17 research outputs found

    Stochastic Acceleration by Turbulence

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    The subject of this paper is stochastic acceleration by plasma turbulence, a process akin to the original model proposed by Fermi. We review the relative merits of different acceleration models, in particular the so called first order Fermi acceleration by shocks and second order Fermi by stochastic processes, and point out that plasma waves or turbulence play an important role in all mechanisms of acceleration. Thus, stochastic acceleration by turbulence is active in most situations. We also show that it is the most efficient mechanism of acceleration of relatively cool non relativistic thermal background plasma particles. In addition, it can preferentially accelerate electrons relative to protons as is needed in many astrophysical radiating sources, where usually there are no indications of presence of shocks. We also point out that a hybrid acceleration mechanism consisting of initial acceleration by turbulence of background particles followed by a second stage acceleration by a shock has many attractive features. It is demonstrated that the above scenarios can account for many signatures of the accelerated electrons, protons and other ions, in particular 3^3He and 4^4He, seen directly as Solar Energetic Particles and through the radiation they produce in solar flares.Comment: 29 pages 7 figures for proceedings of ISSI-Bern workshop on Particle Acceleration 201

    Receiving vectors of muon telescope of cosmic ray station Novosibirsk

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    The method of receiving vectors allows us to determine cosmic ray anisotropy at every moment of time. Also, the method makes it possible to study fast anisotropy fluctuations related to the interplanetary medium dynamics. Receiving vectors have been calculated earlier for neutron monitors and muon telescopes. However, most muon telescopes of the network of cosmic ray stations for which calculations were made does not operate now. In recent years, new, improved detectors have been developed. Unfortunately, the use of them is limited because of the absence of receiving coefficients. These detectors include a matrix telescope in Novosibirsk. Therefore, receiving vector components for muon telescopes of observation cosmic ray station Novosibirsk have been defined. Besides, design features of the facility, its orientation, and directional diagram depending on zenith and azimuth angles were taken into account. Also, for the system of telescopes, we allowed for coupling coefficients found experimentally by the test detector

    Investigating tensor anisotropy of cosmic rays during large-scale solar wind disturbances

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    The observable anisotropy of cosmic rays has first been decomposed into zonal harmonics and components of vector and tensor anisotropy. We examine Forbush decreases in cosmic rays that occurred in November 2001 and November 2004. It is shown that at the beginning of a Forbush decrease an antisunward convective current of cosmic rays predominates; and during the recovery phase, a sunward diffusive current of particles along the interplanetary magnetic field dominates. During the phase of intensity drop, short-time decreases in the second zonal harmonic take place. These decreases occur with abrupt changes of the interplanetary magnetic field intensity and solar wind speed. During the passage of large-scale solar wind disturbances, the tensor anisotropy behaves in a complicated way. To explain its behavior, a further detailed investigation is required. spherical harmonics of the angular CR-distribution are obtained using the global survey method. In each case, the average number of stations is equal to 32. The analysis shows that the temporal change of the isotropic component is caused by a magnetic mirror. For the first time, the zonal harmonics are reliably distinguished, and the existence of the antisymmetric diurnal CR-variation in a low energy range, which is oriented along IMF, is recognized. We compare our results with those obtained earlier

    Distribution of tensor anisotropy of cosmic rays near the neutral current sheet

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    We analyze time profiles of isotropic intensity, components of vector and tensor anisotropies of cos-mic rays (CR) when Earth crosses the neutral sheet of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) in solar activity cycles 23–24. The moments of the crossings are de-termined from Wilcox Observatory synoptic charts and IMF data. Periods of Forbush decreases and ground level enhancements are excluded from the analysis. The events are analyzed for the epochs of positive and negative signs of the Sun’s general magnetic field. During each epoch, the crossings from the positive sector to the negative one and vice versa are separated. In total, 213 crossing events have been selected. The first two spherical harmonics of the angular CR-distribution are obtained using the global survey method. In each case, the average number of stations is equal to 32. The analysis shows that the temporal change of the isotropic component is caused by a magnetic mirror. For the first time, the zonal harmonics are reliably distinguished, and the existence of the antisymmetric diurnal CR-variation in a low energy range, which is oriented along IMF, is recognized. We compare our results with those obtained earlier

    Heliospheric modulation of cosmic rays: model and observation

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    This paper presents the basic model of cosmic ray modulation in the heliosphere, developed in Yu.G. Shafer Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Aeronomy of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The model has only one free modulation parameter: the ratio of the regular magnetic field to the turbulent one. It may also be applied to the description of cosmic ray intensity variations in a wide energy range from 100 MeV to 100 GeV. Possible mechanisms of generation of the turbulent field are considered. The primary assumption about the electrical neutrality of the heliosphere appears to be wrong, and the zero potential needed to match the model with observations in the solar equatorial plane can be achieved if the frontal point of the heliosphere, which is flowed around by interstellar gas, lies near the plane. We have revealed that the abnormal rise of cosmic ray intensity at the end of solar cycle 23 is related to the residual modulation produced by the subsonic solar wind behind the front of a standing shock wave. The model is used to describe features of cosmic ray intensity variations in several solar activity cycles