21 research outputs found

    Facets of the Fully Mixed Nash Equilibrium Conjecture

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    In this work, we continue the study of the many facets of the Fully Mixed Nash Equilibrium Conjecture, henceforth abbreviated as the FMNE Conjecture, in selfish routing for the special case of n identical users over two (identical) parallel links. We introduce a new measure of Social Cost, defined to be the expectation of the square of the maximum congestion on a link; we call it Quadratic Maximum Social Cost. A Nash equilibrium is a stable state where no user can improve her (expected) latency by switching her mixed strategy; a worst-case Nash equilibrium is one that maximizes Quadratic Maximum Social Cost. In the fully mixed Nash equilibrium, allmixed strategies achieve full support. Formulated within this framework is yet another facet of the FMNE Conjecture, which states that the fully mixed Nash equilibrium is the worst-case Nash equilibrium. We present an extensive proof of the FMNE Conjecture; the proof employs a mixture of combinatorial arguments and ana-lytical estimations. Some of these analytical estimations are derived through some new bounds on generalized medians of the binomial distribution [22] we obtain, which are of independent interest.

    Facets of the Fully Mixed Nash Equilibrium Conjecture

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    In this work, we continue the study of the many facets of the Fully Mixed Nash Equilibrium Conjecture, henceforth abbreviated as the FMNE Conjecture, in selfish routing for the special case of n identical users over two (identical) parallel links. We introduce a new measure of Social Cost, defined to be the expectation of the square of the maximum congestion on a link; we call it Quadratic Maximum Social Cost. A Nash equilibrium is a stable state where no user can improve her (expected) latency by switching her mixed strategy; a worst-case Nash equilibrium is one that maximizes Quadratic Maximum Social Cost. In the fully mixed Nash equilibrium, allmixed strategies achieve full support. Formulated within this framework is yet another facet of the FMNE Conjecture, which states that the fully mixed Nash equilibrium is the worst-case Nash equilibrium. We present an extensive proof of the FMNE Conjecture; the proof employs a mixture of combinatorial arguments and ana-lytical estimations. Some of these analytical estimations are derived through some new bounds on generalized medians of the binomial distribution [22] we obtain, which are of independent interest.

    Nash Equilibria, the Price of Anarchy and the Fully Mixed Nash Equilibrium Conjecture

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    Motivation-Framework. Apparently, it is in human’s nature to act selfishly. Game Theory, founded by von Neumann and Morgenstern [39, 40], provides us with strategic games, an important mathematical model to describe and analyze such a selfish behavior and its resulting conflicts. In a strategic game, each of a finite set of players aims fo

    Begutachtung der Kriminalprognose. Spielt die Psychopathologie noch eine Rolle?

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    A variety of standardized instruments allows risk assessment based upon empirical data. This paper calls attention to the pitfalls immanent to the application of popular prognostic instruments (Violence Risk Appraisal Guide, Static-99, Historical Clinical Risk Management-20, Psychopathy Checklist-Revised). Psychopathological assessment, however, has not been superseded by standardized instruments but serves as a valuable addition in terms of an integrative approach