51 research outputs found


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    Abstract Collective effects in MAX IV 3 GeV storage ring are strongly enhanced by the combination of low emittance, high current and small effective aperture. Three passive harmonic cavities (HC) are introduced to lengthen the bunches, by which beam stabilization is anticipated via decoupling to high frequency wakes, along with Landau damping. The role of the transverse impedance budget of the MAX IV 3 GeV storage ring as a source of collective beam instabilities was determined. With the help of the macroparticle multibunch tracking code mbtrack that directly uses the former as input, we studied the influence of geometric and resistive wall impedance in both transverse planes, as well as that of chromaticity shifting. A fully dynamic treatment of the passive harmonic cavities developed for this study allowed us to evaluate their effectiveness under varying beam conditions

    The technical asprcts of building station for the accreditation of the pharmacists at the department of management and economics of pharmasy ural state medical university

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    Key elements of the stations of the second stage of the initial accreditation pharmacists and equipping stations.В статье рассмотрены ключевые элементы станций второго этапа первичной аккредитации провизоров и оснащение станций

    Rsc Adv

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    A Forster resonance energy transfer (FRET) system of semiconductor quantum dots and porphyrins represents a new promising photosensitizing tool for the photodynamic therapy of cancer. In this work, we demonstrate the ability of a non-covalent complex formed between commercial lipid-coated CdSe/ ZnS quantum dots (QD) bearing different terminal groups (carboxyl, amine or non-functionalized) and a second-generation photosensitizer, chlorin e(6) (Ce-6) to enter living HeLa cells with maintained integrity and perform FRET from two-photon excited QD to bound Ce-6 molecules. Spectroscopic changes, the highly efficient FRET, observed upon Ce-6 binding to QD, and remarkable stability of the QD-Ce-6 complex in different media suggest that Ce-6 penetrates inside the lipid coating close to the inorganic core of QD. Two-photon fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) on living HeLa cells revealed that QD-Ce-6 complexes localize within the plasma membrane and intracellular compartments and preserve high FRET efficiency (similar to 50%). The latter was confirmed by recovery of QD emission lifetime after photobleaching of Ce-6. The intracellular distribution pattern and FRET efficiency of QD-Ce-6 complexes did not depend on the charge of QD terminal groups. Given the non-covalent nature of the complex, its exceptional stability in cellulo can be explained by a combination of hydrophobic interactions and coordination of carboxyl groups of Ce6 with the ZnS shell of QD. These findings suggest a simple route to the preparation of QD-photosensitizer complexes featuring efficient FRET and high stability in cellulo without using time-consuming conjugation protocols

    Prospects of implementing integrated information systems in the preferential drug provision of patients with copd on the territory of Sverdlovsk region

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    Analysis of prospects of implementation and functionality of information systems in preferential drug provision, a review of the regulatory framework in the system of preferential provision of medicines.Анализ перспективы внедрения и функциональных возможностей информационных систем в льготном лекарственном обеспечении, обзор нормативной базы в системе льготного лекарственного обеспечения

    Implementing Fault-tolerant Entangling Gates on the Five-qubit Code and the Color Code

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    We compare two different implementations of fault-tolerant entangling gates on logical qubits. In one instance, a twelve-qubit trapped-ion quantum computer is used to implement a non-transversal logical CNOT gate between two five qubit codes. The operation is evaluated with varying degrees of fault tolerance, which are provided by including quantum error correction circuit primitives known as flagging and pieceable fault tolerance. In the second instance, a twenty-qubit trapped-ion quantum computer is used to implement a transversal logical CNOT gate on two [[7,1,3]] color codes. The two codes were implemented on different but similar devices, and in both instances, all of the quantum error correction primitives, including the determination of corrections via decoding, are implemented during runtime using a classical compute environment that is tightly integrated with the quantum processor. For different combinations of the primitives, logical state fidelity measurements are made after applying the gate to different input states, providing bounds on the process fidelity. We find the highest fidelity operations with the color code, with the fault-tolerant SPAM operation achieving fidelities of 0.99939(15) and 0.99959(13) when preparing eigenstates of the logical X and Z operators, which is higher than the average physical qubit SPAM fidelities of 0.9968(2) and 0.9970(1) for the physical X and Z bases, respectively. When combined with a logical transversal CNOT gate, we find the color code to perform the sequence--state preparation, CNOT, measure out--with an average fidelity bounded by [0.9957,0.9963]. The logical fidelity bounds are higher than the analogous physical-level fidelity bounds, which we find to be [0.9850,0.9903], reflecting multiple physical noise sources such as SPAM errors for two qubits, several single-qubit gates, a two-qubit gate and some amount of memory error

    Electron cloud build-up in two-beam regions for HL-LHC, heat load and vacuum aspects

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    Electron cloud in particle accelerators is known to havea detrimental eect on the vacuum pressure and can causea large heat deposition on a vacuum chamber surface. In aparticle collider, in the presence of two beams in the samechamber, the build-up of the electron cloud becomes morecomplicated and the electron density cannot be simply scaledfrom the case of a single beam. The build-up process in thedevices with common chambers can be modeled by correctlyaccounting for the arrival times of the two beams, the beampositions and their sizes. Numerical studies were made toestimate the electron flux on the internal surfaces of twocommon chamber devices of the future High LuminosityLarge Hadron Collider: the triplet assemblies in the fourexperimental insertion regions and the injection protectionabsorber (TDIS). Dierent possible coating options in bothdevices were investigated aiming at a reduction of the elec-tron current and of the deposited heat load