21 research outputs found

    Inter- and intra-observer variability in the qualitative categorization of coronary angiograms.

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    The ABC classification of the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association is a commonly used categorization to estimate the risk and success of intracoronary intervention, as well as the probability of restenosis. To evaluate the reliability of qualitative angiogram readings, we randomly selected 200 films from single lesion angioplasty procedures. A repeated visual assessment (> or = 2 months interval) by two independent observers resulted in kappa values of inter and intra-observer variability for the ABC lesion classification and for all separate items that compile it. Variability in assessment is expressed in percentage of total agreement, and in kappa value, which is a parameter of the agreement between two or more observations in excess of the chance agreement. Percentage of total agreement and kappa value was 67.8% and 0.33 respectively for the ABC classification, indicating a poor agreement. Probably this is due to the deficiency of strict definitions. Further investigation has to demonstrate whether improvement can be achieved using complete and detailed definitions without ambiguity, and consensus after panel assessment

    What if Supersymmetry Breaking Unifies beyond the GUT Scale?

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    We study models in which soft supersymmetry-breaking parameters of the MSSM become universal at some unification scale, MinM_{in}, above the GUT scale, \mgut. We assume that the scalar masses and gaugino masses have common values, m0m_0 and m1/2m_{1/2} respectively, at MinM_{in}. We use the renormalization-group equations of the minimal supersymmetric SU(5) GUT to evaluate their evolutions down to \mgut, studying their dependences on the unknown parameters of the SU(5) superpotential. After displaying some generic examples of the evolutions of the soft supersymmetry-breaking parameters, we discuss the effects on physical sparticle masses in some specific examples. We note, for example, that near-degeneracy between the lightest neutralino and the lighter stau is progressively disfavoured as MinM_{in} increases. This has the consequence, as we show in (m1/2,m0)(m_{1/2}, m_0) planes for several different values of tanβ\tan \beta, that the stau coannihilation region shrinks as MinM_{in} increases, and we delineate the regions of the (Min,tanβ)(M_{in}, \tan \beta) plane where it is absent altogether. Moreover, as MinM_{in} increases, the focus-point region recedes to larger values of m0m_0 for any fixed tanβ\tan \beta and m1/2m_{1/2}. We conclude that the regions of the (m1/2,m0)(m_{1/2}, m_0) plane that are commonly favoured in phenomenological analyses tend to disappear at large MinM_{in}.Comment: 24 pages with 11 eps figures; references added, some figures corrected, discussion extended and figure added; version to appear in EPJ

    Frequency Hopping against a Powerful Adversary

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    Abstract. Frequency hopping is a central method in wireless communication, offering improved resistance to adversarial interference and interception attempts, and easy non-coordinated control in dynamic environments. In this paper, we introduce a new model that supports a rigorous study of frequency hopping in adversarial settings. We then propose new frequency hopping protocols that allow a sender-receiver pair to essentially use the full communication capacity, despite a powerful adversary that can scan and jam a significant amount of the ongoing transmissions.

    Cost benefit analysis of early thrombolytic treatment with intracoronary streptokinase

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    The costs and benefits of early thrombolytic treatment with intracoronary streptokinase in acute myocardial infarction were compared in a randomised trial. All hospital admissions were recorded and the functional class was assessed at visits to the outpatient clinic during a 12 month follow up of 269 patients allocated to thrombolytic treatment and of 264 allocated to conventional treatment. Mean survival during the first year was calculated for patients with inferior and with anterior infarction and adjusted for impaired quality of life in cases where there were symptoms or hospital admission. In patients with inferior infarction mean survival was 337 days (out of a total follow up of 365 days) for patients allocated to thrombolytic treatment and 327 days for controls. Quality adjusted survival was seven days longer in the thrombolysis group (307 vs 300 days in controls). In patients with anterior infarction mean survival was significantly longer (35 days) in the thrombolysis group than in the control group as was quality adjusted survival (38 days) (304 vs 266 days in controls). The gain in life expectancy with thrombolytic treatment was 0.7 years for patients with inferior infarction, 2.4 years for patients with anterior infarction, and 3.6 years for the subset of patients with large anterior infarction who were admitted within two hours of the onset of symptoms.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS