11 research outputs found

    Invasion success and community resistance in single and multiple species invasion models: Do the models support the conclusions?

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    Elton's concept of community-level resistance to invasion has derived significant theoretical support from community assembly models in which species invade (colonize) singly at low densities. Several theoretical models have provided support to this concept and are frequently cited as providing evidence that invasion resistance occurs in nature. The underlying assumptions of these models however, are derived from island or island-like systems in which species invade infrequently at low abundances. We suggest that these island-like models cannot be generalized to systems in which species arrive in greater frequencies and densities. To investigate the effects of altering the basic assumptions of these original models, we utilized assembly algorithms similar to those used in previous studies, but allowed either two species to invade per time step or single species invasions at relatively high inoculation densities. In these models, invasion resistance only occurred when the invasion process was restricted to single species invading at low densities (as in previous models). When two species were allowed to invade per time step, invasion resistant states did not occur in any of 20 simulated communities, even after 10,000 invasion events. Relaxation of the assumption of invasion at low density also resulted in a lack of invasion resistance. These results may explain why the strict concept of complete invasion resistance appears only to operate in island and island-like systems

    Hierarchy underlies patterns of variability in species inhabiting natural microcosms

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    Relative variability of species has been shown to increase significantly with a decrease in their ecological range. Similarly, the distribution of collapse (e.g., extinctions, disturbances, population declines) magnitudes has also been shown to follow an inverse power-law form described by the 1/f ω curve. We hypothesized that the two, possibly general, patterns associated with ecological systems share a common underlying cause: the hierarchical structure of the system itself. To test the hypothesis we used a model system of 49 natural rock pools inhabited by 40 species of invertebrates. Three measures of species variability based on changes in abundance, distribution, and persistence in individual pools conform with the postulated negative exponential curves. Correspondingly, frequency distributions of changes of various magnitudes conform to the 1/f ω pattern. Examination of the contributions of species to the 1/f ω pattern revealed that species low in the system hierarchy (habitat specialists in this case) are responsible for the majority of small variation events (correlations between the ecological range and position on the 1/f ω curve range from 0.625 to 0.807 on the three measures of variability). This permits the conclusion that the two patterns are linked and constitute different expressions of the same hierarchical system structure

    Diversity and higher levels of organization

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    Conservation of grassland leafhoppers: A brief review

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    The leafhoppers, planthoppers and their allies (collectively known as the Auchenorrhyncha) are presented as a group of insects that are highly appropriate for studying grassland ecology and conservation, evaluating the conservation status of sites and monitoring environmental and habitat change. Semi-natural grasslands typically support dense populations and a wide range of species with diverse ecological strategies. Their numerical dominance in many grasslands means that they have considerable functional significance, both as herbivores and as prey for higher trophic levels. Population and assemblage studies are supported by good ecological knowledge about most species and modern identification keys. Hitherto, most studies have focused on the composition and structure of assemblages and how they are affected by conservation management. However, grasslands support many rare species with small and fragmented populations which deserve conservation attention in their own right, and recent work has started to reflect this. The effects of management on the composition and structure of grassland leafhopper populations and assemblages are described and an assessment is given of the main threats facing individual species and overall diversity. There is a need to synthesise the scattered literature on grassland leafhoppers, to provide a model for how the composition and structure of populations and assemblages respond to major environmental and anthropogenic gradients across large biogeographic areas. Such an analysis could help predict the impact of likely future changes in land use and climate