discussed.This work was partially supported by the Spanish agreement (2017) between the Institute for Development of the Region of Murcia (INFO) and the Technological Center for Energy and Environment (CETENMA). The paper includes results of activities conducted under the Research Program for Groups of Scientific Excellence at Region of Murcia (Spain), the Seneca Foundation, and the Agency for Science and Technology of the Region of Murcia (Spain). This work was also supported by project AIM, Ref. TEC2016-76465-C2-1-R (AEI/FEDER, UE). The authors thank the staff of the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (Spain) for services and facilities provided

    Multistep variable methods for exact integration of perturbed stiff linear systems

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    A family of real and analytical functions with values within the ring of M(m, R) is introduced. The solution for linear systems of differential equations is expressed as a series of Φ-functions. This new multistep method is defined for variable-step and variable-order, maintains the good properties of the Φ-function series method. It incorporates to compute the coefficients of the algorithm a recurrent algebraic procedure, based in the existing relation between the divided differences and the elemental and complete symmetrical functions. In addition, under certain hypotheses, the new multistep method calculates the exact solution of the perturbed problem. The new method is implemented in a computational algorithm which enables us to resolve in a general manner some physics and engineering IVP’s modeled by means systems of differential equations. The good behaviour and precision of the method is evidenced by contrasting the results with other-reputed algorithms and even with methods based on Scheifele’s G-functions.This work has been supported by GRE09-13 project of the University of Alicante and the project of the Generalitat Valenciana GV/2011/032

    MLContext: A Context-Modeling Language for Context-Aware Systems

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    Context awareness refers to systems that can both sense and react based on their environment. The complexity of these systems makes necessary to apply software engineering techniques in their development, such as Model-Driven Software development (MDD). One of the main difficulties that developers of context-aware systems must tackle is how to manage the needed context information. In this paper, we present MLContext, a textual Domain Specific Language (DSL) which is specially tailored for modeling context information and automatically generating software artefacts from context models. It has been designed to provide a high-level abstraction, to be an easy to learn, and to promote reuse of context models. We have built a toolkit including an editor and a parser to convert MLContext textual specifications into models. As a proof of concept, we have automatically generated ontologies and Java code for the OCP middleware. MLContext models can be reused in applications with the same context because they do not include details related to the platforms or the implementation. These context models can be specified by non-developers users because MLContext provides high-level abstractions of the domain

    La olimpiada de Física como recurso didáctico en Bachillerato. Ejemplo de la fase local de Murcia. Poster

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    Se trata de una competición anual para estudiantes de Bachillerato que pretende promover la enseñanza de la Física en el ámbito regional, constituir un punto de encuentro entre alumnos y profesores, y entre enseñanza secundaria y universitaria, y seleccionar a los concursantes para representar a la Región en la Olimpiada Española de Física

    Multi-objective optimization with an adaptive resonance theory-based estimation of distribution algorithm

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    The introduction of learning to the search mechanisms of optimization algorithms has been nominated as one of the viable approaches when dealing with complex optimization problems, in particular with multi-objective ones. One of the forms of carrying out this hybridization process is by using multi-objective optimization estimation of distribution algorithms (MOEDAs). However, it has been pointed out that current MOEDAs have an intrinsic shortcoming in their model-building algorithms that hamper their performance. In this work, we put forward the argument that error-based learning, the class of learning most commonly used in MOEDAs is responsible for current MOEDA underachievement. We present adaptive resonance theory (ART) as a suitable learning paradigm alternative and present a novel algorithm called multi-objective ART-based EDA (MARTEDA) that uses a Gaussian ART neural network for model-building and a hypervolume-based selector as described for the HypE algorithm. In order to assert the improvement obtained by combining two cutting-edge approaches to optimization an extensive set of experiments are carried out. These experiments also test the scalability of MARTEDA as the number of objective functions increases.This work was supported by projects Projects CICYT TIN2011-28620-C02- 01, CICYT TEC2011-28626-C02-02, CAM CONTEXTS (S2009/TIC-1485) and DPS2008-07029-C02-02.Publicad

    Accurate integration of forced and damped oscillators

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    The new methods accurately integrate forced and damped oscillators. A family of analytical functions is introduced known as T-functions which are dependent on three parameters. The solution is expressed as a series of T-functions calculating their coefficients by means of recurrences which involve the perturbation function. In the T-functions series method the perturbation parameter is the factor in the local truncation error. Furthermore, this method is zero-stable and convergent. An application of this method is exposed to resolve a physic IVP, modeled by means of forced and damped oscillators. The good behavior and precision of the methods, is evidenced by contrasting the results with other-reputed algorithms implemented in MAPLE

    Microalga marina y su empleo en acuicultura y en la obtención de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados

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    Número de publicación: ES2088366 A1 (01.08.1996) También publicado como: ES2088366 B1 (01.03.1997) Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) P9500053 (13.01.1995)Una cepa de la microalga marina isochrysis galbana, depositada en la CCAP con el número de depósito CCAP 927/15 es capaz de producir elevadas cantidades de ácidos grasos poliinsaturados, especialmente de ácido eicosapentaenoico (EPA) y de ácido docosahexaenoico (DHA). La cepa microalgal crece adecuadamente a una temperatura de 18 c a 25 c, en un ph de 7 a 9,5, preferentemente a un ph de 7,65 a 8,00. La cepa microalgal, cultivada a 20 c en un fermentador de 5 litros agitado por paletas y con iluminación continua, produce EPA en una cantidad de, al menos, 39,5 mg por gramo de materia seca. Esta cepa es adecuada para su empleo en acuicultura (alimentación de larvas de peces y moluscos) y en la obtención de EPA y/o de un aceite rico en EPA y en DHA necesarios para la nutrición y salud humanas.Universidad de Almerí

    Teaching field geology in Spain

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    The Department of Crystallography and Mineralogy (Complutense University, Madrid) carries out every year a field geology course in San José - Rodalquilar (Almería, SE Spain. The region of Almería offers a unique opportunity for the teaching of field geology because of the variety of contrasted geologic scenarios: 1) Alpine metamorphic complexes; 2) Miocene sedimentary basins; 3) Miocene volcanic rocks including world-class pyroclastic deposits of almost every possible type; 4) epithermal gold and industrial minerals deposits; and 5) a second to none large fault zone (Carboneras Fault Zone, Serrata de Níjar). However, what makes different our field geology course is the fact that the students, in teams of 3 to 4 members, simulate a professional survey. Given that most students will end up working for companies, it is important that they receive some practical training before they leave the university. [RESUMEN] El Departamento de Cristalografía y Mineralogía de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid realiza anualmente un curso de geología de campo en San José – Rodalquilar (Almería, Sureste de España). La región de Almería ofrece una oportunidad única para la enseñanza de la geología de campo ya que en ella encontramos una gran variedad de escenarios geológicos: 1) complejos alpinos; 2) cuencas sedimentarias del Mioceno; 3) rocas volcánicas del Mioceno con extraordinarios ejemplos de diferentes tipos de depósitos piroclásticos; 4) yacimientos epitermales de oro, yacimientos de bentonitas, alunita, y zeolitas; y 5) una gran zona de falla (Zona de Falla de Carboneras, Serrata de Níjar). Sin embargo, lo que hace diferente nuestro curso de campo es el hecho de que los alumnos, en equipos de 3 o 4 miembros, simulan estar realizando un trabajo profesional. Dado que la mayor parte de los alumnos acabará trabajando para alguna empresa, nos parece importante que reciban alguna formación práctica antes de que acaben la carrera