20 research outputs found

    Reducing harmful effects of metals in water

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    Nowadays, drinking water has become an increasingly critical and complex issue of mankind. Consumption of lowquality water contaminated with heavy metals has detrimental effect on human health, leading to disastrous consequences for human population. This paper is focused on the problem of adverse impacts and effects of contaminated drinking water and heavy metals it contains, as well as on strategic planning and efficient elimination of the above problems and consequences of such contaminated water on human health. Values of water before and after the purification process are presented. An effective solution has also been elaborated and proposed in the form of an existing commercial device for purifying and restoring water to its natural state with a balanced chemical composition and natural properties

    Necessity and effects of dynamic systems for railway wheel defect detection

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    State of railway vehicles highly influences transport safety due to vehicle derailments and in the same time worsens the quality of freight and passenger transportation. One of important elements that influence the state of railway vehicles is the wheel state. Wheel defects are common in railway transport. Therefore, timely defect detection is very important. This paper presents ways and effects of timely detection of wheel defects

    Potreba i efekti dinamičkih sustava za detekciju defekata točkova željezničkih vozila

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    State of railway vehicles highly influences transport safety due to vehicle derailments and in the same time worsens the quality of freight and passenger transportation. One of important elements that influence the state of railway vehicles is the wheel state. Wheel defects are common in railway transport. Therefore, timely defect detection is very important. This paper presents ways and effects of timely detection of wheel defects.Stanje željezničkih vozila bitno utječe na sigurnost prometa zbog rizika iskliznuća i istovremeno smanjuje kvalitet prevoza robe i putnika. Jedan od bitnijih čimbenika koji utječu na stanje željezničkih vozila jeste stanje točkova. Defekti točkova su česta pojava u željezničkom prometu. Iz tog razloga, veoma bitno je pravovremeno otkrivanje defekata. U ovom radu su prezentirani načini i učinci pravovremenog detektiranja defekata točkova

    Model za predikciju broja prsnuća tračnica

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    Broken rails can cause train delays, trains cancelations and, unfortunately, they are common causes of accidents. This affects planning of a resources, budget and organization of railway track maintenance. Planning of railway track maintenance cannot be done without an estimation of number of rails that will be replaced due to the broken rail incidents. There are many factors that influence broken rails and the most common are: rail age, annual gross tonnage, degree of curve and temperature in the time of breakage. The fuzzy logic model uses acquired data as input variables to predict the frequency of broken rails for the certain rail types on some Sections.Prsnuća tračnica mogu prouzrokovati kaÅ”njenje vlakova i jedan su od najčeŔćih uzroka izvanrednih događaja. Zbog toga utiču i na planiranje resursa, budžeta i održavanja željezničkih pruga. Planiranje održavanja pruga ne može se uraditi bez procjene broja tračnica koje će se zamijeniti zbog prsnuća. Postoji mnogo faktora koji utiču na prsnuće tračnica, a najčeŔći su: strarost tračnica, godiÅ”nje bruto tone, radijus krivine i temperatura u vrijeme prsnuća. Model fuzzy logike koristi prikupljene podatke kao ulazne promjenljive da bi proračunao broj prsnuća tračnica za određeni tip tračnice na nekim sekcijama pruga

    Logistic model of the security system in the military industry repair sector

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    The repair sector is a part of the military industry the establishment of the military combat readiness and thus the establishment of the state security system. This paper deals with the functional dependence of the military industry repair sector and the logistic model of a security system

    Dizajn modularnog sutava plastičnih euro paleta

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    Although pallet, as a tool, yields significant and widely recognized economic effects in production and distribution systems, it is still not fully utilized, indicating that it needs to be defined and developed as a specific product. Euro pallet product was designed using PRO/ENGINEER software system CAD module, as one of the most popular Cax systems, yielding a pallet of novel modular design that meets all the operational requirements of the existing range. The chosen material ensures high pallet longevity and durability, in line with the concept of sustainable development.Paleta kao sredstvo za rad ima izuzetan značaj i poznate ekonomske efekte u proizvodnim i distributivnim sustavima. Međutim, odnos prema paleti kao proizvodu, nije proporcionalan njenom ukupnom značaju. Obrazloženi aspekti neizostavno ukazuju na potrebe definiranja i razvoja palete kao specifičnog proizvoda. Dizajn proizvoda plastične euro palete je izveden u CAD modulu programskog sustava PRO/ENGINEER kao jednog od najpoznatijih CAx sustava. Dobijena je paleta novog modularnog koncepta koja ispunjava sve radne zahtjeve postojećih paleta. Izborom materijala je dobijena dugotrajnija paleta koncepta održivog razvoja

    Procurement model for copper and polymer electrical products

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    Procurement model for copper and polymer electrical products. Electrical cable structure (wire, insulation, filling and mantle) is in accordance with the technical specifications of individual cable components in terms of the incorporated materials. Materials used in cable manufacture are copper, aluminum, rubber and polyvinyl chloride. One of the key issues in managing the flow of goods pertains to the timing of procurement. The combination of the two concepts can take advantage of individual strengths of fuzzy logic and neural networks in hybrid systems of homogeneous structure. The model has high practical significance, as, with minor modifications, it can be applied in any enterprise responsible for managing the goods flows

    A model for the pavement temperature prediction at specified depth

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    This paper examines the existing models for predicting pavement temperatures at a certain depth and formulates a new one using the regression equation to predict the minimum and maximum pavement temperatures at the specified depth depending on the surface pavement temperature and its depth

    Procurement model for copper and polymer electrical products

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    Procurement model for copper and polymer electrical products. Electrical cable structure (wire, insulation, filling and mantle) is in accordance with the technical specifications of individual cable components in terms of the incorporated materials. Materials used in cable manufacture are copper, aluminum, rubber and polyvinyl chloride. One of the key issues in managing the flow of goods pertains to the timing of procurement. The combination of the two concepts can take advantage of individual strengths of fuzzy logic and neural networks in hybrid systems of homogeneous structure. The model has high practical significance, as, with minor modifications, it can be applied in any enterprise responsible for managing the goods flows

    Model za predikciju broja prsnuća tračnica

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    Broken rails can cause train delays, trains cancelations and, unfortunately, they are common causes of accidents. This affects planning of a resources, budget and organization of railway track maintenance. Planning of railway track maintenance cannot be done without an estimation of number of rails that will be replaced due to the broken rail incidents. There are many factors that influence broken rails and the most common are: rail age, annual gross tonnage, degree of curve and temperature in the time of breakage. The fuzzy logic model uses acquired data as input variables to predict the frequency of broken rails for the certain rail types on some Sections.Prsnuća tračnica mogu prouzrokovati kaÅ”njenje vlakova i jedan su od najčeŔćih uzroka izvanrednih događaja. Zbog toga utiču i na planiranje resursa, budžeta i održavanja željezničkih pruga. Planiranje održavanja pruga ne može se uraditi bez procjene broja tračnica koje će se zamijeniti zbog prsnuća. Postoji mnogo faktora koji utiču na prsnuće tračnica, a najčeŔći su: strarost tračnica, godiÅ”nje bruto tone, radijus krivine i temperatura u vrijeme prsnuća. Model fuzzy logike koristi prikupljene podatke kao ulazne promjenljive da bi proračunao broj prsnuća tračnica za određeni tip tračnice na nekim sekcijama pruga