1,352 research outputs found

    The Kinematics and Physical Conditions pf the Ionized Gas in Markarian 509. II. STIS Echelle Observations

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    We present observations of the UV absorption lines in the luminous Seyfert 1 galaxy Mrk 509, obtained with the medium resolution (lambda/Delta-lambda ~ 40,000) echelle gratings of the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph on the Hubble Space Telescope. The spectra reveal the presence of eight kinematic components of absorption in Ly-alpha, C IV, and N V, at radial velocities of -422, -328, -259, -62, -22, +34, +124, and +210 km s^-1 with respect to an emission-line redshift of z = 0.03440, seven of which were detected in an earlier Far Ultraviolet Spectrographic Explorer (FUSE) spectrum. The component at -22 km s^-1 also shows absorption by Si IV. The covering factor and velocity width of the Si IV lines were lower than those of the higher ionization lines for this component, which is evidence for two separate absorbers at this velocity. We have calculated photoionization models to match the UV column densities in each of these components. Using the predicted O VI column densities, we were able to match the O VI profiles observed in the FUSE spectrum. Based on our results, none of the UV absorbers can produce the X-ray absorption seen in simultaneous Chandra observations; therefore, there must be more highly ionized gas in the radial velocity ranges covered by the UV absorbers.Comment: 30 pages, three figures (Figure 1 is in color). Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The Host Galaxies of Narrow-Line Seyfert 1s: Evidence for Bar-Driven Fueling

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    We present a study of the host-galaxy morphologies of narrow- and broad-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s and BLS1s) based on broad-band optical images from the Hubble Space Telescope archives. We find that large-scale stellar bars, starting at ~1 kpc from the nucleus, are much more common in NLS1s than BLS1s. Furthermore, the fraction of NLS1 spirals that have bars increases with decreasing full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the broad component of H-beta. These results suggest a link between the large-scale bars, which can support high fueling rates to the inner kpc, and the high mass-accretion rates associated with the supermassive black holes in NLS1s.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures (1a, 1b, 2, and 3), Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Simultaneous UV and X-ray Spectroscopy of the Seyfert 1 Galaxy NGC 5548. I. Physical Conditions in the UV Absorbers

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    We present new UV spectra of the nucleus of the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 5548, which we obtained with the Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph at high spectral resolution, in conjunction with simultaneous Chandra X-ray Observatory spectra. Taking advantage of the low UV continuum and broad emission-line fluxes, we have determined that the deepest UV absorption component covers at least a portion of the inner, high-ionization narrow-line region (NLR). We find nonunity covering factors in the cores of several kinematic components, which increase the column density measurements of N V and C IV by factors of 1.2 to 1.9 over the full-covering case; however, the revised columns have only a minor effect on the parameters derived from our photoionization models. For the first time, we have simultaneous N V and C IV columns for component 1 (at -1040 km/s), and find that this component cannot be an X-ray warm absorber, contrary to our previous claim based on nonsimultaneous observations. We find that models of the absorbers based on solar abundances severely overpredict the O VI columns previously obtained with the Far Ultraviolet Spectrograph, and present arguments that this is not likely due to variability. However, models that include either enhanced nitrogen (twice solar) or dust, with strong depletion of carbon in either case, are successful in matching all of the observed ionic columns. These models result in substantially lower ionization parameters and total column densities compared to dust-free solar-abundance models, and produce little O VII or O VIII, indicating that none of the UV absorbers are X-ray warm absorbers.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figures (Figures 3 and 4 are in color), Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    HST Observations and Photoionization Modeling of the LINER Galaxy NGC 1052

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    We present a study of available Hubble Space Telescope (HST) spectroscopic and imaging observations of the low ionization nuclear emission line region (LINER) galaxy NGC 1052. The WFPC2 imagery clearly differentiates extended nebular Halpha emission from that of the compact core. Faint Object Spectrograph (FOS) observations provide a full set of optical and UV data (1200-6800 Angstroms). These spectral data sample the innermost region (0."86 x 0."86 ~ 82pc x 82pc) and exclude the extended Halpha emission seen in the WFPC2 image. The derived emission line fluxes allow a detailed analysis of the physical conditions within the nucleus. The measured flux ratio for Halpha/Hbeta, F{Halpha}/F{Hbeta}=4.53, indicates substantial intrinsic reddening, E(B-V)=0.42, for the nuclear nebular emission. This is the first finding of a large extinction of the nuclear emission line fluxes in NGC 1052. If the central ionizing continuum is assumed to be attenuated by a comparable amount, then the emission line fluxes can be reproduced well by a simple photoionization model using a central power law continuum source with a spectral index of alpha = -1.2 as deduced from the observed flux distribution. A multi-density, dusty gas gives the best fit to the observed emission line spectrum. Our calculations show that the small contribution from a highly ionized gas observed in NGC 1052 can also be reproduced solely by photoionization modeling. The high gas covering factor determined from our model is consistent with the assumption that our line of sight to the central engine is obscured.Comment: 23 pages, 7 Postscript figures, 1 jpeg figure ; uses aaspp4.sty, 11pt to appear in The Astrophysical Journa

    Simultaneous Ultraviolet and X-ray Observations of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 4151. I. Physical Conditions in the X-ray Absorbers

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    We present a detailed analysis of the intrinsic X-ray absorption in the Seyfert 1 galaxy NGC 4151 using Chandra/HETGS data obtained 2002 May, as part of a program which included simultaneous UV spectra using HST/STIS and FUSE. NGC 4151 was in a relatively low flux state during the observations reported here, although roughly 2.5 times as bright in the 2 --10 keV band as during a Chandra observation in 2000. The soft X-ray band was dominated by emission lines, which show no discernible variation in flux between the two observations. The 2002 data show the presence of a very highly ionized absorber, in the form of H-like and He-like Mg, Si, and S lines, as well as lower ionization gas via the presence of inner-shell absorption lines from lower-ionization species of these elements. The former is too highly ionized to be radiatively accelerated in a sub-Eddington source such as NGC 4151. We find that the lower ionization gas had a column density a factor of ~ 3 higher during the 2000 observation. If due to bulk motion, we estimate that this component must have a velocity of more than 1250 km/sec transverse to our line-of-sight. We suggest that these results are consistent with a magneto-hydrodynamic flow.Comment: 42 pages, 14 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Additive manufacturing of 3D yttria-stabilized zirconia microarchitectures

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    The additive manufacturing (AM) of yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) microarchitectures with sub-micrometer precision via two-photon lithography (TPL), utilizing custom photoresin containing zirconium and yttrium monomers is investigated. YSZ 3D microarchitectures can be formed at low temperatures (600 °C). The low-temperature phase stabilization of ZrO2 doped with Y2O3 demonstrates that doping ZrO2 with ≈ 10 mol% Y2O3 stabilizes the c-ZrO2 phase. The approach does not utilize YSZ particles as additives. Instead, the crystallization of the YSZ phase is initiated after printing, i.e., during thermal processing in the air at 600 °C – 1200 °C for one and two hours. The YSZ microarchitectures are characterized in detail. This includes understanding the role of defect chemistry, which has been overlooked in TPL-enabled micro-ceramics. Upon UV excitation, defect-related yellowish-green emission is observed from YSZ microarchitectures associated with intrinsic and extrinsic centers, correlated with the charge compensation due to Y3+ doping. The mechanical properties of the microarchitectures are assessed with manufactured micropillars. Micropillar compression yields the intrinsic mechanical strength of YSZ. The highest strength is observed for micropillars annealed at 600 °C, and this characteristic decreased with an increase in the annealing temperature. The deformation behavior gradually changes from ductile to brittle-like, correlating with the Hall–Petch strengthening mechanism.</p

    The problem of shot selection in basketball

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    In basketball, every time the offense produces a shot opportunity the player with the ball must decide whether the shot is worth taking. In this paper, I explore the question of when a team should shoot and when they should pass up the shot by considering a simple theoretical model of the shot selection process, in which the quality of shot opportunities generated by the offense is assumed to fall randomly within a uniform distribution. I derive an answer to the question "how likely must the shot be to go in before the player should take it?", and show that this "lower cutoff" for shot quality ff depends crucially on the number nn of shot opportunities remaining (say, before the shot clock expires), with larger nn demanding that only higher-quality shots should be taken. The function f(n)f(n) is also derived in the presence of a finite turnover rate and used to predict the shooting rate of an optimal-shooting team as a function of time. This prediction is compared to observed shooting rates from the National Basketball Association (NBA), and the comparison suggests that NBA players tend to wait too long before shooting and undervalue the probability of committing a turnover.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures; comparison to NBA data adde
