1,041 research outputs found

    Hill's Equation with Random Forcing Parameters: Determination of Growth Rates through Random Matrices

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    This paper derives expressions for the growth rates for the random 2 x 2 matrices that result from solutions to the random Hill's equation. The parameters that appear in Hill's equation include the forcing strength and oscillation frequency. The development of the solutions to this periodic differential equation can be described by a discrete map, where the matrix elements are given by the principal solutions for each cycle. Variations in the forcing strength and oscillation frequency lead to matrix elements that vary from cycle to cycle. This paper presents an analysis of the growth rates including cases where all of the cycles are highly unstable, where some cycles are near the stability border, and where the map would be stable in the absence of fluctuations. For all of these regimes, we provide expressions for the growth rates of the matrices that describe the solutions.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figure

    Twisted K-Theory from Monodromies

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    RR fluxes representing different cohomology classes may correspond to the same twisted K-theory class. We argue that such fluxes are related by monodromies, generalizing and sometimes T-dual to the familiar monodromies of a D7-brane. A generalized theta angle is also transformed, but changes by a multiple of 2pi. As an application, NS5-brane monodromies modify the twisted K-theory classification of fluxes. Furthermore, in the noncompact case K-theory does not distinguish flux configurations in which dG is nontrivial in compactly supported cohomology. Such fluxes are realized as the decay products of unstable D-branes that wrapped nontrivial cycles. This is interpreted using the E8 bundle formalism.Comment: 24 Pages, 6 eps figure

    Inflationary cosmology in the central region of String/M-theory moduli space

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    The "central" region of moduli space of M- and string theories is where the string coupling is about unity and the volume of compact dimensions is about the string volume. Here we argue that in this region the non-perturbative potential which is suggested by membrane instanton effects has the correct scaling and shape to allow for enough slow-roll inflation, and to produce the correct amplitude of CMB anisotropies. Thus, the well known theoretical obstacles for achieving viable slow-roll inflation in the framework of perturbative string theory are overcome. Limited knowledge of some generic properties of the induced potential is sufficient to determine the simplest type of consistent inflationary model and its predictions about the spectrum of cosmic microwave background anisotropies: a red spectrum of scalar perturbations, and negligible amount of tensor perturbations.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Toda systems in closed string tachyon condensation

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    We consider tttt^* equations appearing in the study of localized tachyon condensations. They are described by various Toda system when we consider the condensation by the lowest tachyon corresponding to the monomial xyxy. The tachyon potential is calculated as a solution to these equations. The Toda system appearing in the deformation of \C^2/\Z_n by xyxy is identical to that of DnD_n singularity deformed by xx. For \C^3/\Z_n with xyzxyz deformation, we find only generic non-simple form, similar to the case appearing in \C/\Z_5\to \C/\Z_3 and we discuss the difficulties in these cases.Comment: 20 pages, no figur

    Bulk perturbations of N=2 branes

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    The evolution of supersymmetric A-type D-branes under the bulk renormalization group flow between two different N=2 minimal models is studied. Using the Landau-Ginzburg description we show that a specific set of branes decouples from the infrared theory, and we make detailed predictions for the behavior of the remaining branes. The Landau-Ginzburg picture is then checked against a direct conformal field theory analysis. In particular we construct a natural index pairing which is preserved by the RG flow, and show that the branes that decouple have vanishing index with the surviving branes.Comment: 35 pages (30 pages plus title and references), 8 figure

    Loop Groups, Kaluza-Klein Reduction and M-Theory

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    We show that the data of a principal G-bundle over a principal circle bundle is equivalent to that of a \hat{LG} = U(1) |x LG bundle over the base of the circle bundle. We apply this to the Kaluza-Klein reduction of M-theory to IIA and show that certain generalized characteristic classes of the loop group bundle encode the Bianchi identities of the antisymmetric tensor fields of IIA supergravity. We further show that the low dimensional characteristic classes of the central extension of the loop group encode the Bianchi identities of massive IIA, thereby adding support to the conjectures of hep-th/0203218.Comment: 26 pages, LaTeX, utarticle.cls, v2:clarifications and refs adde

    D1-D5 on ALE Space

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    We construct a two-dimensional N=(0,4) quiver gauge theory on D1-brane probing D5-branes on ALE space, and study its IR behavior. This can be thought of as a gauged linear sigma model for the NS5-branes on ALE space.Comment: 17 pages, 1 figure, lanlmac; v2: reference adde

    Depinning of a superfluid vortex line by Kelvin waves

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    We measure the interaction of a single superfluid vortex with surface irregularities. While vortex pinning in superconductors usually becomes weaker at higher temperatures, we find the opposite behavior. The pinning steadily increases throughout our measurement range, from 0.15Tc to over 0.5Tc. We also find that moving the other end of the vortex decreases the pinning, so we propose Kelvin waves along the vortex as a depinning mechanism.Comment: 5 figures; substantial revision including 2 new figure