1,221 research outputs found

    The Multidimensional Study of Viral Campaigns as Branching Processes

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    Viral campaigns on the Internet may follow variety of models, depending on the content, incentives, personal attitudes of sender and recipient to the content and other factors. Due to the fact that the knowledge of the campaign specifics is essential for the campaign managers, researchers are constantly evaluating models and real-world data. The goal of this article is to present the new knowledge obtained from studying two viral campaigns that took place in a virtual world which followed the branching process. The results show that it is possible to reduce the time needed to estimate the model parameters of the campaign and, moreover, some important aspects of time-generations relationship are presented.Comment: In proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Social Informatics, SocInfo 201

    Tunneling conductance in strained graphene-based superconductor: Effect of asymmetric Weyl-Dirac fermions

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    Based on the BTK theory, we investigate the tunneling conductance in a uniaxially strained graphene-based normal metal (NG)/ barrier (I)/superconductor (SG) junctions. In the present model, we assume that depositing the conventional superconductor on the top of the uniaxially strained graphene, normal graphene may turn to superconducting graphene with the Cooper pairs formed by the asymmetric Weyl-Dirac electrons, the massless fermions with direction-dependent velocity. The highly asymmetrical velocity, vy/vx>>1, may be created by strain in the zigzag direction near the transition point between gapless and gapped graphene. In the case of the highly asymmetrical velocity, we find that the Andreev reflection strongly depends on the direction and the current perpendicular to the direction of strain can flow in the junction as if there was no barrier. Also, the current parallel to the direction of strain anomalously oscillates as a function of the gate voltage with very high frequency. Our predicted result is found as quite different from the feature of the quasiparticle tunneling in the unstrained graphene-based NG/I/SG conventional junction. This is because of the presence of the direction-dependent-velocity quasiparticles in the highly strained graphene system.Comment: 18 pages, 7 Figures; Eq.13 and 14 are correcte

    Field dependence of the vortex structure in chiral p-wave superconductors

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    To investigate the different vortex structure between two chiral pairing p_x +(-) i p_y, we calculate the pair potential, the internal field, the local density of states, and free energy in the vortex lattice state based on the quasiclassical Eilenberger theory, and analyze the magnetic field dependence. The induced opposite chiral component of the pair potential plays an important role in the vortex structure. It also produces H^{1/2}-behavior of the zero-energy density of states at higher field. These results are helpful when we understand the vortex states in Sr2RuO4.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Theoretical study of electronic Raman scattering of Borocarbide superconductors

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    The electronic Raman scattering of Borocarbide superconductors is studied based on the weak coupling theory with s+gs+g-wave gap symmetry. The low energy behaviors and the relative peak positions can be naturally understood, while the explanation of the detailed shape of the B1gB_{1g} peak seems to require a strong inelastic interaction not present in the weak coupling theory.Comment: Revtex 4 file, 9 pages and 5 figure

    On the Quantum Invariant for the Spherical Seifert Manifold

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    We study the Witten--Reshetikhin--Turaev SU(2) invariant for the Seifert manifold S3/ΓS^3/\Gamma where Γ\Gamma is a finite subgroup of SU(2). We show that the WRT invariants can be written in terms of the Eichler integral of the modular forms with half-integral weight, and we give an exact asymptotic expansion of the invariants by use of the nearly modular property of the Eichler integral. We further discuss that those modular forms have a direct connection with the polyhedral group by showing that the invariant polynomials of modular forms satisfy the polyhedral equations associated to Γ\Gamma.Comment: 36 page

    Elementary vortex pinning potential in a chiral p-wave superconductor

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    The elementary vortex pinning potential is studied in a chiral p-wave superconductor with a pairing d=z(k_x + i k_y) on the basis of the quasiclassical theory of superconductivity. An analytical investigation and numerical results are presented to show that the vortex pinning potential is dependent on whether the vorticity and chirality are parallel or antiparallel. Mutual cancellation of the vorticity and chirality around a vortex is physically crucial to the effect of the pinning center inside the vortex core.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures include

    The large longitudinal spread of solar energetic particles during the January 17, 2010 solar event

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    We investigate multi-spacecraft observations of the January 17, 2010 solar energetic particle event. Energetic electrons and protons have been observed over a remarkable large longitudinal range at the two STEREO spacecraft and SOHO suggesting a longitudinal spread of nearly 360 degrees at 1AU. The flaring active region, which was on the backside of the Sun as seen from Earth, was separated by more than 100 degrees in longitude from the magnetic footpoints of each of the three spacecraft. The event is characterized by strongly delayed energetic particle onsets with respect to the flare and only small or no anisotropies in the intensity measurements at all three locations. The presence of a coronal shock is evidenced by the observation of a type II radio burst from the Earth and STEREO B. In order to describe the observations in terms of particle transport in the interplanetary medium, including perpendicular diffusion, a 1D model describing the propagation along a magnetic field line (model 1) (Dr\"oge, 2003) and the 3D propagation model (model 2) by (Dr\"oge et al., 2010) including perpendicular diffusion in the interplanetary medium have been applied, respectively. While both models are capable of reproducing the observations, model 1 requires injection functions at the Sun of several hours. Model 2, which includes lateral transport in the solar wind, reveals high values for the ratio of perpendicular to parallel diffusion. Because we do not find evidence for unusual long injection functions at the Sun we favor a scenario with strong perpendicular transport in the interplanetary medium as explanation for the observations.Comment: The final publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co

    New precise determination of the \tau lepton mass at KEDR detector

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    The status of the experiment on the precise τ\tau lepton mass measurement running at the VEPP-4M collider with the KEDR detector is reported. The mass value is evaluated from the τ+τ−\tau^+\tau^- cross section behaviour around the production threshold. The preliminary result based on 6.7 pb−1^{-1} of data is mτ=1776.80−0.23+0.25±0.15m_{\tau}=1776.80^{+0.25}_{-0.23} \pm 0.15 MeV. Using 0.8 pb−1^{-1} of data collected at the ψ′\psi' peak the preliminary result is also obtained: ΓeeBττ(ψ′)=7.2±2.1\Gamma_{ee}B_{\tau\tau}(\psi') = 7.2 \pm 2.1 eV.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures; The 9th International Workshop on Tau-Lepton Physics, Tau0

    From the Shell-shocked Soldier to the Nervous Child: Psychoanalysis in the Aftermath of the First World War

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    This article investigates the development of child analysis in Britain between the wars, as the anxious child succeeded the shell-shocked soldier as a focus of psychoanalytic enquiry. Historians of psychoanalysis tend to regard the Second World War as a key moment in the discovery of the ‘war within’ the child, but it was in the aftermath of the First War that the warring psyche of the child was observed and elaborated. The personal experience of war and its aftermath, and the attention given to regression in the treatment of war neuroses, encouraged Melanie Klein, Anna Freud and others to turn their attention to children. At the same time, however, the impact of the First World War as a traumatic event, with inter-generational consequences, remained largely unaccounted for within psychoanalysis as Klein and others focused on the child's riven internal world

    How Many CMEs Have Flux Ropes? Deciphering the Signatures of Shocks, Flux Ropes, and Prominences in Coronagraph Observations of CMEs

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    We intend to provide a comprehensive answer to the question on whether all Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) have flux rope structure. To achieve this, we present a synthesis of the LASCO CME observations over the last sixteen years, assisted by 3D MHD simulations of the breakout model, EUV and coronagraphic observations from STEREO and SDO, and statistics from a revised LASCO CME database. We argue that the bright loop often seen as the CME leading edge is the result of pileup at the boundary of the erupting flux rope irrespective of whether a cavity or, more generally, a 3-part CME can be identified. Based on our previous work on white light shock detection and supported by the MHD simulations, we identify a new type of morphology, the `two-front' morphology. It consists of a faint front followed by diffuse emission and the bright loop-like CME leading edge. We show that the faint front is caused by density compression at a wave (or possibly shock) front driven by the CME. We also present high-detailed multi-wavelength EUV observations that clarify the relative positioning of the prominence at the bottom of a coronal cavity with clear flux rope structure. Finally, we visually check the full LASCO CME database for flux rope structures. In the process, we classify the events into two clear flux rope classes (`3-part', `Loop'), jets and outflows (no clear structure). We find that at least 40% of the observed CMEs have clear flux rope structures. We propose a new definition for flux rope CMEs (FR-CMEs) as a coherent magnetic, twist-carrying coronal structure with angular width of at least 40 deg and able to reach beyond 10 Rsun which erupts on a time scale of a few minutes to several hours. We conclude that flux ropes are a common occurrence in CMEs and pose a challenge for future studies to identify CMEs that are clearly not FR-CMEs.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figs, to be published in Solar Physics Topical Issue "Flux Rope Structure of CMEs
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