8 research outputs found

    Influencer marketing: current trends and prospects

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    The article examines the influencer-marketing impact in the digital environment as one of the most popular lines of digital communications. The problem is the difficulty in recruiting a relevant blogger for promotional purposes. Methodologically, the study based on two basic psychological concepts: cognitive and interactive. The authors have conducted a critical analysis of scholarly literature and secondary documents and have addressed the concepts of blogger referentiality, identity and consumer identity statuses. The authors proposes and empirically verifies the hypothesis that the decision to buy an advertised product and the identity status of the consumer are interrelated. The empirical study was conducted using the author’s methodological toolkit, including an online survey using the Schneider Personality Survey. Based on the results of the study, recommendations are given for marketers to select bloggers for the target group of 18–24 year olds with different identity statuses in order to build a positive product brand. Suggestions for bloggers to interact with consumer groups with specified identity statuses are provided. Forecasts are given on the development of the influencer-marketing market, the demand for the blogging profession, the effectiveness of including the blogger’s inclusion in the company communications as potential partners, and the relationship between consumer engagement levels and social network

    Theoretical and methodological aspects of personal brand formation in the digital environment

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    The article considers the theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of a personal brand, describes modern approaches to the interpretation of the concepts of brand and personality brand. The main structural elements of a personal brand are analysed, its socio-psychological essence is determined. The emphasis is made on the practical significance of the formation of a personal brand, the components, properties and areas of application of a personal brand are considered.The models of personality brand formation in both offline and online environment are described in accordance with the structural and substantive transformations currently taking place in the information sphere and the factors that influence the effectiveness of communication through a personal brand. These are, first of all, such factors as the widespread of artificial intelligence technologies into everyday life, tools for logical data integration, a significant increase in the number of Internet users. All of the above factors largely determine the nature and degree of social influence of influencers on the behavior of individuals in society.In addition, much attention is paid to the analysis of existing models of personal brand formation, which form the theoretical and methodological basis of a personal brand. If we consider a brand as a tool that stimulates the consumer to a certain action, then in the case of a product brand, such an action will be the fact of buying a product or service directly. If we are talking about a personal brand, then the frequency of consumption of content created by a particular media personality will act as an action. In turn, it is possible to increase the frequency of content consumption by choosing the optimal model of brand communication with consumers. That is why it is especially relevant to study the theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of a personal brand through online tools in the process of creating a personal brand

    The use of cartoon characters in brand advertising communications

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    The authors of the article explore how the cartoon characters are perceived in advertising products of famous brands among young people. To study this issue, focus groups were held, in which representatives of the youth audience took part. To demonstrate the stimulus material, 22 characters from animated films were selected (cartoons of the Soviet period, Disney studios cartoons and other foreign cartoons). For a large number of products, especially for children, the use of cartoon characters is logical and relevant in most cases. The level of popularity of Soviet cartoons is quite high, which gives brands the opportunity to use their characters in advertising communications. The most popular are the heroes of foreign cartoons (Disney studios and others). According to the results of the study, it was concluded that the use of cartoon characters in advertising communications of the brand contributes to its successful promotion, makes advertising bright and memorable, such advertising attracts the attention of the target audience and arouses its interest. At the same time, the authors point out that it is impossible to take the character out of the context of the cartoon, his image should be exactly the way people used to see him. In this case, advertising communication will be really successful. The results of the study can be used by brands when promoting goods and services using cartoon characters

    Specifics of perception of images of professions in advertising and public relations

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    The article сonsiders the peculiarities of perception of public relations and advertising specialists ‘ images by future representatives of these professions. The paper presents the results of a study to identify the Delta perception of images of specialties from students in the field of “Public Relations and Advertising”. For the cumulative assessment of image perception, the method of private semantic differential was applied, using the original scale of perception of the above-mentioned professions developed by the authors. As a result of the research, the distribution profiles of the average values of independent variables were analysed and the specifics of the perception of specialties was revealed. The obtained data can be used to correct these images, as well as formulate recommendations for their improvement

    Transforming the structure of unmarried women’s social perceptions of single motherhood through digital technologies

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    The transformation of the structure of social ideas about marriage and family relations in general and the structure of the modern family has been considered through digital technologies. The problem of the growing number of single mothers has been raised. Statistics for 20 years have been provided. The influence of several factors on the growth dynamics has been analysed. The influence of women`s emancipation, availability of remote work and the image of successful bloggers on changing the fields of social representations of modern unmarried women about single motherhood has been examined. One of the main reasons for changing the attitude of women to the image of single mother, namely the appearance of a new image-”solo-mom”, which is actively used in the digital environment, has been considered. Communities and groups in the social networks Vkontakte, Facebook, Instagram and Odnoklassniki, dedicated to supporting single mothers, have been studied. Blogs of single mothers who position themselves as “solo-mothers”, have been reviewed. The results of an empirical study aimed at identifying a factor that affects the change in the system of views and attitudes of unmarried women in the transition zone and the periphery have been presented. The responses of respondents received in 2014 and 2019 by the free Association experiment have been analysed. The respondents answers were divided into three categories: single mother status, status assessment, qualities of the single mother’s personality. The results of a comparative analysis of women’s social perceptions about single motherhood for the period from 2014 to 2019 have been presented. Based on the results obtained, conclusions about the change in perceptions of single mothers over the past 5 years, the emergence of a new image of a single woman with a child – “solo mom”, have been made

    Using e-marketing on the example of detailed targeting technology

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    The concept of “Big data” as a way of processing huge amounts of data has been considered, the principles of working with big data have been formulated, the techniques of electronic marketing have been reviewed. The definition of targeting has been given, its possibilities have been described. The sources of information for the General targeting field have been presented. The concept of hyperlocal targeting has been interpreted. The specificity of the use of e-marketing technologies depending on the goals of promotion and the ways of creating individual sales tunnels, the so-called “narrow entry” technique, have been investigated. The content essence and possibilities of using the technology of detailed marketing have been revealed. On the example of using the technology of detailed targeting by means of automatic redirection of users from one URL to another (redirect) and on the basis of the obtained data the formation of a portrait of a potential client and segmentation of target audiences an algorithm for the use of detailed targeting technology has been developed. The process of segmentation and creation of a typical portrait of a representative of the target audience has been shown. On the basis of the developed portraits of representatives of the target audience, the client’s path design was created. Herewith, the standard logical chains of customer involvement in the process of making a purchase, namely, attracting a potential buyer, increasing his level of interest in the product and the final sale, have been described. The most significant technological difficulties have been studied, consisting primarily in the simultaneous connection of a variety of platforms and modules necessary for the automation of processes and the collection of statistics for analytical work. The list of tools used in the implementation of detailed targeting technology has been presented: LeeLoo.ai, AmoCRM, LPGenerator, Yandex.Metrics.The logic of expansion of the applied tools of electronic marketing for different target audiences for the purpose of increase of conversion and, accordingly, economy of the advertizing budget has been described