11 research outputs found

    Conformal Anomaly for Free Scalar Propagation on Curved Bounded Manifolds

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    The trace anomaly for free propagation in the context of a conformally invariant scalar field theory defined on a curved manifold of positive constant curvature with boundary is evaluated through use of an asymptotic heat kernel expansion. In addition to their direct physical significance the results are also of relevance to the holographic principle and to Quantum Cosmology.Comment: 8 pages. To appear in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    Perturbative Evaluation of Interacting Scalar Fields on a Curved Manifold with Boundary

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    The effects of quantum corrections to a conformally invariant scalar field theory on a curved manifold of positive constant curvature with boundary are considered in the context of a renormalisation procedure. The renormalisation of the theory to second order in the scalar self-coupling pursued herein involves explicit calculations of up to third loop-order and reveals that, in addition to the renormalisation of the scalar self-coupling and scalar field, the removal of all divergences necessitates the introduction of conformally non-invariant counterterms proportional to RΦ2 R\Phi^2 and KΦ2 K\Phi^2 in the bare scalar action as well as counterterms proportional to RK2 RK^2, R2 R^2 and RK RK in the gravitational action. The substantial backreaction effects and their relevance to the renormalisation procedure are analysed.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure. Minor elucidations in the Appendix regarding the cut-off N0 N_0 and in p.4 regarding the gravitational action. Certain reference-related ommission corrected. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Radiative Contributions to the Effective Action of Self-Interacting Scalar Field on a Manifold with Boundary

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    The effect of quantum corrections to a conformally invariant field theory for a self-interacting scalar field on a curved manifold with boundary is considered. The analysis is most easily performed in a space of constant curvature the boundary of which is characterised by constant extrinsic curvature. An extension of the spherical formulation in the presence of a boundary is attained through use of the method of images. Contrary to the consolidated vanishing effect in maximally symmetric space-times the contribution of the massless "tadpole" diagram no longer vanishes in dimensional regularisation. As a result, conformal invariance is broken due to boundary-related vacuum contributions. The evaluation of one-loop contributions to the two-point function suggests an extension, in the presence of matter couplings, of the simultaneous volume and boundary renormalisation in the effective action.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure. Additional references and minor elucidating remarks added. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Spherical Formulation for Diagramatic Evaluations on a Manifold with Boundary

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    The mathematical formalism necessary for the diagramatic evaluation of quantum corrections to a conformally invariant field theory for a self-interacting scalar field on a curved manifold with boundary is considered. The evaluation of quantum corrections to the effective action past one-loop necessitates diagramatic techniques. Diagramatic evaluations and higher loop-order renormalisation can be best accomplished on a Riemannian manifold of constant curvature accommodating a boundary of constant extrinsic curvature. In such a context the stated evaluations can be accomplished through a consistent interpretation of the Feynman rules within the spherical formulation of the theory for which the method of images allows. To this effect, the mathematical consequences of such an interpretation are analyzed and the spherical formulation of the Feynman rules on the bounded manifold is, as a result, developed.Comment: 12 pages, references added. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Perturbative Evaluation of the Zero-Point function for Self-Interacting Scalar Field on a Manifold with Boundary

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    The character of quantum corrections to the gravitational action of a conformally invariant field theory for a self-interacting scalar field on a manifold with boundary is considered at third loop-order in the perturbative expansion of the zero-point function. Diagramatic evaluations and higher loop-order renormalisation can be best accomplished on a Riemannian manifold of constant curvature accommodating a boundary of constant extrinsic curvature. The associated spherical formulation for diagramatic evaluations reveals a non-trivial effect which the topology of the manifold has on the vacuum processes and which ultimately dissociates the dynamical behaviour of the quantised field from its behaviour in the absence of a boundary. The first surface divergence is evaluated and the necessity for simultaneous renormalisation of volume and surface divergences is shown.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures, one figure and references added, substantial extension of the discussion. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Conformal Scalar Propagation on the Schwarzschild Black-Hole Geometry

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    The vacuum activity generated by the curvature of the Schwarzschild black-hole geometry close to the event horizon is studied for the case of a massless, conformal scalar field. The associated approximation to the unknown, exact propagator in the Hartle-Hawking vacuum state for small values of the radial coordinate above r=2M r = 2M results in an analytic expression which manifestly features its dependence on the background space-time geometry. This approximation to the Hartle-Hawking scalar propagator on the Schwarzschild black-hole geometry is, for that matter, distinct from all other. It is shown that the stated approximation is valid for physical distances which range from the event horizon to values which are orders of magnitude above the scale within which quantum and backreaction effects are comparatively pronounced. An expression is obtained for the renormalised in the Hartle-Hawking vacuum state which reproduces the established results on the event horizon and in that segment of the exterior geometry within which the approximation is valid. In contrast to previous results the stated expression has the superior feature of being entirely analytic. The effect of the manifold's causal structure to scalar propagation is also studied.Comment: 34 pages, 2 figures. Published on line on October 16, 2009 and due to appear in print in Gen.Rel.Gra

    Bulk versus brane running couplings

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    A simplified higher dimensional Randall-Sundrum-like model in 6 dimensions is considered. It has been observed previously by Goldberger and Wise that in such a self-interacting scalar theory on the bulk with a conical singularity there is mixing of renormalization of 4d brane couplings with that of the bulk couplings. We study the influence of the running bulk couplings on the running of the 4d brane couplings. We find that bulk quantum effects may completely alter the running of brane couplings. In particular, the structure of the Landau pole may be drastically altered and non-asymptotically free running may turn into asymptotically safe (or free) behavior.Comment: 11 pages, no figures, REVTeX