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4 research outputs found
Emergency room visits for respiratory conditions in children increased after Guagua Pichincha volcanic eruptions in April 2000 in Quito, Ecuador Observational Study: Time Series Analysis
A Garcia-Aristizabal
AJ Lohr
+42 more
AL Hansell
B Estrella
BE Lehnert
Bertha Estrella
CJ Horwell
D Small
Edgar Játiva
Elena N Naumova
EN Naumova
Fernando Sempértegui
GA Tobin
GA Tobin
Gauri Khurana
Hugo Yepes
I Wakisaka
J Jurado
J Malilay
J Nania
Jeffrey K Griffiths
JJ Simpson
JL Le Pennec
Jyotsna S Jagai
KE Driscoll
KG Johnson
LA Cifuentes
LM Whiteford
M de la Cadena
MP Dalton
N Künzli
P Delmelle
PE Morrow
PJ Baxter
PJ Baxter
PJ Baxter
RT Cullen
S Becker
S Becker
SA Olenchock
TR Martin
TR Martin
V Castranova
V Díaz
Publication venue
BioMed Central
Publication date
Field of study
PubMed Central
Depression and anxiety among pregnant mothers in the initial stage of the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic in the southwest of Iran
A Asghari
B Adamson
+23 more
BR Van den Bergh
C Huang
C Lebel
C Wang
C-H Lee
D Cucinotta
DK Ahorsu
E Heim
F Durankuş
F Zheng
GA Sempértegui
GJ Asmundson
I Meattini
J Yuchang
N Zhu
NN Osman
O Taubman-Ben-Ari
P Dashraath
R Maunder
T Liu
V Glover
Y Luo
Y Wu
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
A preliminary study: designing and validating projective images of Young’s early maladaptive schema (EMS) domains
A Anastasi
A Nicol
+61 more
A Saggino
AA Saif
B Bach
B Basile
B Faustino
C Fornell
C Sakulsriprasert
CD Taylor
CE Wang
DG Lyrakos
DG Serfass
DT Leite
E Calvete
E Rafaeli
F Oshima
F Oshima
F Renner
F Renner
F Renner
FK Tezel
G Groth-Marnat
G Sax
GA Jacob
GA Sempértegui
GJ Meyer
H Kunst
H Turner
HP Sharifi
IA Malogiannis
J Alba
J Siewierska
J Sundag
JC Thimm
JE Young
K Staniaszek
KH dos Santos Ribas
KS Shultz
L Kriston
L Kriston
LL Bamelis
LW Anderson
M Aloi
M Balsamo
M Ghiasi
MA Dehbaneh
MJ Cazassa
MM Rijkeboer
N Flink
P Thagard
R Sternberg
RC Shorey
RM Kaplan
S Curley
S Rafiee
SJ Lee
SK Whitbourne
T Okamoto
T Simona
T Sunde
Z Daneshvarmarvast
Á Frías
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Psychotherapy for Borderline Personality Disorder: Does the Type of Treatment Make a Difference?
A Arntz
A Bateman
+80 more
A Bateman
A Bateman
A Bateman
A Bateman
A Feliu-Soler
AD Neacsiu
B Bach
CJ Ruggero
CR Jørgensen
CR Wilks
D Bales
DL Bales
DL Bales
DL Perez
DW Black
EF Finch
EH Bos
EH Bos
EH Kvarstein
EMP Laurenssen
G King
GA Sempértegui
I Weinberg
IA Cristea
J Giesen-Bloo
J Gunderson
J Paris
J Pistorello
JF Clarkin
JF Clarkin
JG Gunderson
JG Gunderson
JM Farrell
JW Scala
K Barnicot
Kernberg OF
KL Lewis
KN Levy
KN Levy
M Bohus
M Bohus
M Fischer-Kern
M Nadort
M Zimmerman
M-A Edel
MC Zanarini
MC Zanarini
ML Smits
MM Linehan
MM Linehan
MM Linehan
MM Linehan
MM Linehan
N Blum
N Blum
P Fonagy
PS Links
RA Sansone
RM Harley
S Doering
S Euler
S Juul
S Roepke
S Yen
SD Stepp
SF McMain
SF McMain
SF McMain
SF McMain
TR Lynch
U Kramer
U Kramer
U Kramer
U Kramer
U Kramer
V Dickhaut
WD Ellison
Y Kivity
Ó Andión
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text