7 research outputs found

    Managing interaction in professional discorse: intercultural and interdiscoursal perspectives

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    The volume collects papers that cluster around two interconnected themes: the discourse of intercultural communication in ELF and interdiscourse seen through the perspective of the recontextualization of previous discourses. The collection aims at highlighting convergences between intercultural communication and other forms of communication cutting across boundaries of groups or discourse systems. The focus is on academic and professional genres in the discourse of business and economics: lessons, articles, textbooks, meetings, annual reports, websites etc

    Dialogue within discourse communities. Metadiscursive perspectives on academic genres

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    The book explores aspects of reflexivity and interactivity in a variety of academic genres: oral and written, scientific and educational. Academic discourse is explored from a variety of perspectives that take a dialogic view of language use as their starting point, ranging from conversation analysis to descriptive or applied genre studies. Particular attention is paid to the way metadiscursive expressions contribute to a representation of the communicative procedures that characterise the ongoing (scientific and educational) dialogues

    Teaching English. Ricerca e pratiche innovative per la scuola primaria

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    La pubblicazione propone contributi di carattere scientifico e didattico sull'insegnamento dell'inglese nella scuola primaria. Ne risulta un quadro articolato che, a partire dalla rifelssione sul profilo linguistico dell'insegnante di scuola primaria, document alcune pratiche innovative in ambito di didattica e di formazione