9 research outputs found

    Changing of Bacteria Catalase Activity Under the Influence of Electro-Magnetic Radiation on a Frequency of Nitric Oxide Absorption and Radiation Molecular Spectrum

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    The dynamics of catalase activity degree changing in Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa is described under the influence of electro-magnetic radiation on a frequency of nitric oxide absorption and radiation molecular spectrum. The panoramic spectrometric measuring complex, developed in Central Scientific Research Institute of measuring equipment Public corporation, Saratov, was used while carrying out the research. Electromagnetic vibrations of extremely high frequencies were stimulated in this complex imitating the structure of nitric oxide absorption and radiation molecular spectrum. The growth of activity of the mentioned enzyme of the strains under research was detected. The most significant changes were observed under 60-minutes exposure

    Electromagnetic radiation influence on clinical course of experimental wound infection

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    The article gives close attention to the study of electromagnetic radiation influence (EMR) at the frequency of molecular spectrum absorption and radiation (MSAR) of nitric oxide (150 GHz) and atmospheric oxygen (129 GHz) on the clinical course of experimental wound infection caused by antibiotic-sensitive and antibiotic-resistant strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The panoramic spectrometric measuring complex, developed in Saratov Scientific Research Institute of Measuring Equipment was used while carrying out the research. Electromagnetic vibrations of extremely high frequencies were stimulated in this complex imitating the atmospheric oxygen and nitric oxide absorption and radiation molecular spectrum structure. The experiments proved the fact that exposure to radiation at the frequency of molecular spectrum absorption and radiation (MSAR) of nitric oxide and atmospheric oxygen had positive impact on the course of traumatic proces

    Polynomial-Time Amoeba Neighborhood Membership and Faster Localized Solving

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    We derive efficient algorithms for coarse approximation of algebraic hypersurfaces, useful for estimating the distance between an input polynomial zero set and a given query point. Our methods work best on sparse polynomials of high degree (in any number of variables) but are nevertheless completely general. The underlying ideas, which we take the time to describe in an elementary way, come from tropical geometry. We thus reduce a hard algebraic problem to high-precision linear optimization, proving new upper and lower complexity estimates along the way.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to a conference proceeding

    Elective course material (Microbial communities)

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    This article gives an outline of data concerning formation and functioning peculiarities of microbial communities in the form of biofilms. Peculiarities of metabolic processes and virulent properties of bacteria existing in biofilms which are connected to those processes are highlighted in the article. The necessity of taking into account these peculiarities when carrying out antibacterial therapy is also state

    The study of antimicrobial activity of stonecrop extracts (Sedum maximum (L.) Hoffm., S. telephium I.)

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    The purpose of the work is to investigate the antimicrobial activity of aqueous alcoholic extract of large stonecrop and purple stonecrop. Material and Methods. The effects of large stonecrop (Sedum maximum (L.) Hoffm.) and purple stonecrop (S. telepium L.) on aqueous solution of alcoholic extracts on Staphylococcus aureus АТС С 209R, Pseu-domonas aeruginosa ATCC 27835, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 have been studied by the method of double serial dilution followed by seeding on solid culture media. As a result of the work the minimum inhibitory concentrations for all extracts to all the studied cultures have been found. Stonecrop extracts have bactericidal action. Conclusion. Antimicrobial activity has been determined for the extracts of both species for all researched samples of microbial strains

    Bloodsucking dipteran insects (Diptera) attacking humans and animals (the “gnus” complex) in northwestern Russia: I. General characteristics of the fauna

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