52 research outputs found

    Meat and Nicotinamide:A Causal Role in Human Evolution, History, and Demographics

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    Hunting for meat was a critical step in all animal and human evolution. A key brain-trophic element in meat is vitamin B 3 /nicotinamide. The supply of meat and nicotinamide steadily increased from the Cambrian origin of animal predators ratcheting ever larger brains. This culminated in the 3-million-year evolution of Homo sapiens and our overall demographic success. We view human evolution, recent history, and agricultural and demographic transitions in the light of meat and nicotinamide intake. A biochemical and immunological switch is highlighted that affects fertility in the ‘de novo’ tryptophan-to-kynurenine-nicotinamide ‘immune tolerance’ pathway. Longevity relates to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide consumer pathways. High meat intake correlates with moderate fertility, high intelligence, good health, and longevity with consequent population stability, whereas low meat/high cereal intake (short of starvation) correlates with high fertility, disease, and population booms and busts. Too high a meat intake and fertility falls below replacement levels. Reducing variances in meat consumption might help stabilise population growth and improve human capital

    Combinatorial Glycomic Analyses to Direct CAZyme Discovery for the Tailored Degradation of Canola Meal Non-Starch Dietary Polysaccharides

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    Canola meal (CM), the protein-rich by-product of canola oil extraction, has shown promise as an alternative feedstuff and protein supplement in poultry diets, yet its use has been limited due to the abundance of plant cell wall fibre, specifically non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) and lignin. The addition of exogenous enzymes to promote the digestion of CM NSP in chickens has potential to increase the metabolizable energy of CM. We isolated chicken cecal bacteria from a continuous-flow mini-bioreactor system and selected for those with the ability to metabolize CM NSP. Of 100 isolates identified, Bacteroides spp. and Enterococcus spp. were the most common species with these capabilities. To identify enzymes specifically for the digestion of CM NSP, we used a combination of glycomics techniques, including enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay characterization of the plant cell wall fractions, glycosidic linkage analysis (methylation-GC-MS analysis) of CM NSP and their fractions, bacterial growth profiles using minimal media supplemented with CM NSP, and the sequencing and de novo annotation of bacterial genomes of high-efficiency CM NSP utilizing bacteria. The SACCHARIS pipeline was used to select plant cell wall active enzymes for recombinant production and characterization. This approach represents a multidisciplinary innovation platform to bioprospect endogenous CAZymes from the intestinal microbiota of herbivorous and omnivorous animals which is adaptable to a variety of applications and dietary polysaccharides
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