5,282 research outputs found

    Conceptual model of E. coli transcriptional machinery

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    At the moment one type of analysis of transcription regulatory networks (TRNs) in prokaryotes is topological analysis of graph structure of possible regulatory interaction links (see for example [1]). That type of analysis takes into account possibility links that designate the fact that one gene product in some conditions can modulate transcription of the other. The benefit of such approach is that it is allow analyzing TRN at the whole cell level. At the same type it is known that at least some responses are regulated by abundance of elements of transcription machinery [2-3]. We have developed conceptual model of whole cell E. coli TRN with SBGN ER, SBGN PD and SBGN AF languages [4]. That model is the first step towards incorporation of some quantitative information into whole cell TRN modeling.

1.	Freyre-González et al. Functional architecture of Escherichia coli: new insights provided by a natural decomposition approach. Genome Biol (2008) vol. 9 (10) pp. R154
2.	Klumpp and Hwa. Growth-rate-dependent partitioning of RNA polymerases in bacteria. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA (2008) vol. 105 (51) pp. 20245-50
3.	Barker et al. Mechanism of regulation of transcription initiation by ppGpp. II. Models for positive control based on properties of RNAP mutants and competition for RNAP. J Mol Biol (2001) vol. 305 (4) pp. 689-702
4.	Le Novère et al. The systems biology graphical notation. Nature biotechnology (2009) vol. 27 (8) pp. 735-41

    Method for influencing the development of elderly education in Russia

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    The paper discusses the problem of mass education for the elderly in Russia. To deal with this issue, we ground the expediency of using the resources of non-formal education projects for senior citizens. We analyze the totality of specialized educational projects implemented in the country as a social network, i.e. a specific self-organized object resistant to external management. The article presents the results of an online survey of experts (organizers of education projects for senior citizens and researchers on the problems of elderly education). Based on the respondents’ answers, the research concludes about the specificity of the elderly education network as an object of management and analyzes the possibility to adopt centralized educational management. The paper formulates the general principles and techniques of management in the field of elderly education in Russia and provides the authors’ method to control the development of elderly education projects in the country

    Scenarios for the Development of Elderly Education in Russia

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    The paper delves into the problem of mass education for senior citizens in Russia and assesses the capabilities of the country’s system of non-formal elderly education to overcome this problem. It proves the expediency to use the resources of the national education network in social management strategies aimed at increasing the educational level of the older generation. The research demonstrates that it is necessary to purposefully manage the national network of elderly education and forecast the outcome of such an influence. Having analyzed specialized elderly education projects, the authors identify the trends in the functioning of elderly education in Russia and establish the factors in its development. The study provides forecast scenarios for the development of elderly education. Summarizing the scenarios presented, it is worth noting that the government policy will have a decisive effect on the system of elderly education. Undoubtedly, education for senior citizens in Russia will undergo rapid development due to favorable conditions in the country

    Hyperfine structure of S-states in muonic deuterium

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    On the basis of quasipotential method in quantum electrodynamics we calculate corrections of order α5\alpha^5 and α6\alpha^6 to hyperfine structure of S-wave energy levels of muonic deuterium. Relativistic corrections, effects of vacuum polarization in first, second and third orders of perturbation theory, nuclear structure and recoil corrections are taken into account. The obtained numerical values of hyperfine splitting ΔEhfs(1S)=50.2814\Delta E^{hfs}(1S)=50.2814 meV (1S state) and ΔEhfs(2S)=6.2804\Delta E^{hfs}(2S)=6.2804 meV (2S state) represent reliable estimate for a comparison with forthcoming experimental data of CREMA collaboration. The hyperfine structure interval Δ12=8ΔEhfs(2S)−ΔEhfs(1S)=−0.0379\Delta_{12}=8\Delta E^{hfs}(2S)-\Delta E^{hfs}(1S)=-0.0379 meV can be used for precision check of quantum electrodynamics predictions for muonic deterium.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    More on integrable structures of superstrings in AdS(4) x CP(3) and AdS(2) x S(2) x T(6) superbackgrounds

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    In this paper we continue the study, initiated in arXiv:1009.3498 and arXiv:1104.1793, of the classical integrability of Green-Schwarz superstrings in AdS(4) x CP(3) and AdS(2) x S(2) x T(6) superbackgrounds whose spectrum contains non-supercoset worldsheet degrees of freedom corresponding to broken supersymmetries in the bulk. We derive an explicit expression, to all orders in the coset fermions and to second order in the non-coset fermions, which extends the supercoset Lax connection in these backgrounds with terms depending on the non-coset fermions. An important property of the obtained form of the Lax connection is that it is invariant under Z_4-transformations of the superisometry generators and the spectral parameter. This demonstrates that the contribution of the non-coset fermions does not spoil the Z_4-symmetry of the super-coset Lax connection which is of crucial importance for the application of Bethe-ansatz techniques. The expressions describing the AdS(4) x CP(3) and AdS(2) x S(2) x T(6) superstring sigma--models and their Lax connections have a very similar form. This is because their amount of target-space supersymmetries complement each other to 32=24+8, the maximal number of 10d type II supersymmetries. As a byproduct, this similarity has allowed us to obtain the form of the geometry of the complete type IIA AdS(2) x S(2) x T(6) superspace to all orders in the coset fermions and to the second order in the non-coset ones.Comment: 28 pages; v2: References adde
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