32 research outputs found
Coherent optical generation of nonequilibrium electrons studied via band-to-acceptor luminescence in GaAs
Nonequilibrium electrons generated by coherent optical excitation of GaAs are studied in a wide range of carrier density. The electron distribution is monitored via spectrally resolved band-to-acceptor luminescence after continuous-wave, picosecond, or femtosecond laser excitation. Our data demonstrate that the coherent coupling between the laser radiation and the interband polarization and its dephasing strongly influence the initial carrier distribution. The energetic width of carrier generation is broadened due to rapid phase-breaking scattering events during carrier generation. Theoretical results from a Monte Carlo solution of the semiconductor Bloch equations including on the same kinetic level coherent and incoherent phenomena show that the broadening of the electron distribution is introduced mainly in the generation process whereas the recombination of electrons with bound holes makes a minor contribution. The theoretical results are in quantitative agreement with the experimental data
Ultrafast Coherent Generation of Hot Electrons Studied via Band-to-Acceptor Luminescence in GaAs
The distribution of hot electrons excited with femtosecond laser pulses is studied via spectrally resolved band-to-acceptor luminescence. Our data demonstrate for the first time that the coherent coupling between the laser pulse and the interband polarization strongly influences the initial carrier distribution. The energetic width of carrier generation is broadened due to rapid phase-breaking scattering events. Theoretical results from a Monte Carlo solution of the semiconductor Bloch equations including on the same kinetic level coherent and incoherent phenomena, are in excellent agreement with the experimental data
Quantisierungs- und Vielteilchen-Effekte in Halbleiter-Potentialtopf-Strukturen
SIGLETIB Hannover: DR 5001 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman
Untersuchung ueber die Ausbeulneigung von Maschenwaren fuer Oberbekleidung und ihre Erfassung im Laboratorium in Korrelation zu den Gegebenheiten beim Tragen Schlussbericht. Abschluss des Vorhabens am 14.5.1980
SIGLETIB: AC 6804 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman
MOVPE growth of highly strained InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells
The indium incorporation into strained InGaAs quantum wells (QWs) grown on GaAs substrate by metalorganic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) is found to be reduced in comparison to relaxed layers. Additionally, the indium uptake into strained QWs is limited to approximately 30% InAs at 650 C. Excessive trimethyl indium (TMIn) supply in the vapour phase leads to a drop of the Incontent of the QW and to a reduced total In-content in the whole structure. Only a small amount of the excess In is incorporated into InAs-rich clusters observed as dark spot defects and into a graded interfacial layer. A model for this behaviour based on the enhanced In-reevaporation from In-rich areas is presented. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: DtF QN1(59,13) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman
Untersuchung ueber das Pillverhalten, die Zieheranfaelligkeit und das Scheuerverhalten von Maschenstoffen fuer Oberbekleidung und ihre Erfassung im Laboratorium in Korrelation zu den Gegenheiten beim Tragen Schlussbericht. Abschluss des Vorhabens am 15.7.1982. [1.] Themenbereich Pillverhalten. [2.] Themenbereich Scheuerverhalten. [3.] Themenbereich Zieheranfaelligkeit
SIGLETIB: AC 6805 (1)-(3) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekDEGerman
Enhanced electron-phonon interaction in InAs/GaAs self-assembled quantum dots
his reference presents an overview of important developments in all III-V compound semiconductors such as GaAs, InP, and GaN; II-VI compounds such as ZnS, ZnSe, and CdTe; IV-IV compounds such as SiC and SiGe; and IV-VI compounds such as PbTe and SnTe. It emphasizes piezoelectric (or potentially smart) material heterostructures (Ga, Al, In)N, which will influence future research and development funding. As the preeminent forum for research in compound materials and their applications in devices, this book "provide[s] a very useful review of developments in this field and will be necessary..
Polytektische Strukturierung. Teilvorhaben: Lateralstrukturierung mittels Molekularstrahlepitaxie
SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: DtF QN1(41,20) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman